City Review of Permit Application Sample Clauses

City Review of Permit Application. Upon receipt of a properly executed Permit Application , which shall include the Pre-Construction Survey, certified per Paragraph 6.2 above, and detailed plans for the proposed Attachments in a form acceptable to City staff, the City will review the Permit Application and discuss any issues with Licensee, including engineering or Make-Ready Work requirements associated with the Permit Application. The City acceptance of the submitted design documents does not relieve Licensee of full responsibility for any errors and/or omissions in the engineering analysis. Unless otherwise agreed the Permit Application process shall be consistent with the following timeline.
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City Review of Permit Application. Upon receipt of a properly executed Application for Permit (Appendix C), which shall include the Pre-Construction Survey, certified per Paragraph 6.3 above, and detailed plans for the proposed Attachments in the form specified in Appendix D, City will review the Permit Application as promptly as possible, and discuss any issues with Licensee, including engineering or Make-Ready Work requirements associated with the Permit Application. City acceptance of the submitted design documents does not relieve Licensee of full responsibility for any errors and/or omissions in the engineering analysis.

Related to City Review of Permit Application

  • Review of Personnel File Upon written authority from an employee, OC shall permit the President of the Union or their designate to review that employee's personnel file in the office in which the file is normally kept in order to facilitate the proper investigation of a grievance.

  • Review of Personnel Files Every member shall be allowed to review any of his/her personnel files except "confidential law enforcement records" and "trial preparation records" as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section 149.43 at any time, upon request and reasonable notice. Such request shall be made to the supervisor directly responsible for maintenance of such files. Review of the files shall be made in the presence of such supervisor or the supervisor's designated representative. For the Division master personnel file, the request shall be made to the member's Subdivision Deputy Chief or his/her designated representative. Any member, or the member's Lodge representative, may copy documents in the member's file. The City may levy a charge for such copying, which charge shall bear a reasonable relationship to actual costs. A member will be notified in writing any time records within his/her personnel, background, IAB, and/or payroll file(s) are requested, as a public records request pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 149.43, provided the City determines that the request is proper under applicable law. A member may request copies of any records provided under this paragraph, and these copies shall be provided at no cost to the member.

  • Contents of Personnel File A. Adverse statements prepared by the County shall not be included in an employee's official personnel file unless a copy is provided to the employee.

  • Review of Submittals A/E and ODR review is only for conformance with the design concept and the information provided in the Contract Documents. Responses to submittals will be in writing. The approval of a separate item does not indicate approval of an assembly in which the item functions. The approval of a submittal does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any deviation from the requirements of the Contract unless the Contractor informs the A/E and ODR of such deviation in a clear, conspicuous, and written manner on the submittal transmittal and at the time of submission, and obtains the A/E’s and Owner’s written specific approval of the particular deviation.

  • Inspection Checklist (check one) ☐ In order to avoid disagreements about the condition of the Premises, at the time of accepting possession of the Premises, Tenant will complete the Inspection Checklist incorporated herein by reference and attached hereto as Exhibit B and record any damage or deficiencies that exist at the commencement of the Term. Landlord will be liable for the cost of any cleaning or repair to correct damages found at the time of the inspection. Tenant will be liable for the cost of any cleaning and/or repair to correct damages found at the end of the Term if not recorded on the inspection checklist, normal wear and tear excepted. ☐ The Tenant is NOT required to complete an inspection checklist.

  • CONTRACTOR’S SUBMISSION OF CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS In connection with any Contract modification, OGS reserves the right to:  request additional information  reject Contract modifications  remove Products from Contract modification requests  request additional discounts for new or existing Products

  • Project Implementation Manual The Recipient, through the PCU, shall: (i) take all action required to carry out Parts 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2, 3.1(b), 3.2, 3.3 and 4 (ii) of the Project in accordance with the provisions and requirements set forth or referred to in the Project Implementation Manual; (ii) submit recommendations to the Association for its consideration for changes and updates of the Project Implementation Manual as they may become necessary or advisable during Project implementation in order to achieve the objective of Parts 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2, 3.1(b), 3.2, 3.3 and 4(ii) of the Project; and (iii) not assign, amend, abrogate or waive the Project Implementation Manual or any of its provisions without the Association’s prior agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any of the provisions of the Project Implementation Manual is inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail and govern.

  • Construction Schedule The progress schedule of construction of the Project as provided by Developer and approved by District.

  • SITE VISITS AND RECORD REVIEW The Applicant shall allow authorized employees of the District, the Comptroller, the Appraisal District, and the State Auditor’s Office to have reasonable access to the Applicant’s Qualified Property and business records from the Application Review Start Date through the Final Termination Date, in order to inspect the project to determine compliance with the terms hereof or as necessary to properly appraise the Taxable Value of the Applicant’s Qualified Property.

  • Construction Progress Schedule A schedule indicating proposed activity sequences and durations, milestone dates for receipt and approval of pertinent information, preparation, submittal, and processing of Shop Drawings and Samples, delivery of materials or equipment requiring long-lead time procurement, and proposed date(s) of Material Completion and Occupancy and Final Completion. The schedule will be developed to represent the sixteen or seventeen CSI Specification Divisions. It shall have a minimum number of activities as required to adequately represent to Owner the complete scope of work and define the Project’s critical path and associated activities. If the Project is to be phased, then each individual Phase should be identified from start through completion of the overall Project and should be individually scheduled and described, including any Owner’s occupancy requirements and showing portions of the Project having occupancy priority. The format of the schedule will have dependencies indicated on a monthly grid identifying milestone dates such as construction start, phase construction, structural top out, dry-in, rough-in completion, metal stud and drywall completion, equipment installation, systems operational, Material Completion and Occupancy Date, final inspection dates, Punchlist, and Final Completion date.

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