Notification of Employees A. Written notice of layoff shall be given to an employee or sent by mail to the last known mailing address at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of the layoff. Notices of layoff shall be served on employees personally at work whenever practicable. B. It is the intent of the parties that the number of layoff notices initially issued shall be limited to the number of positions by which the work force is intended to be reduced. Additional notices shall be issued as other employees become subject to layoff as a result of employees exercising reduction rights under Section 5. C. The notice of layoff shall include the reason for the layoff, the proposed effective date of the layoff, the employee's hire date, the employee's layoff points, a list of classes in the employee's occupational series within the layoff unit, the employee's rights under Sections 5. and 6. and the right of the employee to advise the County of any objection to the content of the layoff notice prior to the proposed effective date of the layoff.