Common use of CLASS SIZE Clause in Contracts

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 5 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

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CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students (a) Class size for semester-based courses shall not normally exceed thirty-six (36) students. Class sizes for some courses may have maximum enrolments of less than 36. The laboratory portion of Science courses shall not normally exceed twenty-four (24) students (see 18.5(d) above). Class size for training-day based courses shall not normally exceed twenty-two (22) students. Within the maximum limits stated above, policy decisions regarding class sizes for individual courses will be assigned determined by the Deans in consultation with the area. The Xxxx will consider any relevant factors, including but not limited to any pedagogy (course and curriculum issues, teaching and learning strategies, assessment); resource and institutional support issues; and issues of safety. (b) For the purpose of application of class which has reached size limits, actual enrolment in a given course section is determined on the date specified by the Ministry of Education for reporting stable enrolment figures. (c) The class size of a course may not be unilaterally increased by management. The department members must consent by majority vote in writing to the increase. (d) The class size of a course may not be unilaterally decreased by the department. The Xxxx of the area must consent in writing to the decrease. (e) A directed or independent studies course or section shall have a maximum enrolment of six. Enrolments above that number will be permitted only with the mutual consent of the instructor and the Xxxx or their designate. (f) Class size increases or decreases are a matter for joint union-management consultation. Present maximum enrolment limits for each course will be presumed to be acceptable unless either side requests a review. (g) If the xxxx and department cannot agree on the maximum class size except as provided within this articlein a particular course or courses, they may apply to a joint review committee composed of the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, the Xxxxxxx and Vice President, Academic, the Association Agreements Chair, and two additional Association Executive members. Agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7.02 (h) If either side requests it, a Task Force may be appointed to review class sizes on an institution- wide basis over the term of this agreement. The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if Task Force should have equal representation from the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental Association and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall management, and should make a reasonable every effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9represent a cross-12 with a maximum section of 29 studentsinstructional areas. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZEBecause the pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program, the parties agree the following ratios are desirable: Developmental Kindergarten: Fifteen (15) pupils or less Early Elementary (K-3): Twenty-five (25) pupils or less Late Elementary (4-6): Twenty-eight (28) pupils or less Junior High (7-8): Thirty (30) pupils or less Senior High (9-12): Academic class load of thirty (30) or less In classes having split grades the ratios shall be as follows: K-3: Twenty-three (23) pupils; 4-6: Twenty-six (26) pupils In classes having a specific number of stations, class enrollments will not exceed the number of available stations. The foregoing need not apply to study halls or the music program. The Board, in keeping with its commitment to the above desirable class sizes, will adhere to the following guidelines to achieve educationally sound and equitable class sizes: 7.01 Students 1. Initially schedule, if possible, all classes so that class size is within the above ratios, and wherever possible equalize the size of different classes of the same course or grade. 2. If it is not possible to stay within the above ratios, no class should exceed the ratios unless all other classes of the same course or grade have reached the ratio. 3. Whenever possible no teacher will have classes exceeding the above ratios more than one semester in a row without mutual agreement of the teacher and the building administration. 4. There shall not be a full time floating aide at the elementary level to be used for overloads of students in the regular and split classrooms. The placement of the aide shall be based on recommendations by the building committee and the principal. The recommendations shall be submitted to the superintendent. There shall be one and one-half (1 1/2) hours per day of aide time per classroom overload. 5. The building principal from each building shall meet with the Grass Lake Education Association building representatives each year prior to September 15th and periodically as needed to review the class sizes. A written report summarizing their recommendations shall be sent to the Superintendent with copies to the Board of Education members. 6. A full time aide shall be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum class size kindergarten level except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator when the aide is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if relieving the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 elementary secretary during two 15-minute break times. Physical education classes may exceed The aide’s time shall be shared equitably among the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial kindergarten classes, and in high school composition classesincluding kindergarten lunchroom duty. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Master Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE6.1.1 Effective July 1, 2020, in assigning students to classes the following guidelines will be observed: MaximumClass Size TK and K All Day-360 minutes 27 TK District will follow state law regarding the adult to student ratio for TK. 32 K 32 1-3 31 TK-3 Combination 30 4 and 5 34 4-5 Combination 31 6-12 37 English 33 Physical Education 45 Elementary Physical Education 45 Choral Music 45 Instrumental Music 45 Continuation 28 6th-8th at Xxxxxxxx Language Academy 33 7.01 Students 6.1.2 Elementary Physical Education teachers class size and working conditions shall be subject to the following provisions: If the Elementary Physical Education Teacher is absent, and no substitute credentialed teacher is available to cover their absence, preps shall be cancelled for all affected teachers, and they shall receive pay for their missed prep(s) per § 4th and 5th grade SDC students who are mainstreamed for P.E. during a given period shall count toward the class size maximum of forty-five (45) students. An aide from the SDC class, or the SDC teacher, shall accompany the mainstreamed students for the entire P.E. period. 6.1.3 In so far as practical, Grade 3-4 combination classes will not be assigned scheduled to any ensure all grade 4 students receive the same number of weekly minutes of physical education instruction as their peers in regular grade 4 classrooms, and that all teachers of grade 4 students receive prep time that is equivalent to their upper-grade peers, per 6.1.4 Teachers at secondary school sites who volunteer to teach during their prep period shall receive one hundred twenty percent (120%) of their salary, regardless of the number of instructional periods at that school site. 6.1.5 At middle schools where core classes include English, the English class which has reached size maximum shall be used. 6.1.6 The District will attempt in general elementary program to keep combination classes (2 or more grades) from reaching the maximum class size. Upon request, the principal/program administrator shall meet with the faculty, department, or affected unit members to review maximum class size situations. The purpose of this review shall be to determine if alternative plans can be developed to avoid reaching maximum class size. If such a plan is developed, it shall be made available in writing upon request to affected unit members and the site Association Representative. If the principal is unable to find alternatives to avoid exceeding the maximum in a class, they will consult with unit members affected. 6.1.7 A class size maximum may be exceeded with the annual consent of the majority of the unit members, during a meeting of the members of the grade level or department affected. 6.1.8 Choral and instrumental music maximum class sizes may be exceeded with the concurrence of the majority of the choral and instrumental music teachers at that school site. 6.1.9 Agreements made accord with §6.1.7 and §6.1.8 above, shall be in effect for the time stipulated, but in no case longer than the current academic year. Any such agreements shall be provided, upon request, in writing to the affected unit members and the site Association Representative. 6.1.10 The full-time assignment for elementary vocal and instrumental music teachers shall be based on serving up to nine (9) classes per day on a regular school day and six (6) classes per day on early-out Wednesdays with a maximum of forty-two (42) classes per week. Staff may exercise flexibility in scheduling the classes to account for variations in the instructional day during the week, not to exceed the maximums stated above. 6.1.11 The full-time assignment for elementary library/media teachers shall be based serving up to nine (9) classes per day on a regular school day and six (6) classes per day on early-out Wednesdays with a maximum of forty-two (42) classes per week. Staff may exercise flexibility in scheduling the classes to account for variations in the instructional day during the week, not to exceed the maximums stated above. 6.1.12 In so far as practical, class sizes for Elementary Library/Media and Vocal Music teachers shall be limited to the established maximum class sizes for the grade level being served. 6.1.13 Notwithstanding the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss specified above, no class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes enrollment may exceed the maximums number of workstations, by 1.5 times. Physical education classes school site and lab classroom, per Appendix O which may exceed the maximum by 1.35be revised annually to reflect changes, upon request of either party. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Contractual Agreement, Contractual Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not Teaching and learning are the essential acts in education, and a reasonable student- teacher ratio is essential if a maximum learning climate is to exist for students and teachers. In the interest of the best educational opportunities for students, desirable maximum class enrollments should be assigned established, monitored, and maintained. Variables to consider regarding class size/student-teacher ratios are subject matter, student ability level, and physical facilities. In classes with lab stations or where safety is an issue as determined by the superintendent or his/her designee, class size will be limited to the number of lab stations. Also, special consideration will be given to any class which has reached classes with students with an IEP or students with a 504 Plan mainstreamed in the maximum regular program. When a class size except or student-teacher ratio becomes excessive, the possibility of adding an additional section either through a teacher overload class or the utilization of part-time teachers shall be considered. If mutually agreed, teachers in the District Science departments may if they so desire, waive the lab station requirements as provided within this articledetailed in the contract. This is due to the variance in lab room stations. It is the goal of the Board and the Association that excessive class sizes/student-teacher ratios should be avoided. When a teacher and his/her district/department chair determine that an excessive class size or student-teacher ratio may exist, they shall notify the appropriate building principal. Within three working days of notification, the building principal, the district/department chair, and the teacher will meet to discuss the circumstances. Within ten days of said meeting, the building principal will notify both the teacher and the district/department chair of a decision in the matter. The decision will include a means to remedy the purported excessive class size/student-teacher ratio, or will include reasons why the situation does not merit remedy, or is irresolvable. 7.02 1. Maximum Teacher Load The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes teacher load shall not exceed the maximum cited following limits as established for each of the below stated areas: Academic Classes* 150 P.E. Classes** 225 Counselor Loads 360 Psychologist 1800 Social Worker 1500 *Xxx xxxxx size will not exceed 33 (2021-2022), 32 (2022-2023), and 31(2023-2024) students excluding collaboratively taught classes and Music classes. **P.E. Teacher Loads will not include the following: students removed from the P.E. course for Driver’s Education, students removed from P.E. due to a medical condition, students removed from P.E. for an athletic or band exemption, P.E. Student Leaders, or lifeguards. Collaboratively taught classes must not exceed 32 students. Co-taught classes must not exceed 44 students. If a teacher is split between PE and another discipline, the above student loads will be prorated according to the schedule. Each full-time special services teacher will be provided 4 days release time (22 periods) per year to be taken in full or half period increments at the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum teacher’s discretion. This time will be dedicated to case manager duties and responsibilities. Request for a substitute must be made 3 days prior to the requested release time. This time will be in addition to time spent in required meetings and all other work time provided to teachers. Teachers must remain in their assigned work area to prepare for student IEPs. Caseloads for special education teachers will be limited to 15 students. College Counselor loads will not exceed 3/5 of the overall counselor load. AP testing will be managed by the building administration. No college writing course will exceed student class size limits set by cooperating institutions or current LWEA language, whichever is lower. No employee shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make required to teach more than two sections of a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined college writing course except by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs mutual consent of the students as set forth in his/her IEP employee and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aideadministration. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE1. The Board and the Association recognize that the pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program. Therefore they agree that the class sizes set forth below shall be established as desirable standards for the maximum number of pupils per teacher under normal conditions, and that this policy shall be effected to the extent possible within available funds in all schools by the beginning of each school year. 7.01 Students a. Kindergarten Classes 20 b. Elementary Classrooms 25 c. Secondary Teachers’ Load in Core Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx 0-00 000 x. Xxxxxxxx Learning Center (DLC) 12 (all DLCs must also be provided with non-certified support personnel) 2. The Board shall notify the Association of any decision to create a split grade class so as to give the Association 30 days to discuss the matter with the Board, but this discussion period shall not be assigned serve to delay implementing any class which has reached split grade. 3. When the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the Districtelementary level exceeds 28 pupils for any classroom teacher; or, to reduce 25 at the kindergarten level and/or 26 at the grade 1 level; or, middle school level exceeds 28 pupils; or, 30 for any academic class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in at the high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes level, the class should be divided, redistributed, or provision should be made to provide such teacher with professional or paraprofessional assistance within 30 days. Xxxxxxxxx classes at the high school shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law33. A xxxxxxxxx class is a class for which there is only one section offered during a marking period. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students4. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District Board and the Association agree the Special Classes (P.E., Music and Unified Arts) pupil teacher ratio needs to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachersbe maintained at appropriate levels for effective education programming. The committee Board and the Association agree that reasonable efforts will be made by the administration to schedule classes in order that Middle School performing ensemble classes can be effectively taught and supervised. 5. Any exception to the foregoing standards shall be made only if the Superintendent of Schools determines that it is necessary and the Association shall be notified in writing of any such exception made in order to give the Association 30 days to discuss the matter with the Board, but this 30 day discussion period shall not serve to delay implementing such exceptions to the foregoing standards. 6. The Board and Association agree the guidance counselor/student ratio and that of other support staff needs to be maintained at appropriate levels for effective education programming and servicing. The Board and the Association recognize that consensus a significant factor affecting classroom effectiveness is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus number of students a teacher is not achievable, all decisions assigned and recommendations shall require five (5) votesthat the range of learner-types of students assigned to a teacher is also a significant factor affecting classroom effectiveness. The oversight committee shall Board and the Association recognize that the goal for workloads among teachers should be established as equitable as reasonably possible and to overseeaccomplish this, guide, administration will consider these factors when organizing classes and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixsections and in determining appropriate class sizes.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. 16.1 The District shall make a reasonable every effort to equalize equally distribute students and shall make every effort not to exceed the following class sizes as determined by maximums: Kindergarten 22 4-5 28 6-8 30 Average Class Size Combination K-6 22 Individual Class Size Maximum 9-12 Core Classes 30 9-12 PE 45 RSP Caseload of 28 SDC/LH 12:1 Ratio SDC/SH 10:1 Ratio 16.1.1 Chorus and Band classes shall be exempt from the class roster throughout size maximums identified above. 16.2 The District and Union realize that there are facility and equipment limitations in some instructional areas that require special consideration. Currently the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs following facilities have teaching/learning situations for specific number of the students, which shall be used for assigning students: Art Twenty-four (24) students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing Agriculture Twenty-four (24) students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving Auto Shop Twenty (20) students to other classes at that siteWood Shop Twenty (20) students Laboratory Science Twenty (20) students, or adding an instructional aidethe number of lab stations, whichever is higher Construction Technology Twenty (20) students Weight Room Twenty (20) students Ceramics Fourteen (14) students 16.3 In addition to the above mentioned guidelines, the following should also be considered in determining class size: 16.3.1 Total enrollment in teacher’s daily schedule. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, 16.3.2 Class requirements and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14prerequisites. c. 16.3.3 Equipment and/or material available to the teacher and/or students. 16.4 The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is it may be necessary from time-to-time, to form classes comprised of students of different grade levels and/or of different levels of ability or achievement. These combined classes, while occasionally necessary, should be scheduled only when no other suitable alternative exists. A stipend of $500 per semester will be paid to a teacher assigned to teach a combination class. 16.5 In the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievableevent an Arena Elementary School class size exceeds the guidelines above, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall then the following options will be established to oversee, guidediscussed, and facilitate an option to implement will be agreed upon between the following initiativesunit member and Site Administrator: i. Two-16.5.1 A stipend of $500 per student per semester for each student beyond the guidelines above on a teacher’s roster. This will be paid at the end of each semester, and based on official class enrollment twenty (20) days after the start of the instructional year K-12 pilot program that shall include and fifteen (15) days after the commencement of the second semester. 16.5.2 A district paid aide or other support staff member will be assigned to work in the affected class. 16.5.3 If no more than sixother agreement is reached, then the unit member will be paid the above stipend in 16.5.1.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZEBecause the student-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program, the parties agree the following ratios are desirable: Developmental Kindergarten: Fifteen (15) pupils or less Early Elementary (K-35): Twenty-five (25) pupils or less Junior High (67-8): Thirty (30) pupils or less Senior High (9-12): Academic class load of Thirty (30) In classes having split grades the ratios shall be as follows: K-3: Twenty-three (23) pupils; 4-6: Twenty-six (26) pupils In classes having a specific number of stations, class enrollments will not exceed the number of available stations. The foregoing need not apply to study halls or the music program. The Board, in keeping with its commitment to the above desirable class sizes, will adhere to the following guidelines to achieve educationally sound and equitable class sizes: 7.01 Students 1. Initially schedule, if possible, all classes so that class size is within the above ratios, and wherever possible equalize the size of different classes of the same course or grade. 2. If it is not possible to stay within the above ratios, no class should exceed the ratios unless all other classes of the same course or grade have reached the ratio. 3. Whenever possible no teacher will have classes exceeding the above ratios more than one semester in a row without mutual agreement of the teacher and the building administration. 4. There shall not be a full time floating aide at the elementary level to be used for overloads of students in the regular and split classrooms. The placement of the aide shall be based on recommendations by the building committee and the principal. The recommendations shall be submitted to the superintendent. There shall be one and one-half (1 1/2) hours per day of aide time per classroom overload. 5. The Building Principal from each building shall meet with the Association building representatives each year before September 15th and periodically as needed to review the class sizes. A written report summarizing their recommendations shall be sent to the Superintendent with copies to the Board of Education members. 6. A full time aide shall be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum class size kindergarten level except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator when the aide is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if relieving the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 elementary secretary during two 15-minute break times. Physical education classes may exceed The aide’s time shall be shared equitably among the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial kindergarten classes, and in high school composition classesincluding kindergarten lunchroom duty. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental Association and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The work jointly to explore means to fund a reduction of class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, across the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish district by a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed minimum of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee students per class. A. Actual class size shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate expressed as the following initiatives:maximums: The “maximum” number recognizes that scheduling, facilities and growth patterns may affect class size. Kindergarten 32 English 38 Social Science 38 General Education 38 Mathematics 38 * Science 38 Foreign Language 38 Business 39 * Drafting 39 Music 39 Homemaking (General) 39 * Keyboarding 38 * Vocational Shops 33 * Fine Art 33 * Homemaking (Lab) 33 Physical Education 50 Continuation School 20 * Class size should be appropriate for number of workstations available. i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that B. The District maximum class sizes for specialists shall include be as follows: Elementary Music 70 Middle School Remedial Reading 25 High School Remedial Reading 32 Librarians One (1) for every high school site above 1000 students Nurses Each nurse will be responsible for no more than six2400 students Special Education Class size will be differentiated on the basis of the following: 1. Range of handicaps and extent of need for individual instruction. 2. Ages of individuals and severity of handicaps. 3. Staff competencies and number of special education staff at one site. 4. Amount of time individuals in a special class participate in regular classes. 5. Scarcity or density of population. 6. No caseload/class size will exceed Education Code maximums. 7. The District and Association sha ll jointly monitor caseloads to insure equitability. 8. Any caseload/class size that is deemed excessive by a specialist may be appealed for review to the Director of Pupil Services. C. If maximums are exceeded beyond any continuous three-week period, means shall be sought to provide relief by: 1. A reduction in class size 2. A mutual agreement to one or more of, but not limited to, the following: a. Additional instructional aide time b. Release from selected adjunct duties c. Release from selected site duties d. Additional released time for classroom preparation e. Clerical assistance f. Reduction of class size in other sections taught. 3. Agreement reached on the above items shall not be in conflict with other sections of this contract. D. Every effort shall be made to ensure equity of class load among unit members with comparable assignments. E. A unit member and site manager may agree to increase class size above the stated maximum at the unit member’s option.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Employment Agreement, Employment Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students The District shall establish class size in accordance with Education Code requirements. The District shall maintain target teaching assignments. Homeroom classes of fifteen (15) minutes or less shall not be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited counted in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 studentstarget teaching assignment. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center the scheduling of classes, the District first priority for lower class size average shall not exceed 10be given to academic core subjects. The parties agree to work on equitable student/teacher assignments, efficient period allocation, and any individual class shall not exceed 14timely attention to scheduling issues at sites. c. A. The District and the Association agree to establish the following class size targets: 1) Grades TK-3: average of 24 students and in accordance with Education Code class size requirements. 2) Grades 4-5: target of 32 students with a $1000 stipend for each student over 32 and shall not exceed 35 students. Xxxxxxxx will be prorated according to class size. 3) Grades 6-8: target of 35 students/175 total; PE target of 45 students. 