City Council Hearing. If a matter is referred by the City Manager to the City Council, or an adverse decision of the City Manager is appealed to the City Council by Contractor, the City Council will set the matter for an administrative hearing and act on the matter. If the City Council elects to hear the matter, the City Clerk shall give Contractor fourteen (14) days written notice of the time and place of the administrative hearing. At the hearing, the City Council shall consider the administrative record, consisting of the following:
1. A Staff Report by the City Manager, summarizing the proceedings to date and outlining the City Council's options.
City Council Hearing. City shall arrange and conduct the City Council Hearing to consider adoption of the Adoption Draft Updated TSP, including Alternative Mobility Targets, and Adoption Draft Implementing Language. Consultant shall attend and present the materials to be considered for adoption at the City Council Hearing.
City Council Hearing. Upon receipt of the written response from CONTRACTOR described in Subsection 23.04 above, or at the end of the thirty day period prescribed therefor, whichever is earlier, the City Council will set the matter for an administrative hearing and act on the matter. The City Clerk shall give CONTRACTOR fourteen (14) days written notice of the time and place of the administrative hearing. At the hearing, the City Council shall consider all relevant information including but not limited to the following:
1. A Staff Report by the City Manager, summarizing the proceedings to date and outlining the City Council’s options.
City Council Hearing. City shall arrange and Consultant shall attend one hearing of the Albany City Council to present the Draft South Albany Area Plan, or, if prepared, the Adoption Draft South Albany Area Plan, including the Preferred Alternative, the public involvement and analyses performed to develop the Preferred Alternative, and recommendations for amendments to City plans, policies, and development regulations.
City Council Hearing. Mintier Harnish will attend one public hearing with the City Council facilitated by City staff to review the Revised Public Review Draft Housing, Circulation, Safety, and Environmental Justice Elements and companion CEQA deliverable. At the hearing, the City Council will consider the Planning Commission recommendations and the comments made at the Planning Commission public hearing. After the hearing, the City Council will direct the Consultant to incorporate their recommendations and prepare the Final Housing, Circulation, Safety, and Environmental Justice Elements and companion CEQA document.
City Council Hearing. Accept Suggested Modifications k. Second Coastal Commission Hearing k. February 15, 2026
City Council Hearing. If a matter is referred by the City Manager to the City Council, or an adverse decision of the City Manager is appealed to the City Council by Contractor, the City Council will set the matter for an administrative hearing and act on the matter. The City Clerk shall give Contractor fourteen (14) days written notice of the time and place of the administrative hearing. At the hearing, the City Council shall consider the administrative record, consisting of the following:
28.2.1 A Staff Report by the City Manager, summarizing the proceedings to date and outlining the City Council’s options;
28.2.2 The City Representative’s written Notification of Deficiencies;
28.2.3 Contractor’s response to the Notification of Deficiencies;
28.2.4 The City Representative’s written notification to Contractor of adverse decision;
City Council Hearing. Accept Suggested Modifications k. Second Coastal Commission Hearing a. March 15, 2025 b. April 16, 2025 c. March 10, 2025 d. May 1, 2025 e. June 15, 2025 f. June 30, 2025 g. July 15, 2025 h. August 30, 2025 i. October 30, 2025 j. December 1, 2025 k. February 15, 2026
City Council Hearing. MSA will assist the City in preparing and presenting the final plan’s presentation to the City Council for adoption.
City Council Hearing. City shall facilitate a City Council meeting of Final TSP, Final Implementing Ordinances and Final Findings for approval and adoption. Consultant shall attend City Council Hearing, and shall present and receive feedback on the Final TSP, Final Implementing Ordinances and Final Findings.