Claims and disclaimers. The Company has duly submitted all claims and disclaimers the making of which has been assumed for the purposes of the Accounts.
Claims and disclaimers. The Site shall promptly notify Quintiles and Sponsor in writing of any claim of illness or injury actually or allegedly due to an adverse reaction to the Investigational Product and allow Sponsor to handle such claim (including settlement negotiations), and shall cooperate fully with Sponsor in its handling of the claim. Quintiles expressly disclaims any liability in connection with the Investigational Product, including any liability for any product claim arising out of a condition caused by or allegedly caused by the administration of such product except to the extent that such liability is caused by the negligence, willful misconduct or breach of this Agreement by Quintiles. Neither Quintiles nor Sponsor will be responsible for, and the Site agrees, to the extent allowed by law, to indemnify and hold them harmless from, any loss, claim, cost (including reasonable attorney fees) or demand arising from any injuries or damages resulting from the Site’s negligence, failure to adhere to the Protocol, failure to obtain informed consent, unauthorized warranties, breach of this Agreement or willful misconduct. If the Site is in the U.S., it shall maintain professional liability insurance coverage with limits of not less than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000 USD) per occurrence and four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000 USD) aggregate throughout the term of this Study if the policy is an occurrence policy, and for an additional five (5) years after completion of the Study if such insurance is a claims-made policy, and will provide, upon request, a certificate of insurance. If the Site is in Canada, the Investigator shall obtain, and maintain in good standing, membership with the Canadian Medical Protective Association. If the Site is outside of the U.S. or Canada, it shall maintain a commercially reasonable level of insurance, and, upon request, shall provide a certificate of insurance to Quintiles; or, alternatively, if applicable insurance is provided by a governmental agency, the Site shall satisfy all requirements necessary to remain eligible for such governmental insurance during the Study.
Claims and disclaimers. Neither PRA nor Sponsor shall be responsible to the Site for any lost profits, lost opportunities, or other consequential damages. The Site shall promptly notify PRA and Sponsor in writing of any claim of illness or injury actually or allegedly due to an adverse reaction to the Investigational Product and allow Sponsor to handle such claim (including settlement negotiations), and shall cooperate fully with Sponsor in its handling of the claim. Sponsor may not admit fault on behalf of the Institution or the Principal Investigator without their prior written consent. PRA expressly disclaims any liability in connection with the Investigational Product, including any liability for any product claim arising out of a condition caused by or allegedly caused by the administration of such product except to the extent that such liability is caused by the negligence, willful misconduct or breach of this Agreement by PRA. Neither PRA nor Sponsor will be responsible for, and the Institution agrees, to the extent allowed by law, to indemnify and hold them harmless from, any loss, claim, cost (including reasonable attorney fees) or demand arising from any injuries or damages resulting from the Site’s negligence, failure to adhere to the Protocol, failure to obtain informed consent, unauthorized warranties, breach of this Agreement or willful misconduct. ukončení platnosti, zajistí dokončení předepsaných kontrolních prohlídek (follow-up), a vyvine přiměřené úsilí k minimalizaci dalších nákladů, přičemž PRA provede konečnou úhradu za návštěvy realizované v souladu s touto Smlouvou, a to v částkách, jež jsou definovány v Příloze B, s tím, že část závěrečné platby ve výši deseti procent (10 %) bude zadržena do okamžiku přijetí všech souvisejících formulářů CRF a vyjasnění veškerých dotazů vztahujících se k datům a údajům a dále do splnění veškerých ostatních podmínek a ustanovení této Smlouvy. PRA ani Zadavatel nebudou vůči Místu výkonu klinického hodnocení odpovídat za ušlý zisk, ztrátu obchodních příležitostí ani následné škody. Existuje-li důvodná obava, že došlo k podstatnému porušení této Smlouvy a že v této souvislosti bude nezbytné ukončit platnost Smlouvy, pak v rozsahu, v jakém tím nebude narušena bezpečnost subjektu hodnocení, může PRA a/nebo Zadavatel přerušit plnění celé této Smlouvy nebo její části, a to zejména ve vztahu k náboru subjektů hodnocení.
Claims and disclaimers. Each Group Company has duly submitted all claims, disclaimers and elections the making of which has been assumed for the purposes of the Accounts. No such claim, disclaimer or election is likely to be disputed or withdrawn.