4) Grades 9-12: target of 36 students/180 total; PE target of 50 students. B. Teachers who teach Grades 4 and 5 shall be compensated, at the noninstructional rate of pay, one half (.5) hour for each parent-teacher conference that exceeds thirty (30) in recognition of the additional time spent conducting parent-teacher conferences due to their larger class sizes. C. Classes at the middle and high school level in ASB/student government, performing arts, band, and chorus shall have a target class size of fifty (50) students per period. D. Elective classes at the secondary level, such as athletic PE, marching band, tall flags, drill team, may have a higher class size than the target in A. of this Article with the consent of the teaching staff assigned. E. Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed resource teachers who have more than twenty-eight students on their caseload will be compensated with an annual stipend of seven members $500, prorated, for each additional student covered by the Resource Specialist Caseload Waiver. F. The District will attempt to balance caseloads in order to create equity among distribution of which a majority are workloads for special education teachers. The committee Caseloads shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votesbe approved by administration. The oversight committee best interests of the students shall be established kept as a priority. G. The District agrees to oversee, guideassign pupils to classes in such a manner as to nearly as possible equalize the teaching load within grade levels or subject discipline areas. H. The MEA president and the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel will schedule a meeting during the first month after school starts, and facilitate subsequent meetings as needed, to review staffing with the following initiatives:intent to resolve issues relative to this Article. i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that I. A joint Special Education Advisory Committee shall include no more than sixbe established. The joint Special Education Advisory Committee will meet a minimum of one (1) time each semester to discuss relevant issues pertaining to special education.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZEA. The Board shall employ no fewer classroom teachers than required by the state statutes or the state minimum standards. 7.01 Students B. The ratio of teachers to pupils on a district-wide basis shall be at least one full time equivalent classroom teacher per 25 pupils in average daily membership. Said ratio shall be calculated in accordance with Section 3317.02 and 3317.023 of the Revised Code. C. The ratio of teachers to pupils in kindergarten through fourth grade on a district-wide basis shall be at least one full time equivalent classroom teacher per 25 pupils in average daily membership. Said ratio shall be calculated in accordance with Section 3317.02 and 3317.023 of the Revised Code. Understanding that class sizes cannot always be reduced at all grade levels at the same time, the Board and the Association recognize that it is in the best interest of the pupils and the bargaining unit members to initially strive to reduce class sizes at the lower grade levels and proceed to the higher grade levels as financial circumstances permit. The Board believes that class sizes should not be assigned larger than necessary to maximize the learning experience for pupils, taking into account the available classroom space, staff, financial resources and scheduling needs. Class size should also take into account the special needs of handicapped pupils mainstreamed into regular education classes, and any additional educational needs presented by pupils who are repeating the class which has reached and pupils who may have additional educational needs as reflected on a Section 504 plan. The Board will seek to reach the maximum following class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required goals to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental extent reasonably feasible with 25 students in grades K-3, 27 students in grades 4-8, and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes 29 students in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students12. The class size number for purposes of this provision shall include mainstreamed special education students (if one full period or more). D. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall provide to the Association President, if requested, projections, in writing, of class sizes and teaching load lists prior to each school year. All class size projections shall be based upon projected fall enrollment. If at any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classestime the projected or actual size of a class(es) exceeds the goals set forth in this Section, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District Superintendent or his/her designee and the Association agree President shall meet and discuss the situation. E. It is mutually recognized that the presence of special needs students can have an impact on the appropriate class size and the workload of the regular classroom teacher. A good faith effort will be made and documented in writing by the building administration to establish adjust class size where appropriate, taking into account, among other factors, the number of special needs students, the nature of the disabilities, the class size prior to mainstreaming, and the extent of support and assistance being provided by the ancillary staff members. F. All classes that exceed the aspirational goals will be brought before a Special Education/General class size committee prior to the regularly scheduled September Board of Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which meeting, or as requested by a majority are teachersmember. The committee shall recognize that consensus is will be comprised of the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievableteacher affected, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to overseethe BWEA building representative, guidethe BWEA President, the building principal, and facilitate two other district administrators. This committee will work to develop a plan of action that could include additional staff. These recommendations will be forwarded to the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixSuperintendent and a decision will be determined within 10 school days.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Negotiated Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE9.1 The District shall attempt to maintain regular class size at or under 27 pupils in grades 4-8. 7.01 Students 9.2 The District shall not be attempt to equalize the pupil per teacher load in the intermediate school, with the exception of physical education classes and remedial classes. 9.3 For purposes of computing class size, mainstreamed children shall count as one (1) pupil if the combined time of all special education mainstreamed students in one class exceeds 49% of a regular school day. Special education students who are also mainstreamed shall count as one pupil assigned to any class which has reached special education classes. Time will be computed on a weekly basis. 9.4 Consistent with Grade Span Adjustment legislation, the school site average maximum class size except as provided within this articlein grades TK – 3 shall be 24:1. This maximum shall revert to thirty (30) if the Grade Span Adjustment legislation is revised or rescinded. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at 9.5 Where the number of students in a member’s request if the member’s TK through third grade class exceeds twenty-four (24), fourth through fifth grade class exceeds twenty-eight (28), and/or sixth through eighth grade class exceeds thirty (30), the loading ratioadministration shall discuss with the involved teachers ways to alleviate problems related to the size of the class and shall take action after ten (10) school days by schedule modification, utilization of other professional personnel, employment of certificated personnel, or other measures. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed 9.6 In the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make event of a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes combination class in grades 9TK-3 or a 3-12 with 4 combination, the combination class will not exceed twenty-two (22) students. In the event of a maximum of 29 grade 4-5 combination class, the combination class will not exceed twenty-six (26) students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 9.7 The District will make use its best efforts to have Physical Education classes in 6th – 8th grades not exceed thirty-seven (37) students. Where the number of students in a reasonable effortPE class exceed thirty-seven (37) students, within the financial constraints administration shall discuss with the involved teachers ways to alleviate the problems related to the size of the Districtclass and shall take action after ten (10) school days by schedule modification, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integratedutilization of other professional personnel, in remedial classesemployment of certificated personnel, and in high school composition classesor other measures. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed 9.8 An employee may elect to teach a class which exceeds the maximum cited if the administrator in the lawcharge concurs. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students 10.1 Excluding classes participating in state Class Size Reduction Programs, the desired average class load for the District has been established at 30 students. When the average class size per site exceeds 30 students for seven (7) school days, a time- table shall be set up to establish a new classroom. This timetable shall not exceed twenty-five (25) school days. If during the timetable period the average class size drops below the maximum level, the timetable terminates. A new- time table starts when the maximum is reached again. The timetable limits can be exceeded if classroom construction is necessary. The redistribution of students at the site will be a site level decision as recommended by a site committee composed of administration and teachers, and approved by the superintendent. 10.2 The Superintendent will meet and confer with a committee of three (3) of the Association upon request of the Association or the Superintendent regarding class size decisions. 10.3 Teachers with students on independent study will not be granted additional compensation if said students cause their class size to be over the District average stated in paragraph 10.1. These students will, however, be counted in the averaging of class size per grade level. 10.4 After the first ten (10) school days, no kindergarten through third grade teacher shall be assigned more than thirty-two (32) students without the agreement of the affected teacher; similarly, no fourth through sixth grade teacher shall be assigned more than thirty-three (33) students without the agreement of the affected teacher. 10.4.1 When enrollment in any non-CSR kindergarten through sixth grade classroom exceeds thirty (30) students or any self-contained Special Education Class exceeds fourteen (14) on the tenth and twentieth days of the register month, beginning with the first register month, up to any class which has reached and including the maximum eleventh (11th) register month, the affected teacher shall receive $50 per excess student in extra pay for twenty (20) predetermined target dates. 10.4.2 The District shall make its best effort to ensure that combination classes do not exceed 28 students. 10.4.3 At grades seven and eight, the District will make its best effort to ensure that class size except as provided within averages per grade level do not exceed 30 students 10.5 The District agrees to act in good faith in placing students in classrooms. The District agrees not to reassign students solely for the purpose of defeating a teacher's right to class size overage pay. 10.6 In the event that the District receives state funds earmarked for class size reduction, the parties shall reopen this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required 10.7 Any unit member who works beyond the normal work day in developing an independent study of five (5) or more days shall be paid additional compensation in the amount equal to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints 50% of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into prior year’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) per Average Daily Attendance (ADA) allocation divided by the number of instructional days times the number of days for which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited independent study is prepared provided that the District receives compensation from the State for the student in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make independent study program. When a reasonable effort teacher is given less than three (3) days' notice to equalize class sizes as determined by develop an independent study program, the class roster throughout teacher will do the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with best she/he can to meet the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aidestudent. b. Except 10.8 Self-Contained Special Education mainstreamed students shall be counted for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program overage calculations if total of said students are in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size regular classroom for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impairedat least 2.5 hours per day, Visually Handicapped Preschoolor, SEDin the case of kindergarten, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14for at least 90 minutes. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students 13.1 Each year the District shall establish staffing ratios for grades K, 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12 in core academic subjects (math, social science, English, science, foreign language), consistent with any Education Code requirement. The District shall provide the Association with an opportunity to provide input prior to the established of these ratios. The District shall communicate the staffing ratios to the Association president on or before the beginning of each term. In determining class sizes, the District shall consider the effect of mainstreaming special education students and English Learner students into regular classes. Special Education class sizes shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Education Code. Special Day Classes, Advanced Placement and Class Size Reduction classes shall not be assigned to any class which has reached included in computing the maximum class size except as provided within this articlestaffing ratios. 7.02 13.2 Within three weeks after the beginning of each term the District shall provide to the Association president a report of classes and student enrollment. 13.3 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size District shall consider the distribution of students among classes at a member’s request if given grade level or subject in a school and the member’s distribution of students within a given subject area in determining class sizes. In addition, the district shall take into consideration the number of work stations available. 13.4 In the event that any K-5 class exceeds the loading ratiostaffing ratio by three (3) students after initial class balancing at the beginning of the school year, the affected unit member may request a conference with the site administrator to explore mitigation options mutually agreeable to the parties. At the unit member’s request, the Association site representative shall be present at the conference. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music 13.5 In the event that any 6-12 grade class exceeds the staffing ratios by three (3) students after initial class balancing at the beginning of the school year, the affected unit member may request a conference with the site administrator to explore mitigation options mutually agreeable to the parties. At the unit member’s request, the Association site representative shall be present at the conference. 13.6 No Advanced Placement or Honors classes may exceed except for two (2) classes shall continue at the maximums by 1.5 times. secondary level that has an enrollment of fifteen (15) or fewer students at the beginning of the semester in which it is offered. 13.7 Physical education classes and instructional aides shall be provided to fourth and fifth grade teachers through June 30, 2008. The parties may exceed reopen at any time on this provision in the maximum by 1.35event that these services may be otherwise provided. 7.04 The site/program administrator 13.8 Administration shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 meet with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one representation from each school and grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students to determine schedules and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. time utilization. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by provide the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels necessary training and programs consistent with the needs state standard aligned curriculum. Three (3) hours of aide time shall be provided daily at each elementary school. Bargaining Unit Members shall provide line of sight supervision of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students aides equitably on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aiderotational basis. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students 10.1 Excluding classes participating in state Class Size Reduction Programs, the desired average class load for the District has been established at 30 students. When the average class size per site exceeds 30 students for seven (7) school days, a time- table shall be set up to establish a new classroom. This timetable shall not exceed twenty-five (25) school days. If during the timetable period the average class size drops below the maximum level, the timetable terminates. A new- time table starts when the maximum is reached again. The timetable limits can be exceeded if classroom construction is necessary. The redistribution of students at the site will be a site level decision as recommended by a site committee composed of administration and teachers, and approved by the superintendent. 10.2 The Superintendent will meet and confer with a committee of three (3) of the Association upon request of the Association or the Superintendent regarding class size decisions. 10.3 Teachers with students on independent study will not be granted additional compensation if said students cause their class size to be over the District average stated in paragraph 10. 1. These students will, however, be counted in the averaging of class size per grade level. 10.4 After the first ten (10) school days, no kindergarten through third grade teacher shall be assigned more than thirty-two (32) students without the agreement of the affected teacher; similarly, no fourth through sixth grade teacher shall be assigned more than thirty-three (33) students without the agreement of the affected teacher. 10.4.1 When enrollment in any non-CSR kindergarten through sixth grade classroom exceeds thirty (30) students or any self-contained Special Education Class exceeds fourteen (14) on the tenth and twentieth days of the register month, beginning with the first register month, up to any class which has reached and including the maximum eleventh (11th) register month, the affected teacher shall receive $50 per excess student in extra pay for twenty (20) predetermined target dates. 10.4.2 The District shall make its best effort to ensure that combination classes do not exceed 28 students. 10.4.3 At grades seven and eight, the District will make its best effort to ensure that class size except as provided within averages per grade level do not exceed 30 students 10.5 The District agrees to act in good faith in placing students in classrooms. The District agrees not to reassign students solely for the purpose of defeating a teacher's right to class size overage pay. 10.6 In the event that the District receives state funds earmarked for class size reduction, the parties shall reopen this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required 10.7 Any unit member who works beyond the normal work day in developing an independent study of five (5) or more days shall be paid additional compensation in the amount equal to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints 50% of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into prior year’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) per Average Daily Attendance (ADA) allocation divided by the number of instructional days times the number of days for which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited independent study is prepared provided that the District receives compensation from the State for the student in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make independent study program. When a reasonable effort teacher is given less than three (3) days' notice to equalize class sizes as determined by develop an independent study program, the class roster throughout teacher will do the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with best she/he can to meet the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aidestudent. b. Except 10.8 Self-Contained Special Education mainstreamed students shall be counted for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program overage calculations if total of said students are in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size regular classroom for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impairedat least 2.5 hours per day, Visually Handicapped Preschoolor, SEDin the case of kindergarten, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14for at least 90 minutes. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students 11.1 Each year the District shall establish staffing ratios for grades TK, K, 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12 in core academic subjects (math, social science, English, science, foreign language), consistent with any Education Code requirement. The District shall provide the Association with an opportunity to provide input prior to the establishment of these ratios. At the request of the Association, the District shall communicate the staffing ratios to the Association president prior to the adoption of the budget for the fiscal year. In determining class sizes, the District shall consider the effect of mainstreaming special education students and English Learner students into regular classes. Special Education class sizes shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Education Code. Special Day Classes, Advanced Placement, and Class Size Reduction classes shall not be assigned to any class which has reached included in computing the maximum class size except as provided within this articlestaffing ratios. 7.02 11.2 At the request of the Association, within three weeks after the beginning of each term the District shall provide to the Association president a report of classes and student enrollment. 11.3 The site/program District shall consider the distribution of students among classes at a given grade level or subject in a school and the distribution of students within a given subject area in determining class sizes. In addition, the District shall take into consideration the number of work stations available. 11.4 After initial class balancing at the beginning of the school year should any TK-5 class exceed the staffing ratio (per Article 11.1) by three (3) students, the affected unit member may request a conference with the site administrator is required to explore mitigation options mutually agreeable to the parties. At the unit member’s request, the Association site representative shall be present at the conference. In the absence of resolution, the unit member and or association may request a conference with the Executive Director of Human Resources to discuss class size at a the issue and explore mitigation options. A summary of the agreed upon resolution shall be communicated in writing or via email to the unit member’s request if . 11.5 In the member’s event that any 6-12 grade class exceeds the loading ratiostaffing ratios by three (3) students (per Article 11.1) after initial class balancing at the beginning of the school year, the affected unit member may request a conference with the site administrator to explore mitigation options mutually agreeable to the parties. At the unit member’s request, the Association site representative shall be present at the conference. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music 11.6 No more than two (2) Advanced Placement or Honors classes may exceed shall continue at the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed secondary level that has an enrollment of fifteen (15) or fewer students at the maximum by 1.35beginning of the semester in which it is offered. 7.04 11.7 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special staffing ratio for Physical Education Classes shall not exceed 50 students per class. In the maximum cited in event that any individual PE class exceeds this staffing ratio after initial class balancing at the lawbeginning of the school year, the affected unit member may request a conference with the site administrator to explore mitigation options mutually agreeable to the parties. At the unit member’s request, the Association site representative shall be present at the conference. This provision does not apply to team sports related PE classes or classes where the Athletic Director is a teacher of record for a sports team. At the beginning of each semester, a meeting will be scheduled with 6th period high school PE teachers and site administration to review class sizes. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum 11.8 Administration shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. meet with representation from each school and grade level to determine schedules and time utilization. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by provide the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels necessary training and programs consistent with the needs state standard aligned curriculum. Three (3) hours of aide time shall be provided daily at each elementary school. Bargaining Unit Members shall provide line of sight supervision of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students aides equitably on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aiderotational basis. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZEMaximum class sizes shall be: 7.01 Students shall not be assigned 12.1 30 students in an elementary classroom other than in grades TK-3, where the District is required by the State to any class which has reached the maximum make progress toward a ratio of 24:1. It is understood that this suggested class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload in place only as long as the State continues to fund class size reduction. If the state discontinues class size reduction funding, the parties shall be 28; a. The District shall meet and confer regarding alternative class sizes. Whenever a situation exists that make it impractical or financially undesirable to relieve a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes size which exceeds the suggested maximum, the DISTRICT will consider various options including possible employment of an Instructional Assistant on a temporary basis except in such instances as determined by are not educationally sound, financially sound, and/or in the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs best interests of the DISTRICT, taking into consideration the student, unit member and DISTRICT needs.  30 students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited 4-8 regular education classroom  12 students in a Special Day class (SDC) 12.2 Whenever a situation exists that makes it impractical or financially undesirable to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center relieve oversized classes, the District class size average Board commits itself to search for a means of alleviating the situation including the possible employment of Instructional Assistants on a temporary basis. Copies of the monthly enrollment summary shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14be sent to the ASSOCIATION President. c. 12.3 The District and principal shall meet with the Association agree unit member to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed discuss possible assistance. A form entitled “Verification of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee Conference Regarding Class Size” shall be established completed and sent to overseethe superintendent upon conclusion of the conference. (See Appendix F) 12.4 In the event a unit member accepts there (3) or more additional students due to the lack of an adequate number of certificated staff, guideon any given day, and facilitate that unit member shall be paid: (a) fifty-five dollars ($55.00) for yup to four (4) hours with additional students; or (b) one hundred ten dollars ($110.00) for any time beyond the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixfour (4) hours. If the DISTRICT’s daily sub rate is changed to an amount higher, we will increase the amount to match.

