MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK If permitted in the agreement between Owner and Architect, the Architect has authority to order minor changes in the Work not involving adjustment in the Contract Sum or extension of the Contract Time and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents.
Execution of Change Orders Change Orders shall be signed by the Contractor, ordinarily certified by the Design Professional, and approved by the Owner in accordance with the form of Change Order prescribed by the Owner. No request for payment by the Contractor for a Change Order shall be due, nor shall any such request appear on an Application for Payment, until the Change Order is executed by the Owner. In the event of emergency (see Article
Termination for Changes in Budget or Law The JBE’s payment obligations under this Agreement are subject to annual appropriation and the availability of funds. Expected or actual funding may be withdrawn, reduced, or limited prior to the expiration or other termination of this Agreement. Funding beyond the current appropriation year is conditioned upon appropriation of sufficient funds to support the activities described in this Agreement. The JBE may terminate this Agreement or limit Contractor’s Services (and reduce proportionately Contractor’s fees) upon Notice to Contractor without prejudice to any right or remedy of the JBE if: (i) expected or actual funding to compensate Contractor is withdrawn, reduced or limited; or (ii) the JBE determines that Contractor’s performance under this Agreement has become infeasible due to changes in applicable laws.
Shift Changes When an employee is assigned to a specific shift and that assignment is changed, the employee shall be given seven (7) calendar days’ notice prior to the change.
Changes in the Work The Department may order changes in the work, the Contract Amount being adjusted accordingly. Any monetary adjustment or any substantive change in the work shall be in the form of an amendment, signed by both parties and approved by the State Purchases Review Committee. Said amendment must be effective prior to execution of the work.
Service Changes PBI may modify its Service by giving written notice to you (a “Service Change Notice”), which will state whether the change is material. After receiving a Service Change Notice, if the change is material, you may terminate Service by giving us a termination notice at the address indicated in Section 21 or you may create a case at xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xxxxxxx-xx.xxxx (follow the instructions under “how to create a case”).
Changes in Work The Contractor shall not commence any additional work or change the scope of the work until authorized in writing by the State. The Contractor shall make no claim for additional compensation in the absence of a prior written approval and amendment executed by all signatories hereto. This Contract may only be amended, supplemented or modified by a written document executed in the same manner as this Contract.
Changes in Agreement Any changes deemed necessary in this Agreement may be made by mutual agreement at any time during the existence of this Agreement.
CHANGE ORDERS AND AMENDMENTS A. Any alterations, additions, or deletions to the terms of this Agreement, which are required by changes in federal or state law or by regulations, are automatically incorporated without written amendment hereto, and shall become effective on the date designated by such law or by regulation. B. To ensure the legal and effective performance of this Agreement, both parties agree that any amendment that affects the performance under this Agreement must be mutually agreed upon and that all such amendments must be in writing. After a period of no less than 30 days subsequent to written notice, unless sooner implementation is required by law, such amendments shall have the effect of qualifying the terms of this Agreement and shall be binding upon the parties as if written herein. C. Customers have the right to issue a change order to any purchase orders issued to the Contractor for the purposes of clarification or inclusion of additional specifications, qualifications, conditions, etc. The change order must be in writing and agreed upon by Contractor and the Customer agency prior to issuance of any Change Order. A copy of the Change Order must be provided by the Contractor to, and acknowledged by, H-GAC.
Amendments - Changes/Extra Work The Subrecipient shall make no changes to this Contract without the County’s written consent. In the event that there are new or unforeseen requirements, the County has the discretion with the Subrecipient’s concurrence, to make changes at any time without changing the scope or price of the Contract. If County-initiated changes or changes in laws or government regulations affect price, the Subrecipient’s ability to deliver services, or the project schedule, the Subrecipient will give County written notice no later ten (10) days from the date the law or regulation went into effect or the date the change was proposed and Subrecipient was notified of the change. Such changes shall be agreed to in writing and incorporated into a Contract amendment. Said amendment shall be issued by the County-assigned Contract Administrator, shall require the mutual consent of all Parties, and may be subject to approval by the County Board of Supervisors. Nothing herein shall prohibit the Subrecipient from proceeding with the work as originally set forth or as previously amended in this Contract.