Cheque books Sample Clauses

Cheque booksThe Credit Union may mail a cheque book to you at the most recent address noted on its records.
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Cheque books. Cheque books are issued subject to the following conditions:- a) The Customer agrees to look after and use any cheque book and any cheque form with the utmostcare. b) The Customer further agree to ensure:- i. that all uncompleted cheque forms are kept in safe custody at all times; ii. that the Bank is informed immediately upon discovery by the Customer that any cheque book or any cheque form has been stolen, lost or mislaid; iii. that any person preparing the cheques is authorized to do so; iv. that any cheque prepared is signed in ink or other indelible writing materials; v. that the amount of any cheque is written as near as possible to the left side of the form to prevent any unauthorized addition of letters or figures; vi. that any cheque and any alteration is signed by an authorized signatory; vii. that no uncompleted cheque is given to any stranger or other person when the Customer does not have reasonable grounds for believing him to be trustworthy. c) The Customer is advised that; i. where possible any completed cheque should be crossed with two distinct lines in order to make the cheque negotiable only through the Bank: and ii. if it is known with which Bank the beneficiary of a cheque keeps his account then the name of the Bank should be added to the crossing in order to make the cheque negotiable only through that particular Bank. 1.23.1 Cheques not drawn on Bank’s forms in the manner specified a) On receipt of a written notice from the Customer to stop payment of a cheque, the Bank will record the notice. b) Upon closure of any account the Customer will return to the Bank any remaining uncompleted cheque forms relating to the account.
Cheque books. 5.1) The Bank may, in its absolute discretion, issue Customers who are residents of the UAE with a Cheque Book, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the UAE. If a Cheque Book is issued, the Customer undertakes to be responsible for its safe custody at all times and will immediately notify the Bank if the Cheque Book, or any of the cheques contained therein, are lost or stolen. 5.2) If a demand draft or cheque is lost or stolen the Bank may take reasonable time to investigate non-payment of a demand draft or cheque reported lost or stolen and the Bank is not liable to issue an immediate refund to the Customer or issue any replacement and the Bank may cancel the cheque at its discretion subject to applicable law and regulations.
Cheque books. 5.1 The Bank may, upon the customer’s request, issue the Customer with a Cheque Book. If a Cheque Book is issued, the Customer undertakes to be responsible for its safe custody at all times and will immediately notify the Bank if the Cheque Book, or any of the cheques contained therein, are lost or stolen. The Customer understands that the Bank may, in its absolute discretion, accept from the Customer any stop cheque instructions (either orally or in writing) in cases where the Customer has lost the relevant cheque provided a reported action to the competent authority or in other circumstances allowed by law and agreed by the Bank. 5.2 If a demand draft or cheque is lost or stolen the Customer agrees to provide the Bank with an indemnity acceptable to the Bank in connection with any request for the issue of a replacement or refund of the amount of such demand draft or cheque and accepts that the Bank may take reasonable time to investigate non- payment of a demand draft or cheque reported lost or stolen and the Bank is not liable to issue an immediate refund to the Customer or issue any replacement.
Cheque books. (a) We may in our discretion supply to you on your written request a cheque book or other Payment Instrument for the Transaction Account and will not unreasonably refuse to do so.
Cheque books a) The Customer may withdraw amounts from a current Account by means of cheques provided to the Customer by the Bank. The Customer therefore undertakes to safeguard such cheques and to immediately notify the Bank in writing if any of such cheques are lost. If the Account is closed, the Customer must without delay return all unused cheques to the Bank. The Customer shall bear full and complete responsibility for any liabilities and obligations that arise due to the misuse of cheques or the Customer›s failure to notify the Bank of the loss of any cheques. b) The cheques shall be used only for the Account for which they are issued. In no circumstances should they be used for any other Account. c) Cheques shall be clearly written in ink and only on the forms supplied by the Bank. If the cheque is amended, the amended part shall be crossed and the correct replacement must be signed. d) The amount of every cheque issued shall be paid on presentation even though the cheque may be post-dated, since the Saudi Commercial Papers Regulations provides that whoever commits the following deeds shall be penalized by imprisonment and/or fine: 1. issuing a cheque without having funds in the Account sufficient to cover the cheque, and 2. issuing undated or post-dated cheque.