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students 8.1 Excluding classes participating in state Class Size Reduction Programs, the desired average class load for the District has been established at 30 students. When the average class size per site exceeds 30 students for seven (7) school days, a time- table shall be set up to establish a new classroom. This timetable shall not exceed twenty-five (25) school days. If during the timetable period the average class size drops below the maximum level, the timetable terminates. A new- time table starts when the maximum is reached again. The timetable limits can be exceeded if classroom construction is necessary. The redistribution of students at the site will be a site level decision as recommended by a site committee composed of administration and teachers, and approved by the superintendent. 8.2 The Superintendent will meet and confer with a committee of three (3) of the Association upon request of the Association or the Superintendent regarding class size decisions. 8.3 Teachers with students on independent study will not be granted additional compensation if said students cause their class size to be over the District average stated in paragraph 8.1. These students will, however, be counted in the averaging of class size per grade level. 8.4 After the first ten (10) school days, no kindergarten through third grade teacher shall be assigned more than thirty-two (32) students without the agreement of the affected teacher; similarly, no fourth through sixth grade teacher shall be assigned more than thirty-three (33) students without the agreement of the affected teacher. 8.4.1 When enrollment in any non-CSR kindergarten through sixth grade classroom exceeds thirty (30) students or any self-contained Special Education Class exceeds fourteen (14) on the tenth and twentieth days of the register month, beginning with the first register month, up to any class which has reached and including the maximum eleventh (11th) register month, the affected teacher shall receive $50 per excess student in extra pay for twenty (20) predetermined target dates. 8.4.2 The District shall make its best effort to ensure that combination classes do not exceed 28 students. 8.4.3 At grades seven and eight, the District will make its best effort to ensure that class size except as provided within averages per grade level do not exceed 30 students. 8.5 The District agrees to act in good faith in placing students in classrooms. The District agrees not to reassign students solely for the purpose of defeating a teacher's right to class size overage pay. 8.6 In the event that the District receives state funds earmarked for class size reduction, the parties shall reopen this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required 8.7 Any unit member who works beyond the normal work day in developing an independent study of five (5) or more days shall be paid additional compensation in the amount equal to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints 50% of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into prior year’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) per Average Daily Attendance (ADA) allocation divided by the number of instructional days times the number of days for which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited independent study is prepared provided that the District receives compensation from the State for the student in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make independent study program. When a reasonable effort teacher is given less than three (3) days' notice to equalize class sizes as determined by develop an independent study program, the class roster throughout teacher will do the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with best she/he can to meet the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aidestudent. b. Except 8.8 Self-Contained Special Education mainstreamed students shall be counted for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program overage calculations if total of said students are in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size regular classroom for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impairedat least 2.5 hours per day, Visually Handicapped Preschoolor, SEDin the case of kindergarten, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14for at least 90 minutes. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students A. The District shall utilize the following staffing ratios for the allocation of classroom teachers to a school: Allocation of Teacher Positions Grades 4‐5 One (1) teacher per 31 average student enrollment per school Grades 6‐8 One (1) teacher per 30 average student enrollment per school Grades 9‐12 One (1) teacher per 28.8 average student enrollment per school When requested, site administrators shall discuss and attempt to resolve the concerns of teachers relating to class size. Reasonable effort will be made to ensure that no core class exceeds 34 students for grades 4‐5, and 36 students in grades 6‐12. In the event that class size exceeds this number, the site administrator shall immediately schedule a meeting with the teacher(s) and the TANLA site representative or designee to attempt to find a mutually acceptable solution. If it is not resolved at this level, the District Superintendent or designee and TANLA President or designee shall meet to explore a mutually acceptable solution. The efforts to find a mutually acceptable option or outcome shall not be assigned subject to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental grievance procedures in Article VIII. (In keeping with past practice, traditionally large classes such and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 timesBand and PE are excluded). Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a For grades 6‐12, reasonable effort shall be made to schedule English composition ensure that core classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 the same subject, grade level, and period shall have an equitable distribution of students. 7.05 The site1. For grades TK/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 K‐3, starting with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 studentsthe 2019‐20 school year, staffing projections will be calculated at 24.2:1. 7.06 The District will make 2. For grades 4‐12 after a reasonable effortwaiting period of two (2) weeks from the first day of student attendance for enrollment stabilization to occur, within if the financial constraints application of the Districtabove staffing ratios results in a fraction of .65 or more school wide, an additional teacher position shall be allocated to the school, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integratedbe evaluated at the end of the trimester/semester pending enrollment. If, in remedial classesafter this initial waiting period and placement of teachers, a site’s school wide enrollment rises above the staffing ratios by a fraction of .65 or more, and in high holds for two (2) weeks, then the school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixallocated

