City Council Meeting. Key staff will prepare for attend one (1) City Council meeting / worksession to present the recommendation from the staff advisory committee and a clear list of pros and cons for the two options
City Council Meeting. The Watershed Company will review public input and Planning Commission comments and recommendations throughout the process and finalize and prepare responses to public comment, as necessary. This assumes only minimal public comments are received. The Watershed Company will attend one City Council meeting (work session or adoption) virtually.
City Council Meeting. REA with City staff will be present at the City Council Meeting where the City Council will pass a resolution adopting the comprehensive plan as a matter of policy for the City of Westfield.
City Council Meeting. 1: City shall arrange and conduct City Council Meeting #1 to review Project findings and decide whether or not to continue with Phase 2 of the Project.
City Council Meeting. Consultant shall prepare and provide an update presentation to the City Council following refinement of the Vision and Goals. The Council meeting may occur as a study session. Presentation shall provide an overview of all work and findings to date and invite Council to weigh in on project progress and the proposed Vision and Goals.
City Council Meeting. The draft Master Plan together with public and Commission input will be presented to the City Council for review. Consultant shall provide a meeting summary.
City Council Meeting. Present site plans Floorplans and concept elevations • Present a project up-date • Gather input COA / BRS
City Council Meeting. Key staff will prepare for and attend one (1) City Council meeting to present the project in its current status. (Amended with WO2)
City Council Meeting. BV will conduct one (1) meeting to introduce the project to Council and present the final ADA Self-evaluation and ADA Transition Plan.
City Council Meeting. Prepare and present to the Tea City Council the preliminary results, gather input, and gauge reaction to solution ideas to be included within the final report prior to the final public meeting.