Cheque books. 5.1) The Bank may issue a cheque book to enable the Customer to operate the Account. Such cheque book/s may only be issued to Customers who are resident in the UAE. Customers who are or who subsequently become non-residents of the UAE are not eligible for the issuance or utilization of cheque books. ëėl5 pì ì ė p ịlm›Jl cȧmï äcIaï pì zco ï ė ä›Jl ™ cIJ (3.6 bpµmJl xxx y ì¿ (Rż l¿ coaJl plë l Ļ ül¿p›mJlp ül lo LNl ( ülLlz l µci pì ë¿ l ( ëo c ™ cIJ ë p o ülocIaï ì ¿l5 l Ļ (i ) pì pl Иlp ì ė ëcLµ pzL pì (lc Ļ ™Xx x xx¿ ™ cJl ™ l Ļ (ii ) ( ™ cJl nzJ ëJpc pì öz› oJl ëc¿ µaJl ül l l yc¿lp ¿ (RżĻ ì µ ypz¿p ™J om p) ëI la cmȧ¿ äIa ï Jl öz› oJl ëc¿ µaJl ül l l ëJpzJ ¿5µoJl ėµ oJl ç¿lpJ ( ëcėlȧĻ ülz m pì ül pIa ( ülocIaï ì ™ cJl Ib l Ļ (iii ) pì (((lp Иl (lp Иl l µ l (V ) ( p Jlp yp¿l IJ (l Nl (iV ) ( ™ cIJ ëcȧµ ëȧcap m¿ µci pp µJl pì ëc¿lo ¿Nl üRc m Jl¿ ë Ia oJlp coaJl ,IL ™ cIJ ë › moJl ė e ¿l Ļ pì ë¿l Иl p ėµmJl¿ ëIż ë µb¿ oaJl ėµ ï ülc Ļ (Vi ) ( ëLpėzoJl . coaJl ölėp ülc Ļ (Vii ) ( ëo µ ( coaJl ėµ ï ›ï yp ï coaJl ịlm ė ëL poJl JlcoJl yì¿ ™ cJl µ (3.7 ịlm›Jl ė y¿lzJl zcaµJl plzż l lżJl oµ z X x xxx ™ cJl yl l ė e¿lNl ë¿lëµJl ë J y ö l Jl ç¿l Jl/ül l l ę p ëa µmJl ę äėlp ï ë µb¿ ì¿ äIa żJl coaJl ịlm ė ėl5 › zca p p coaJl yoȧ (4.2 И yl5 l Ļ .ëI la ì pì › ( Jlc p›ï (ęė ì¿ plc Jl cë (ëcėµ ül zż coaJl yp ( coaJl ịlm y ėpm oJl ,IL ›mJl pï (ịlc Иl y c ëcbȧï ė ä żì pì ėl5 zca coaIJ ülëpИl y ëp ì ė y pJ l Ļ (4.3 ì¿ 1l l pì (ëI la ì jl ¿ ịpIboJl IcoJl pì ™ cIJ ë z ülocIaï И JlcoJl ,IL 1“ l ¿ ™ cIJ jp (pp pì cJl ï ì ™J om p (™ cJl ol ï ęė pl¿ Jl pp µėp 4pėz µci µżĩ z m ì pì ülocIa Jl (™cmJl 4l l (ì) (eïlµ z ï (ü) (ëI laoJl jl ¿Ļ ė (ị)( coaJl ịlm ,IL ėl5 µci zca pp pì/p 4l ï l ,IL zcc Jl¿ µż ëp y ëIa ül lbż l cë pp ì c ›ïp ëI laoJl jl ¿Ļ pì c ›ï ( ) (ëI Jl ül ë zżJl 1lȧJĻ (ǚ) (™ cJl ę coaJl e¿ › ịlm ì cë y “lc l µc a żJl mJl¿ coaJl y pp µJlp ë › m Jlc ì ë pmï plc Jl ecė pï żJl ịlm›Jl y ™ cJl o µ lo5 ëI laoJl ™Iï 5 L (ç) pì ™ cJl . çµ µci ėpm oJl ,IL ›m¿ 5.2) The Customer may request the Bank to issue a cheque book provided that the Customer shall pay all costs related to the issuance of such a cheque book. Cheque books issued by the Bank may be sent by regular mail and/or courier to the Customer or made available for collection by the Customer or his authorized representative from the branch at which the Account is maintained. If the Customer chooses to have cheque books delivered, he/she shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any failure or delay in the d...