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Samples: Master Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum 8.1 For purposes of this section, class size except is defined as provided within this articlefollows: 8.1.1 Class size in Grades TK-5 and in the alternative programs is defined as the number of students enrolled in a teacher’s classroom as reflected in the current District attendance reporting system. 7.02 The site/program 8.1.2 Class size in Grades 6-12 is defined as the number of students enrolled in an instructional period as reflected in the current District attendance reporting system. 8.1.3 If a student with exceptional needs is mainstreamed into a general education class, the affected unit member may request a conference with the site administrator is required and appropriate special education case manager to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental potential impacts on time management and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 timespreparation. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable every effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with meet the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and student consistent with the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aideIEP. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED8.2 Staffing Ratio/Class Size and Grades K-3 Class Size 8.2.1 TK Staffing Ratio/Class Size: The District will staff TK classrooms according to the student to adult ratio established by state law. For the 2022-2023 school year this ratio is 12 to 1 (with a maximum class size of 24), and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average for 2023-2024 this ratio is expected to be 10 to 1 (with a maximum class size within the SDC program in the District of 20) contingent on available state funding. The K-3 grade level class size shall not exceed 12 students. The 26 (“class size for any specific limit” or “CSL”), and no class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District 29 (“class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14maximum” or “CSM”). c. 8.2.2 The District and the Association agree that the grades TK-3 CSL/CSM provided in section 8.2 above constitutes a “collectively bargained alternative ratio” pursuant to establish Education Code section 42238.02 which qualifies the District to receive an additional adjustment to the TK/Kindergarten through grade 3 base grant (“Grade Span Adjustment (GSA)” funding) under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). 8.2.3 If state law or regulations are modified in a manner that would cause the District to incur a penalty or loss of TK-3 GSA funding under the LCFF, the parties agree to meet and negotiate immediately over modifications to the "Class Size Alternative Ratio” provided in section 8.2 above so as to prevent any loss of revenue. 8.2.4 Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed education, adaptive physical education, and ELD classes shall not be included in computing the District class size average for grade levels TK-3. 8.2.5 As of seven members the seventeenth student attendance day and thereafter, if it becomes necessary to exceed the CSL, a monthly stipend of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is $150 per student over the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee CSL shall be established provided to oversee, guide, the teacher. Elementary prep teachers are exempt from this position. 8.2.6 The CSL and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that CSM for combination classes at grade level TK-3 shall include no more be two (2) fewer students than sixthose designations set forth in section 8.2 above.