Claims and disclaimers. To the extent not prohibited by law, neither PRA nor Sponsor shall be responsible to the Site for any lost profits, lost opportunities, or other consequential damages.The Institution shall promptly notify PRA and Sponsor in writing of any claim of illness or injury actually or allegedly due to an adverse reaction to the Investigational Product and allow Sponsor to handle such claim (including settlement negotiations), and shall cooperate fully with Sponsor in its handling of the claim. PRA expressly disclaims any liability in connection with the Investigational Product, including any liability for any product claim arising out of a condition caused by or allegedly caused by the administration of such product except to the extent that such liability is caused by the negligence, willful misconduct or breach of this Agreement by PRA. Neither PRA nor Sponsor will be responsible for, and the Institution agrees, to the extent allowed by law, to indemnify and hold them harmless from, any loss, claim, cost (including reasonable attorney fees) or demand arising from any injuries or damages resulting from the Institution’s negligence, failure to adhere to the Protocol, failure to obtain informed consent, unauthorized warranties, breach of this Agreement or willful misconduct. The Instituion hereby represents that it has taken out insurance policy to cover professional liability for providing medical services required by Sec. 45 (2) n) of Act no. 372/2011 Coll., on Medical Services. The Sponsor/PRA hereto acknowledges, that in accordance with § 52, par. 3, letter f) Act on Pharmaceuticals, contract insurance of liability for damage for the Principal Investigator and the Sponsor has been ensured. Poskytovatel je oprávněn Xxxxxxx vypovědět v případě neplnění smluvních povinností ze strany Zadavatele či PRA, pokud nebude zjednána náprava do 30 dnů ode dne, kdy jim toto neplnění smluvních povinností bylo poskytovatelem písemně vytknuto.
Claims and disclaimers. 10.1 The Company has duly submitted all claims, disclaimers and elections the making of which has been assumed for the purposes of the Accounts. So far as the Seller is aware, no such claim, disclaimer or elections is likely to be disputed or withdrawn. |US-DOCS\117790358.20||
10.2 The Disclosure Letter sets out details of any rolled-over or held-over gains of the Company, any elections under sections 171 to 171C (inclusive) TCGA and any transaction to which section 173 TCGA applies, in each case within the last six years.
Claims and disclaimers. 22 Section 7.01 Indemnification by the Partnership...........................................................22 Section 7.02 Indemnification by KBI.......................................................................22 Section 7.03 Indemnification Procedures...................................................................23 Section 7.04 Disclaimers..................................................................................23 Section 7.05 Limitation of Damages........................................................................23
Claims and disclaimers. 51 Section 10.01 Indemnification by KBI.....................................................................51 Section 10.02 Indemnification by TR and KB and Each Producer.............................................52 Section 10.03 Indemnification Procedures.................................................................53 Section 10.04 Disclaimers................................................................................53 Section 10.05 Limitation of Damages......................................................................54
Claims and disclaimers. The Sponsor maintains a policy or program of insurance of the study site at levels sufficient to support its obligations hereunder. Sponsor ensured insurance of sites liability for damage in accordance with the provisions of § 43 of the Pharmaceuticals Act The Institution shall promptly notify IQVIA and Sponsor in writing of any claim of illness, injury or damage actually or allegedly arising from the conduct of the Study. Xxxxxxx agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Institution and Investigator from any third party claims of illness, injury or damage directly arising out of the conduct of the Study in accordance with the Protocol, except to the extent any such illness, injury or damage is caused by the Institution or Investigator’s negligence, misconduct, failure to follow the Protocol or breach of applicable law or regulation. Sponsor shall have the right to control the defense of any such claims and the Institution shall cooperate fully with Sponsor in handling such claims. IQVIA expressly disclaims any liability in connection with the Investigational Product, including any liability for any product claim arising out of a condition caused by or allegedly caused by the administration of such product except to the extent that such liability is caused by the negligence, willful misconduct or breach of this Agreement by IQVIA. Neither IQVIA nor Sponsor will be responsible for, and the Institution agrees, to the extent allowed by law, to indemnify and hold them harmless from, any third party claims of illness, injury or damage resulting from the Institution’s negligence, failure to adhere to the Protocol, failure to obtain informed consent, unauthorized warranties, breach of this Agreement, breach of applicable law or regulation or willful misconduct. Nothing herein is intended to exclude or limit any liability of any party for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of such party. Institution shall maintain a Commercially Reasonable level of insurance, and, upon request, shall provide a certificate of insurance to IQVIA; or, alternatively, if applicable insurance is provided by a governmental agency, the Institution shall satisfy all requirements necessary to remain eligible for such governmental insurance during the Study and, upon request, shall provide a certificate of currency to IQVIA. For purposes of this Section, “Commercially Reasonable” shall mean in accordance with standard practice in the industry and in the geographical area. 6) N...
Claims and disclaimers. All Group Companies have duly submitted all claims and disclaimers the making of which have been assumed for the purposes of the Accounts.