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Cheque books. 4.1. The Bank may, in its absolute discretion, issue the Customer with a Cheque Book. If a Cheque Book is issued, the Customer undertakes to be responsible for its safe custody at all times and will immediately notify the Bank if the Cheque Book, or any of the cheques contained therein, are lost or stolen. The Customer understands that the Bank may, in its absolute discretion, accept from the Customer any stop cheque instructions (either orally or in writing) in cases where the Customer has lost the relevant cheque, the payee has become insolvent or in other circumstances allowed by law and agreed by the Bank. 4.2. If a demand draft or cheque is lost or stolen the Customer agrees to provide the Bank with an indemnity acceptable to the Bank in connection with any request for the issue of a replacement or refund of the amount of such demand draft or cheque and accepts that the Bank may take reasonable time to investigate non-payment of a demand draft or cheque reported lost or stolen and the Bank is not liable to issue an immediate refund to the Customer or issue any replacement. قئاثولا بجوبم هل حومس�م ليمعلا لبق نم ينعم س�وفم مدختس�م يأا )س� ةفاك في ليمعلا نع ةباين لماك وحن ىلع فشر�تلاب ليمعلل ةيس�يس�أاتلا كنبلل قحي هنأا ىلع ةحاشر� ليمعلا قفاويو ،باس�لحا نأاس�ب كنبلا عم تلاماعلما نود س�وفلما مدختس�لما نم ةمدقم تاميلعت ةيأا ىلع ءانب فشر�تلاو مازتللا تابوحس�لاو عئادولا .2 تلايهس�ت ةيأا مادختس�ا وأا تاكيس�لا وأا ةيدقنلا غلابلما عاديإا ليمعلا رايتخا ةلاح في 1-2 مقر حاس�يإا ةيلوؤوس�م هدحو كنبلا لمحتي ،كنبلا ىدل ةرفوتم ىرخأا عفد وأا ليوتح متي يتلا تاعفدلا /تلاولحا ىلع ليمعلاب س�الخا حيحس�لا يعجرلما مقرلا وأا باس�لحا .اهؤوارجإا تاس�راملما نم يأا ةطس�اوب وأا ًادقن ليمعلا نم عئادولا لوبق كنبلا ىلع ينعتي 2-2 نود ليمعلا باس�ح في يرغلا لبق نم ةمدقلما عئادولا لوبق زوجيو .ةفولأالما ةيفشر�لما .ةيلوؤوس�م ةيأا كنبلا لمتح هذه بجوبم ليمعلا لىإا ةلس�لا تاذ داولماو عفد تادنس� وأا تاكيس� يمدقت كنبلل زوجي 3-2 .ماكحألاو طوشر�لا باس�ح يأا في تلاماعمو تابوحس� ءارجإا نكملما نم ،ماكحألاو طوشر�لا هذه ةاعارم عم 4-2 تامدلخا نم يأا مادختس�اب س�وفم مدختس�م يأا وأا ليمعلا لبق نم عون يأا نم طوشر�لاو دويقلا وأا ةددحلما تازيلما ةاعارم عم ،كنبلا لبق نم ةرفوتلما ةيفشر�لما .ةلس�لا تاذ ةيفشر�لما تامدلخا وأا باس�لحا لىإا اهب لومعلما ماكحألاو – باس�لحا لىإا ةيبنجألا تلامعلاب متت يتلا تلاولحا وأا عئادولا ةفاك ليوتح كنبلل زوجي 5-2 .ةلمعلا هذهل كنبلا لبق نم ددحلما رعس�لاب نامتئلاو عئادولا ةفاكو نم يأا س�فرو باس�لحا ليغس�ت قيلعت وأا ديمتج كنبلل قحي 6-2 )1( ةلاح في وأا ماكحألاو طوشر�لا هذه نم يأل ليمعلا...
Cheque books a). The Customer may withdraw amounts from a current Account by means of cheques provided to the Customer by the Bank. The Customer therefore undertakes to safeguard such cheques and to immediately notify the Bank in writing if any of such cheques are lost. If the Account is closed, based on customer’s request, he must without delay return all unused cheques to the Bank. The Customer shall bear full and complete responsibility for any liabilities and obligations that arise due to the misuse of cheques or the Customer's failure to notify the Bank of the loss of any cheques. b). The cheques shall be used only for the Account for which they are issued. In no circumstances should they be used for any other Account.
Cheque books. Cheque books are issued subject to the following conditions: - a) You agree to look after and use any cheque book and any cheque form with utmost care. b) You further agree to ensure: - I. That all uncompleted cheque forms are kept in safe custody at all times.
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