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not The Board and the Association agree that twenty-eight (28) pupils is a reasonable classload. Exceptions to these limitations are physical education classes, band, chorus, and study halls. Laboratory classes will be assigned limited in size to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this articleequipment available. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times1. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort will be limited to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort thirty-five (35). Class sizes from 36 to schedule combination classes in which 40 students are assigned will be compensated at $90.00 per section to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 $750.00 per semester. Band/Instrumental Music and Chorus/Vocal Music exceeding 35 students and will be compensated at $90.00 per section. Advisory/Homeroom sections exceeding twenty-five (25) students on or after November 1st of each school year will be compensated an additional $90.00 per section per semester. Every attempt will be made to balance sections as the schedule permits. A Middle School teacher will be defined as a teacher who teaches four (4) or more Middle School classes. 2. Classes in grades Young 5's-2 that exceed 28 students will have additional paraprofessional time assigned. Classes in grades 3-6 with a maximum that exceed 28 students may have additional paraprofessional time assigned. Every regular classroom teacher in grades Y 5’s – 6 shall receive one hundred fifty (150) minutes per week of 30 studentsgeneral education paraprofessional assistance time. 7.06 3. The District will make a reasonable effort, within Board and the financial constraints Association acknowledge that least restrictive environment mainstreaming of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, is legally mandated and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited intended in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum best educational interest of the student. For the purpose of this section, such students shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload referred to as "mainstreamed students." Mainstreamed students shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes defined as determined those students placed into the special education process through an Individual Education Planning Committee (IEPC) evaluation. Furthermore, they agree that placement of these students into an appropriate environment as required by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the law or needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and places extraordinary demands on the unique features classroom teacher. The Board agrees to provide additional paraprofessional time to any teacher who has more than four (4) mainstreamed students assigned to any one (1) class unless that teacher volunteers to take the additional mainstreamed students without the assistance of each groupa paraprofessional. “Reasonable effort” may includeFurthermore, but is not limited the Board agrees to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving create class schedules that allow for the balancing of mainstreamed students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 studentsextent possible. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee Additional shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate defined for the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixpurposes of this paragraph as two (2) hours per day paraprofessional time for elementary teachers in grades Y 5’s

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CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum A. A large class size except presents a hardship to the teacher as provided within this articlewell as the students they serve. This Association understands that the District may lack the ability to control all factors that influence class size, particularly the number of classrooms, the number of students and available funding. However, the Association does expect the District to provide equity between teachers. The District with good faith will strive to adhere to the recommended class sizes below. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss B. These are the recommended class size caps: 1. Kindergarten – 22 students per class 2. Grades 1-2 – 23 students per class 3. Grades 3-6 – 26 students per class 4. Grades 7-12 – 28 students per class 5. Performance classes (Band Choir, PE, etc.): limit of 40 students per class (except for elementary school PE) 6. Special Education Case Load – 30:1 for grades K-6, 40:1 for grades 7-12. C. The district shall attempt to maintain caseloads as recommended by the respective professional organizations of School Nurses, School Counselors. D. When the initial classroom assignments are made, students requiring an IEP, 504 plans, or modified diplomas shall be distributed equitably among classrooms at that grade or subject level. E. When a member’s request if class size is exceeded, the member’s class District shall inform the Association within 48 hours. F. Should special education case load caps be exceeded, the District shall post an additional teaching position to address the additional needs in the special education department within ten (10) days of exceeding the cap. In the event that the number of students in a K-6 grade level exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums caps established herein by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one five (5) cumulative students, the District shall post a position for an additional grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, teacher to help reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students to the agreed-upon cap within ten (10) days. Vacancies for the purposes of this article shall stay posted until filled or the grade level / caseload cap no longer qualifies for the vacancy. Teachers are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classesentitled to compensation until the vacancy is filled. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed G. Teachers with class sizes / caseloads exceeding the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum established caps shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload compensated using the schedule (below). Members who qualify for compensation shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District receive their stipend within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs five (5) days of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and last day of the unique features of each groupquarter. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide.Grade Level Stipend (Over Cap) 24-25 b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. H. The District and the Association agree shall form a joint committee of four (4) members, two (2) appointed by the Association and two (2) appointed by the District, to establish determine any additional solutions above the minimums established in this Article. 1. If class size exceeds the recommended cap, the committee will meet within one (1) week to develop a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed solution which supports our students and staff. 2. A solution will be offered by the committee within a two-week timeframe after the District has knowledge that the class cap size will be exceeded. 3. If a solution involves a job position, the position will be posted within 24 hours of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable committee’s decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate after the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixDistrict approves.

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE3.1 For the purpose of this Article, a teacher is defined as any certificated individual assigned to a full-day class of instruction on a regular basis, exclusive of special education. This could be for whatever portion of the day they are assigned (1 hour = 20% of an assignment). 7.01 Students 3.2 Transitional Kindergarten through third grade classes district wide shall be staffed to comply with student- teacher ratios as determined by Education Code 41376 and 41378; or staffed at levels in compliance with a fully funded, non-encroaching, Class Size Reduction program, whichever class size is less. In addition, the school wide annual kindergarten through third grade class size averages shall not be assigned exceed any classroom maximum as defined in Education Code 41376 and 41378. The parties agree to any class which has reached this language in order to comply with the maximum class size except reduction requirements set forth in the Local Control Funding Formula (Education Code 42238.02). Should any authority of competent jurisdiction conclude that this language does not satisfy those requirements, the parties agree to meet as provided within this articlesoon as possible with the intent of negotiating language that will satisfy those requirements. 7.02 The site3.3 When an individual class in grades 4, 5 and 6 exceeds thirty-five (35) students for more than twenty (20) days, or when in a self-contained/departmentalized program administrator is required to discuss the average class size at a member’s request if the memberfor content areas of math, science, language arts, and social science exceeds 35 students (175 student contacts) relief procedures as set forth below shall be instituted. 3.4 In grades 7 through 8, an individual teacher’s class exceeds size average in the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental following content areas of math, science, language arts, social science, and choral music languages other than English shall not exceed thirty-five (35) students (175 student contacts). Recognizing the collaborative relationship between the Association and the District, an individual teacher or staff may voluntarily agree to exceed these limits to deliver programs in an alternative way. When a teacher’s student contacts exceed 175 for more than twenty (20) days, relief procedures as set forth below shall be initiated. Class size for activity classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 timessuch as art, band, chorus, orchestra, and industrial arts, will be established with consideration given to safety and space available. Physical education classes may exceed class size averages shall be forty-five (45) students, or fewer, with no class exceeding fifty (50) students without the maximum by 1.35prior concurrence of the current teacher. 7.04 3.5 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students relief procedures referenced above are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students as follows and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not be limited to include, busing to: A. Transfer of students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aidewithin the school. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program B. Transfer of students between schools. C. Addition of staff member. D. Student Helper assistance to students in the District shall not exceed 12 studentsindividual classroom(s) involved. E. Itinerant specialist/physical education, art, music, etc. The class size for any specific class site administrator shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, discuss with his/her staff the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14relief procedure to be implemented before the final decision is made by the site administrator. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee 3.6 Specific attention shall be established paid to oversee, guide, the composition of combination classes pertaining to the selectivity and facilitate numbers of students as compared to the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixmakeup of single grade classes.

