CCA MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. In order to meet the objectives of this Agreement, the GTT will manage, administer, and periodically review this Agreement. The responsibility of this team is to coordinate the implementation and administration of the Agreement without superseding the jurisdictional authorities of any party. The GTT will develop and make recommendations for the conservation and research needs of the gopher tortoise and identify new threats in its eastern distribution. 7.1. GOPHER TORTOISE TEAM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT The GTT will consist of one or more designated representatives from each Party to this Agreement and may include technical and legal advisors and other members as deemed necessary. Parties may have multiple sub-organizations involved; e.g., Wildlife, Forestry, and Endangered Species divisions of a state. The GTT will be chaired by participating state representatives only. On 1 July of each year the Chair with be succeeded by the Vice Chair. Alabama will hold the first chairmanship followed by Florida; the states will follow in alphabetical order. The GTT’s organizational structure is outlined below in Figure 7.1 and will be updated as needed. 7.1: Gopher Tortoise Team’s Organizational Structure
CCA MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. In order to meet the objectives of this CCA, the Parties will cooperatively manage, administer, and annually review this CCA. The responsibility of the Parties is to coordinate the implementation and administration of the CCA without superseding the jurisdictional authorities of any Party. The Parties will cooperate to develop and make recommendations for the conservation and research needs of Georgia aster and identify new threats in its range. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Ecological Services Field Office in Asheville, North Carolina will initiate and coordinate annual review by the CCA Parties, in accordance with Section XIII of the CCA related to reporting.
CCA MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. In order to meet the objectives of this CCA, the HSWG will manage, administer, and periodically review the implementation of species conservation outlined in the PYTH CCA. The responsibility of this team is to coordinate the implementation and administration of the PYTH CCA without superseding the jurisdictional authorities of any party. In addition, the HSWG will develop and make recommendations for the conservation and research needs of the PYTH to improve management/conservation effectiveness, develop a monitoring program based on AGFD springsnail survey protocols, and identify any additional threats to the species so that appropriate conservation measures can be adopted. AGFD springsnail survey protocols are described in Xxxxxxxxxx and Diamond (2015).


  • Management and Administrative Services The Investment Adviser shall perform, or arrange for its affiliates to perform, the management and administrative services necessary for the operation of the Fund, including administering shareholder accounts and handling shareholder relations. The Investment Adviser shall provide the Fund with office space, facilities, equipment and necessary personnel and such other services as the Investment Adviser, subject to review by the Board of Directors, from time to time shall determine to be necessary or useful to perform its obligations under this Agreement. The Investment Adviser, also on behalf of the Fund, shall conduct relations with custodians, depositories, transfer agents, pricing agents, dividend disbursing agents, other shareholder servicing agents, accountants, attorneys, underwriters, brokers and dealers, corporate fiduciaries, insurers, banks and such other persons in any such other capacity deemed to be necessary or desirable. The Investment Adviser generally shall monitor the Fund's compliance with investment policies and restrictions as set forth in filings made by the Fund under the federal securities laws. The Investment Adviser shall make reports to the Board of Directors of its performance of obligations hereunder and furnish advice and recommendations with respect to such other aspects of the business and affairs of the Fund as it shall determine to be desirable.