City Severance. All Bargaining Unit members shall be granted severance pay upon retirement. “Retirement,” as used in this section, is defined as a break in service with the Employer; the employee has met the criteria of the PFPDF for retirement; and, the employee is eligible to receive retirement benefits at the time of the break in service. The amount of allowable days of severance pay shall be computed as follows: seventeen and three tenths (17.30) hours pay per completed year of service with the City of Barberton shall be granted, plus the employee's accumulated sick leave maximum at the time of retirement. In no event shall more than nine hundred (900) hours of accumulated sick leave be allowed in computed severance pay of an employee. The total of these two (2) figures shall represent the total amount of hours that an employee is entitled to for the purpose of computing severance pay. The maximum number of hours that may be granted to an employee as severance pay shall not exceed fourteen hundred and six (1406) hours. The total dollar amount of severance pay shall be computed by using the following equation: Severance Hours + Sick Leave Hours* Total Hours Payable x Step 9 Firefighter Hourly Rate (2496) Total Severance Payable
City Severance. All bargaining unit members shall be granted severance pay upon retirement. "Retirement," as used in this section, is defined as: a break in service with the Employer; the employee has met the criteria of the PFPDF for retirement; and, the employee is eligible to receive retirement benefits at the time of the break in service. The amount of allowable days of severance pay shall be computed as follows: one and eight tenths (1.8) days per completed year of service with the City of Barberton shall be granted, plus the employee's accumulated sick leave maximum at the time of retirement. Employees shall not receive credit for more than hundred (100) days of accumulated sick time and may be credited an additional fifty (50) Sick Leave days as described in Article 28
City Severance. All bargaining unit members shall be granted severance pay upon retirement. "Retirement," as used in this section, is defined as: a break in service with the Employer; the employee has met the criteria of the PFPDF for retirement; and, the employee is eligible to receive retirement benefits at the time of the break in service. The amount of allowable days of severance pay shall be computed as follows: one and eight tenths (1.8) days
City Severance. All bargaining unit members shall be granted severance pay