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE1. It is the intent of the District to maintain a ratio of twenty-eight (28) students, including Inclusion Students, per regular class unit member in grades 4-6, and a ratio of twenty-five (25) students, including Inclusion Students, per regular class in grades 7 and 8. The District intends to implement the state class size reduction program so long as adequate state funding specifically for that program is available. If the District withdraws from the CSR program the above stated ratio for grades 4- 6 shall apply to grades K-6. If a grade 4-6 class at a K-6 site reaches thirty-three (33) students at the end of September or thereafter in any year, and the assigned unit member requests assistance, one (1) two hour certificated staff person will be provided the class. The district will make reasonable efforts to balance 4-6 class size at each site. When a ratio of twenty-eight (28) students per regular class is reached on average at a Junior High School at the end of September or thereafter in any year the District shall provide additional certificated staff as mutually agreed upon by the District and certificated staff at that site. Class sizes for these purposes shall be calculated consistent with past District practice. No 7-12 P.E. class shall exceed 50 students. When there are insufficient sections of 7-12 Physical Education to maintain class rosters of 50 or fewer students the district may proceed with one of the following options: 7.01 Students A. Seek volunteers from among the faculty of the affected school to teach an additional period of Physical Education during what would normally be their Preparation Period. The volunteer teacher must possess a credential that authorizes Physical Education instruction. If more than one teacher volunteers, the Principal shall interview all applicants and shall select the best suited following the criteria set forth in Article V, 2 B. Reimbursement shall be 1/6 of the teacher’s daily rate of pay. In addition to the workday required in Article IX, 3, the selected volunteer must be on-site daily for an amount of time equal to the duration of the Preparation Period. B. If a volunteer cannot be found, Physical Education classes may exceed 50 students but shall not exceed 60 students. If any Physical Education class at a junior high school exceeds 50 students, the district shall provide Instructional Assistant support as follows: When any class occurring during the first three class periods exceeds 50 students, three (3) hours of Instructional Assistant time will be assigned to the Physical Education department for the first three periods. If the above occurs during the last three periods, three (3) hours of Instructional Assistant time will be assigned during that time frame. It is understood that in the event that the District chooses to utilize either of these options, the number of Physical Education sections offered shall be calculated by past District practice.) Any certificated staff added pursuant to this section shall be utilized in such a manner as to directly reduce class size. This limitation on the duties of added certificated staff shall not apply to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this articleadded after April 15th of any year. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times2. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make reasonable efforts to avoid scheduling combination classes in grades TK-6. An effort shall be made to find a unit member volunteer to accept a combination class. If more than one unit member volunteers, consideration will be given on an individual basis to rotate the assignment in alternate years. The District shall make reasonable effort efforts, when necessary, to equalize avoid circumstances which would result in a combination class sizes with fewer than seven (7) students of one grade level. Insofar as determined by possible, the class roster throughout pupils shall be selected for combination classes who are self-directed and who demonstrate a relative absence of severe discipline problems. Unit members shall have the District within right to participate in the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth selection process. When a unit member is assigned a combination class, an appropriate notation to that effect shall be placed in his/her IEP personnel file. 3. Those grade level teachers affected by a combination class shall receive $1500.00 to be divided among the affected classes for the purchase of instructional materials as approved by the site administrator or to attend conferences and/or workshops as mutually agreed upon with the site administrator. The combination class teacher also has the option to use $1000 for extra pay and $500 to be divided among the affected classes for the purchase of instructional materials. Non-consumable materials shall remain at the school site 4. When placing Inclusion students in a regular class consideration will be given on an individualized basis to the impact of those students on the class and the unique features interests of each groupthe affected unit member. “Reasonable effort” Consideration may include, but is not be limited to include, busing to: a. The educational needs of the regular education students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at in that site, or adding an instructional aideclass. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, The educational and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within other needs of the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14student with disabilities. c. The interests of the affected unit member. d. Non-teaching responsibilities TK-6 inclusion students to be placed in appropriate grade level classroom with the lowest student enrollment unless agreed to otherwise between site administrator and affected unit members. An effort shall be made to find a unit member volunteer to accept in his/her classroom Inclusion Students. Unit members receiving Inclusion Students will be provided adequate planning time for program coordination as developed at each site. Unit members receiving Inclusion Students shall have the regular assistance of another unit member or Instructional Aide. Where possible, substitutes will be provided for any absent unit member or Instructional Aide Educational materials and supplies unique to an Inclusion Student will be funded through the Special Education Classroom budget. 5. The District and the Association agree will cooperatively monitor the District’s enrollment impacting class sizes at grades 4-6 and grades 7-8 and imbalances in enrollment at grades 7-8. 6. TK-6 teachers; and Adaptive PE (APE) teachers, Inclusion teachers, Special Day Class Teachers (SDC), Resource Specialists (RSP), Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP) whose primary assignment is to establish work with TK-6 students shall have a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed full day release time two days per trimester per school year as agreed upon with the site administrator coinciding with grading periods for the purpose of seven members collaboration, planning and/or evaluation at grade levels. It is understood and agreed that substitutes will not be provided for APE and SLP for this purpose. PE teachers shall receive 1 full day of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is release time per trimester as agreed upon with the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievablesite administrator coinciding with grading periods for the purpose of collaboration, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixplanning and/or evaluation at grade levels.

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZEThe District shall have discretion to determine workloads for all Unit Members employed subject to the following limitations: 7.01 Students 8.1 Unit Members (excluding Counselors, Librarians, Athletic Directors, Activity Directors, and Specially Funded Programs) shall have a student contact cap as follows: 173 students to 1 Unit Member 195 students to 1 Unit Member in Physical Education 200 students to 1 Unit Member in Band/Music 30 students to 1 Unit Member in Independent Study/College Connection A. Unit Members may be assigned a maximum of thirty-six (36) students per class for each class in a five (5) period teaching day. Physical Education teachers shall have a cap of forty (40) students per class for a five (5) period teaching day. Unit Members in a continuation high school or community day school may be assigned a maximum of twenty-three (23) students per class in each class in a five (5) period day. The Average Daily Attendance ratio for independent study pupils to Independent Study and College Connection teachers shall not exceed thirty (30). This negotiated Independent Study ratio is also the comparator rate to be assigned to any class which has reached used for independent study purposes per the Education Code. The maximum class size except as provided within this articlenumber of students on each SPED Unit Member’s caseload shall not exceed twenty-eight (28). 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss B. Individual class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes sizes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP Section A of this article by mutual consent of the individual Unit Member, the subject area coordinator, and the unique features site administrator. It will be executed in writing with copies filed at the site and with the OSTA Executive Board. The waiver will be in effect for one (1) semester. A waiver will not be permitted for Unit Members in Physical Education to go beyond the forty (40) students per class cap.‌ C. Assignment of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at personnel shall be such that site, or adding an instructional aideworkloads are equalized within practical limits. b. Except for Hearing ImpairedD. Within any given subject area, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average a Unit Member may be assigned a class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 studentsload of fewer than 173 students per day. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, difference in students will be absorbed by the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14school site. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not The Board and the Association agree that twenty-eight (28) pupils is a reasonable classload. Exceptions to these limitations are physical education classes, band, chorus, and study halls. Laboratory classes will be assigned limited in size to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this articleequipment available. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times1. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort will be limited to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort forty (40). Class sizes over forty (40) students will be compensated at $90.00 per section to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 $750.00 per semester. Band/Instrumental Music and Chorus/Vocal Music exceeding forty (40) students and will be compensated at $90.00 per section. Advisory/Homeroom sections exceeding thirty (30) students on or after November 1st of each school year will be compensated an additional $90.00 per section per semester. Every attempt will be made to balance sections as the schedule permits. A Middle School teacher will be defined as a teacher who teaches four (4) or more Middle School classes Advisory/Homeroom sections exceeding twenty-five (25) students on or after November 1st of each school year will be compensated an additional $90.00 per section per semester. Every attempt will be made to balance sections as the schedule permits. A Middle School teacher will be defined as a teacher who teaches four (4) or more Middle School classes. 2. Classes in grades Young 5's-2 that exceed 28 students will have additional paraprofessional time assigned. Classes in grades 3-6 with a maximum that exceed 28 students may have additional paraprofessional time assigned. Every regular classroom teacher in grades Y 5’s – 6 shall receive one hundred fifty (150) minutes per week of 30 studentsgeneral education paraprofessional assistance time. 7.06 3. The District will make a reasonable effort, within Board and the financial constraints Association acknowledge that least restrictive environment mainstreaming of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, is legally mandated and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited intended in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum best educational interest of the student. For the purpose of this section, such students shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload referred to as "mainstreamed students." Mainstreamed students shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes defined as determined those students placed into the special education process through an Individual Education Planning Committee (IEPC) evaluation. Furthermore, they agree that placement of these students into an appropriate environment as required by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the law or needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and places extraordinary demands on the unique features classroom teacher. The Board agrees to provide additional paraprofessional time to any teacher who has more than four (4) mainstreamed students assigned to any one (1) class unless that teacher volunteers to take the additional mainstreamed students without the assistance of each groupa paraprofessional. “Reasonable effort” may includeFurthermore, but is not limited the Board agrees to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving create class schedules that allow for the balancing of mainstreamed students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aidethe extent possible. Additional shall be defined for the purposes of this paragraph as two (2) hours per day paraprofessional time for elementary teachers in grades Y 5’s – 6. Special education teacher time shall be counted toward fulfilling this requirement. b. Except 4. Teachers who teach medically fragile students will be provided training to deal with the special health needs which may be required in an emergency to serve these medically fragile student(s) in their classrooms. No bargaining unit member, except an employee hired for Hearing Impairedthat purpose, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within shall be required to provide custodial care or health services or any act or function constituting the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 studentspractice of medicine. It is agreed that classroom teachers will assist with necessary emergency health services should their assistance become necessary. The class size Board agrees to hold harmless, any teacher who provides such emergency services from liability for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14performance of such services to the extent permitted by law provided the teacher's actions were reasonable. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZEThe District shall have discretion to determine workloads for all Unit Members employed subject to the following limitations: 7.01 Students 8.1 Unit Members (excluding Counselors, Librarians, Athletic Directors, Activity Directors, and Specially Funded Programs) shall have a student contact cap as follows: 173 students to 1 Unit Member 195 students to 1 Unit Member in Physical Education 200 students to 1 Unit Member in Band/Music 30 students to 1 Unit Member in Independent Study/College Connection A. Unit Members may be assigned a maximum of thirty-six (36) students per class for each class in a five (5) period teaching day. Physical Education teachers shall have a cap of forty (40) students per class for a five (5) period teaching day. Unit Members in a continuation high school or community day school may be assigned a maximum of twenty-three (23) students per class in each class in a five (5) period day. The Average Daily Attendance ratio for independent study pupils to Independent Study and College Connection teachers shall not exceed thirty (30). This negotiated Independent Study ratio is also the comparator rate to be assigned to any class which has reached used for independent study purposes per the Education Code. The maximum class size except as provided within this articlenumber of students on each SPED Unit Member’s caseload shall not exceed twenty-eight (28). 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss B. Individual class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes sizes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP Section A of this article by mutual consent of the individual Unit Member, the subject area coordinator, and the unique features of each groupsite administrator. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is It will be executed in writing with copies filed at the site and with the OSTA Executive Board. The waiver will be in effect for one (1) semester. A waiver will not limited be permitted for Unit Members in Physical Education to include, busing go beyond the forty (40) students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aideper class cap. b. Except for Hearing ImpairedC. Assignment of personnel shall be such that workloads are equalized within practical limits. D. Within any given subject area, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average a Unit Member may be assigned a class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 studentsload of fewer than 173 students per day. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, difference in students will be absorbed by the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14school site. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZEa. For the purpose of this section, "restricted classes" shall be defined as language classes, English 1A, 1B, and 1C, basic skills-building classes, laboratory classes, and classes conducted in classrooms with capacities of fewer than 30 students. Writing Workshop classes shall be limited to a maximum of 12 students in each section. "Non-restricted" classes for the purpose of this section shall be defined as all other classes. Additional students may be enrolled in a restricted class only with written consent of the instructor. 7.01 Students b. The maximum class size for restricted classes shall not be assigned to any class which has reached 30 students, unless there are fewer than 30 work stations available in a classroom; in such cases, the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 shall be determined by the number of work stations available. The site/program administrator is required to discuss maximum class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music for non-restricted classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 be 67 students. 7.05 The sitec. Work Experience faculty workload shall be distributed as follows: 1 lecture hour credit for 1-10 students/program administrator class 2 lecture hours credit for 11-20 students/class 3 lecture hours credit for 21 or more students/class d. Full-time contract and regular instructors' classes not cancelled prior to the first day of a semester shall make remain open for enrollment until the fourth day following the first meeting of a reasonable effort semester, until the second class meeting of evening classes, or until the third day following the first class meeting of summer school. In reaching a decision regarding the cancellation of a class, the District should consider whether the course is required for a major, to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned complete a sequence, or to more than one grade level K-3 complete graduation or 3-4 with transfer requirements. Should the District determine to cancel a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with class, the District may assign the affected faculty members to a maximum of 30 studentsspecial assignment. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within e. Maximum class size may be increased by the financial constraints District-designated administrator in the best interest of the District, to reduce educational program and with the written consent of the instructor involved. Instructors having classes which have not reached maximum class size maximums in those limits shall accept students whose classes into which special education have been cancelled for enrollment through the second week of instruction. It shall be the goal of each department to maintain at least 30 students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classesper class. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The f. Minimum class size for any specific restricted classes, except for writing workshops, shall be 18 students and minimum class size for unrestricted classes shall not exceed 17 be 27 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschoolexcept when the Xxxx of Academic Affairs after consultation with the instructor and the appropriate division chair, SEDdetermines, for academic consideration or because only one section of a core course is offered during the day or evening, that a lower number is in the best interest of the educational program. g. The parties recognize the District's responsibility to offer, periodically, experimental courses, as well as courses necessary for students to complete majors and sequences, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classesshall meet these responsibilities on an as-needed basis. It is understood that classes in such courses would be offered with fewer than the minimum required. Class sizes shall be limited in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the District class size average shall not exceed 10policies, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievablehealth, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guidesafety, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixfire regulations.

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students 11.1 Each year the District shall establish staffing ratios for grades TK, K, 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12 in core academic subjects (math, social science, English, science, foreign language), consistent with any Education Code requirement. The District shall provide the Association with an opportunity to provide input prior to the establishment of these ratios. At the request of the Association, the District shall communicate the staffing ratios to the Association president prior to the adoption of the budget for the fiscal year. In determining class sizes, the District shall consider the effect of mainstreaming special education students and English Learner students into regular classes. Special Education class sizes shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Education Code. Special Day Classes, Advanced Placement, and Class Size Reduction classes shall not be assigned to any class which has reached included in computing the maximum class size except as provided within this articlestaffing ratios. 7.02 11.2 At the request of the Association, within three weeks after the beginning of each term the District shall provide to the Association president a report of classes and student enrollment. 11.3 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size District shall consider the distribution of students among classes at a member’s request if given grade level or subject in a school and the member’s distribution of students within a given subject area in determining class sizes. In addition, the District shall take into consideration the number of work stations available. 11.4 After initial class balancing at the beginning of the school year, in the event that any TK-5 class exceeds the loading ratiostaffing ratio (per Article 11.1) by three (3) students, the affected unit member may request a conference with the site administrator to explore mitigation options mutually agreeable to the parties. At the unit member’s request, the Association site representative shall be present at the conference. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed 11.5 In the maximums event that any 6-12 grade class exceeds the staffing ratios by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35three (3) students (per Article 11. 7.04 The site/program 1) after initial class balancing at the beginning of the school year, the affected unit member may request a conference with the site administrator to explore mitigation options mutually agreeable to the parties. At the unit member’s request, the Association site representative shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 studentsbe present at the conference. 7.05 The site/program administrator 11.6 No more than two (2) Advanced Placement or Honors classes shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes continue at the secondary level that has an enrollment of fifteen (15) or fewer students at the beginning of the semester in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 studentsit is offered. 7.06 11.7 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special staffing ratio for Physical Education Classes shall not exceed 50 students per class. In the maximum cited in event that any individual PE class exceeds this staffing ratio after initial class balancing at the lawbeginning of the school year, the affected unit member may request a conference with the site administrator to explore mitigation options mutually agreeable to the parties. At the unit member’s request, the Association site representative shall be present at the conference. This provision does not apply to team sports related PE classes or classes where the Athletic Director is a teacher of record for a sports team. At the beginning of each semester, a meeting will be scheduled with 6th period high school PE teachers and site administration to review class sizes. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum 11.8 Administration shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. meet with representation from each school and grade level to determine schedules and time utilization. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by provide the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels necessary training and programs consistent with the needs state standard aligned curriculum. Three (3) hours of aide time shall be provided daily at each elementary school. Bargaining Unit Members shall provide line of sight supervision of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students aides equitably on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aiderotational basis. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students (a) The Committee and the Union recognize the desirability of achieving optimum teaching-learning conditions by assuring workable class size. To this end the Committee recognizes that it is desirable to attempt to reach the following class size maxima: – 20 pupils in classes of academically talented or slow academic achievers – 12 pupils in industrial arts classes composed of special class students To achieve these class size targets, the Committee and the Union agree that the following class size maxima shall not be in effect: – 20 pupils in industrial classes – 35 pupils in physical education in the middle and the high schools – 20 pupils in Structured English Immersion (SEI) classes, Bilingual Classes, and ESL classes. – 25 pupils in Structured English Immersion (SEI) classes, Bilingual Classes, and ESL classes with a paraprofessional. In rooms with specific student stations (shops, typing rooms, laboratories) the number of pupils assigned to any such rooms should not exceed the number of student stations available. An appropriate number of regular teachers shall be hired to make possible the aforementioned class which has reached size maxima. Class size for program prototypes 502.2, 502.3 and 502.4 shall conform with Regulations published by the State Department of Education. The class size maxima during this Agreement shall be as follows: K1, K2, and Grade 1 and 2 22 Grade 3 25 Grade 4 25 Grade 5 25 Grade 4 & 5 AWC 25 Notwithstanding the above-listed class size maxima table, effective September 1, 2013, the class size maximum in Grade 6 at schools designated as “Level 3” and “Level 4” by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall be twenty-six (26) and the class size maximum in Grade 9 at schools designated as “Level 3” and “Level 4” by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (“DESE”) shall be thirty (30). Additionally, each of following schools shall be treated as a “Level 3” school until such time as such school(s) receive a designation from DESE: King K-8, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxx., Xxxx-Xxxxxx. (b) Effective September 1, 2001 In elementary schools where there is only one regular education class in a grade level, the School Department may exceed the class size maxima by one or two students. For one student over the class size maxima the teacher will receive $1,500 and for two students $3,000. In secondary schools where there is a singular regular education course offering, the School Department may exceed the class size maxima by one or two students. For one student in excess, the teacher will receive $300 per class and for two students, $600 per class. Compensation under this section will be on a pro rata basis and will be subject to retirement deductions. (c) No compensation shall be owed for class size grievances resolved within fifteen school days of the filing of the grievance. (d) In the event the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program is exceeded, the building administrator is required and the classroom teacher will discuss in good faith appropriate educational solutions. These might include the assignment of a Para-professional to discuss class size at assist the teacher, a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited reduction in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by teacher’s nonteaching duties, insuring the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding teacher an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, overall average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six85% of the maximum, and similar measures. Ultimately, the classroom teacher may insist that the class size maximum be enforced.

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Samples: Educational Services

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 A. The average maximum class size ratio of students per certified elementary classroom educator at each grade level in the school district shall be as follows: Kindergarten (each session) 20 students 1 educator Grade 1 20 students 1 educator Grade 2 21 students 1 educator Grade 3 23 students 1 educator Grade 4 23 students 1 educator Grade 5 25 students 1 educator Grade 6 25 students 1 educator No individual class shall exceed: Kindergarten (each session) 25 students Grade 1 25 students Grade 2 25 students Grade 3 25 students Grade 4 25 students Grade 5 28 students Grade 6 28 students When district student enrollment counts at any grade K-6 level exceed the number of students required for a specific number of sections by five (5) or fewer students, NEA Chariho and the administration may mutually agree that educators may be compensated as per Appendix B if individual class size limits are violated. Otherwise, those five (5) students may be placed without adding an additional section. Students who are in self-contained placements for more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the school day shall not be assigned to any class which has reached the maximum counted in class size except as provided within this articlecalculations. 7.02 B. Secondary teaching responsibilities: 1. The site/program administrator is required to discuss maximum teaching responsibility for grades 7 and/or 8 educators shall be one hundred twenty (120) pupils per educator; no individual class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may shall exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 25 students. 7.05 2. The site/program administrator maximum teaching responsibility for grades 9 through 12 educators shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than be one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 studentshundred twenty (120) pupils per educator. 7.06 3. At the High School level, the maximum individual class size shall be as follows: Advanced Placement* 18 students Honors 30 students College Preparation 30 students Basic/Extended 20 students *The District will make a reasonable effortshall provide specialized training for educators of advanced placement courses. In the first year of teaching an advanced placement course, within two (2) professional days per quarter shall be offered for the financial constraints purpose of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classeslong-range planning. 7.07 Special Education Classes C. In classes with work and/or laboratory stations, the number of students assigned shall not exceed the maximum cited number of work and/or laboratory stations. D. With mutual agreement with NEA Chariho, there may be split grade classes; i.e. an educator may be assigned a class containing students from more than one (1) grade level. E. After October 2nd new students may be assigned on a fair and equitable basis so long as no individual class/teaching responsibility is exceeded. Every effort will be made to provide educators with twenty-four (24) hour notice prior to a student’s first day of class. 1. At the kindergarten through grade six (6) levels, in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum event all individual classes within a grade in a building have reached the maximums as described above, new students will be assigned on a fair and equitable basis. Educators shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students compensated as set forth in hisAppendix B. 2. At the grade seven (7) through twelve (12) levels, in the event all individual classes/her IEP and teaching responsibilities have reached the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may includemaximums as described above, but is not limited to include, busing new students will be assigned on a voluntary basis fair and equitable basis. Educators shall be compensated as set forth in Appendix B. 3. Payments to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aideeducators for overages will be dispersed on a quarterly basis. b. Except for Hearing ImpairedF. Guidance counselors at the High School and Career and Technical Center shall be assigned no more than two hundred sixty (260) and Middle School counselors no more than three hundred twenty (320) students per counselor. Counselor load shall be determined as of October 1st. The guidance department head will be assigned a student caseload at .5 of the other High School guidance counselors, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average not to exceed one hundred thirty (130) students. G. In some isolated instances where a student’s placement might be impacted by strict adherence to class size within limits, such placements will be accommodated with consent of the SDC program in the District individual educator and NEA Chariho. It is mutually understood that any such accommodations shall not exceed 12 studentsbe deemed a precedent in another or other similar situation. H. At the elementary and middle school levels, the principal, in consultation with educators at each building, shall develop a procedure for the educationally appropriate placement of students for the next school year. 1. Two (2) educators and/or teams may request to loop; the permission of the principal is required, which shall not be unreasonably denied. Being in a looping program will not alter any educator’s originally assigned position. The class size parties agree that educators volunteering for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, assigned to loops will remain in those positions for the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14term of the loop unless displaced. c. a. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee looping process shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiativesoperate as follows: i. TwoThere will be an equal number of voluntary educators and/or teams in each grade for the looping program. ii. In the event there is an unequal number of educators and/or teams volunteering, a lottery will be used to determine the order of participation of voluntary educators and/or teams in the loop. I. Educators will be allowed to voluntarily participate, with their principal’s approval, in a co-teaching model for regular/special education service delivery. The voluntary commitment to this model shall be open for annual renewal by both the educator and the principal. Any position posted and filled as a co-teaching position will not be subject to annual renewal by the educator. The principal may require a return of the educator’s classroom assignment to a traditional model if, in the principal’s opinion, the special education population in any succeeding year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixdoes not warrant the co-teaching model.

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Samples: Contract Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZEA. The School Committee recognizes the desirability of achieving a class size for maximum development of the students in the learning process and to this end will limit class size to the following with the exceptions as noted in Section B. 7.01 Students 1 Pre-K 2 Primary (Grades K-5) 28 whenever possible 2 Middle School (Grade 6) Academic Subjects (including Science Labs.) 28 whenever possible (Grades 7-8) 26 whenever possible 3 Secondary (Grades 9-12) Academic Subjects (including Science Labs.) 26 whenever possible Industrial Arts Physical Education per teacher station 26 whenever possible 26 whenever possible Band and Choral Instruction (to be determined by the Central Administration) Study Hall 40 per teacher Any Special Groupings Under State Funded Programs in Accordance with State Laws In classrooms with specific learning stations (computers, shops, science labs, art studios, etc.) the number of pupils assigned shall not exceed the number of stations available, whenever possible. All attempts will be assigned made to any equalize the distribution of students on IEP and 504 plans across as many teachers as possible. B. In the event that it is necessary to assign a teacher to a class which exceeds the maximum size, the principal shall, upon receipt of written request by the teacher or the Burlington Educators Association, state reasons in writing to the teacher, the Burlington Educators Association and the Superintendent of Schools why the class size has reached been exceeded. An acceptable reason for exceeding the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints be any of the District, following: 1. There is no space available and no portable unit can be obtained to permit scheduling of any additional classes or class in order to reduce class size. 2. Conformity to the class size maximums objective would result in those placing additional classes into which special education students are integrated, on short time schedule. 3. Conformity to the class size objective would result in remedial classes, and in high school composition the organization of half classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed 4. A class larger than the maximum cited is necessary or desirable in order to provide for specialized or experimental instruction or for the lawinstruction of the gifted. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum 5. It is in violation of the rules and regulations of the State Department of Public Safety and/or State Department of Education and is therefore unsound. C. The decision to assign a teacher specified under Article IV, Section B, shall be 26 subject to the grievance procedure beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aideLevel II. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average D. A cooperating teacher will be employed when the size of a class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Twoexceeds twenty-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixeight

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE17.1 The District maximum class size average excluding Special Education and non-teaching personnel and using full-time equivalent unit member units as the divisor into the number of students enrolled, will not exceed twenty-eight (28) students as determined at the close of the first week of school. 7.01 Students 17.2 If, during the school year, a class exceeds twenty-eight (28) students, new students shall not be assigned to any class which has reached classes by the maximum class size except as provided within this articleschool Principal in a fashion to allow for balance between classes/grade level/subject. 7.02 17.3 The site/program administrator is required to discuss class size at a member’s request if maximum contained in this sub-Article shall have no application until after the member’s class exceeds first fifteen (15) school days of the loading ratioschool year. 7.03 Instrumental 17.3.1 After that date, should enrollment in an individual class exceed thirty-two (32) (K-3), thirty-three (33) (4-5), thirty-four (34) (6-8), and choral music thirty-four (34) (9-12), a teacher may bring the matter to the attention of the Principal in writing on a form provided by the District if their professional judgment is that the size of any of his/her classes may exceed has become such as to adversely affect the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35educational program. 7.04 The site/program administrator 17.3.2 In such case, the teacher and the Principal shall make a reasonable effort meet within ten (10) working days to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within review the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. situation. The District shall make attempt to provide relief through such means as: ! Transfer or reassignment of students; ! Instructional Aide time; ! Clerical assistance; ! Additional teacher preparation time. 17.3.3 The above class maximums do not apply to traditionally large classes, such as: Band, Chorus, Physical Education, etc. 17.3.4 If the matter remains unresolved in the opinion of the teacher, a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent consultation may be requested with the Superintendent. The criteria that will be considered in the consultation will include: size of room, type of facility, number of work stations, lockers, equipment, educational materials, needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP students, and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aidehealth and safety requirements. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight 17.4 A study committee shall be established to oversee, guide, study class size at all four (4) campuses and facilitate determine how to work towards the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that goal of decreasing class size at all grade levels. The committee shall include no more than sixbe composed of representatives from the school sites (not to exceed two

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZEA. In assigning students to classes, class size, if possible, shall be limited to no more than 28 students. At the elementary level, the administration will work to equalize class size throughout the district. The administrator will work with the classroom teacher where class size is a concern of either party. In grades six through 00, xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx to limit a daily student load of no more than 168 students, excluding band and choir, six periods a day, 28 students per class. The administration will work to equalize class size among common courses. The final decision must rest with the administration in regard to the total program. 7.01 Students 1. Teachers with a supervisory responsibility shall not have responsibility for more than 85 students in duty assignments. 2. All certified/licensed staff will receive, before the last student day of school, a print out of their teaching assignments and anticipated student loads for the next year. Common course and grade level student loads shall be assigned available upon request. The items B. C. and D below will be used as guidelines in the discussion between the teacher and the administration. B. A student could count as one pupil unless the student is included as a special needs student or a student with a disability, in which case the student could count as two (2) students. C. Subject to paragraph A of this article, a student with two (2) or more categorical classifications (as categorical classifications are defined by the Rules for the Education of Handicapped Children), excluding speech as a category, will count as two (2) students. The administration will work with the classroom teacher where a specific category is a concern. The final decision must rest with the administration in regard to the total program. The “multiple count” of the paragraph C shall not require additional staff. D. The determination of the size of regular classes with included students will take into consideration any extraordinary demands on physical space, teacher contact, and/or teacher supervision. The participation of a special education teacher and/or aide could change the teacher/pupil ratio of the regular classroom teacher. E. The employer will not submit a waiver request to the State Department of Education or to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required other agency with competent jurisdiction in order to discuss class size at a member’s request if the member’s class exceeds the loading ratio. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may exceed the maximums by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35number of disabled students that are permitted in a classroom without first allowing the input of MLEA. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in which students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other classes at that site, or adding an instructional aide. b. Except for Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guide, and facilitate the following initiatives: i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than six

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Samples: Negotiated Agreement

CLASS SIZE. GRADE LOADING RATIO MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE 7.01 Students shall not be assigned A. District will attempt to any class which has reached the maximum class size except as provided within this article. 7.02 The site/program administrator is required to discuss keep class size at 28 students except those grade levels where class size is determined to be Education Code Chapter 6.10, Class Size Reduction Program, and physical education, chorus, and band classes capped at 35. Due to the implementation of a member’s request larger curriculum span, the District will attempt to cap multi-grade level classes at 20. 1. The District will attempt to cap Special Day Classes at a number designated by the SELPA and for student enrollment in any SDC classroom exceeding twelve, shall be provided two Special Education Program Aids, not including one-on-one assistants. The District shall be sensitive to extra effort needed to help disabled students as they attend general education classrooms. The Association leadership may bring to the attention of the Superintendent those situations where extra effort may warrant consideration to determine if the memberstudent should count as two (2) students for the class size limits. The Superintendent’s class exceeds the loading ratiodecision shall be final. 7.03 Instrumental and choral music classes may 2. District Psychologists. The District will attempt to cap at 12 Cognitive Assessments per month. Any excess in assessments shall be compensated in accordance in Section C. below. 3. District Speech Therapist, as an itinerant service provider, the District will attempt to cap caseloads at 50. Any students in excess of these models shall be compensated in accordance with Section C. below. B. Should any class exceed the maximums limits in VII.A, the District will attempt to: 1. Reorganize one or more classes, with the transfer of students, or assist the bargaining unit member by 1.5 times. Physical education classes may exceed the maximum by 1.35providing paraprofessional staff. 7.04 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort 2. Individual bargaining unit members may agree to schedule English composition classes in grades 9-12 with a maximum of 29 accept additional students. 7.05 The site/program administrator shall make a reasonable effort to schedule combination classes in 3. Within an individual school, an individual classroom (K-8) which reaches 27 students are assigned to more than one grade level K-3 or 3-4 with a maximum of 29 students and 4-6 with a maximum of 30 students. 7.06 The District will make a reasonable effort, within the financial constraints of the District, to reduce class size maximums in those classes into which special education students are integrated, in remedial classes, and in high school composition classes. 7.07 Special Education Classes shall not exceed the maximum cited in the law. 7.07.1 SDC Class Size SDC 7-12 non-severe caseload maximum shall be 26 beginning July 2002; RSP caseload shall be 28; a. The District shall make a reasonable effort to equalize class sizes as determined by the class roster throughout the District within the grade levels and programs consistent with the needs of the students as set forth in his/her IEP and the unique features of each group. “Reasonable effort” may include, but is not limited to include, busing students on a voluntary basis to other sites, moving students to other increase without equalizing classes at that site, or adding an instructional aidegrade level in that school. Any individual classroom in K-8 which reaches 30 students shall not increase without equalizing classes at that grade level District-wide. b. Except for Hearing ImpairedC. At the request of the Association, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, average class size within the SDC program in the District shall not exceed 12 students. The class size for any specific class shall not exceed 17 students. In Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped Preschool, SED, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Center classes, meet with the District class size average shall not exceed 10, and any individual class shall not exceed 14. c. The District bargaining unit member and the Association agree to establish a Special Education/General Education Oversight Committee composed of seven members of which a majority are teachers. The committee shall recognize that consensus is discuss the preferable decision making process. In cases where consensus is not achievablereasons and attempt(s) to bring the class within the limits and determine an appropriate, all decisions and recommendations shall require five (5) votes. The oversight committee shall be established to oversee, guidesafe, and facilitate reasonable solution to the following initiatives:situation. If the District is unable to bring the class size to or below the numbers specified in paragraph A, for each month that the class size exceeds the specified number, for each additional pupil, the district will pay the teacher a stipend of $100.00 per pupil per month in departmentalized programs, or pay the teacher a stipend of $300.00 per month in self-contained classrooms. i. Two-year K-12 pilot program that shall include no more than sixA. DEFINITIONS

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

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