Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) System 1. request access to CMBHS via the CMBHS Helpline at (000) 000-0000. 2. use the CMBHS time frames specified by System Agency. 3. use System Agency-specified functionality of the CMBHS in its entirety. 4. submit all bills and reports to System Agency through the CMBHS, unless otherwise instructed.
Behavioral Health Services – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Inpatient - Unlimited days at a general hospital or a specialty hospital including detoxification or residential/rehabilitation per plan year. Preauthorization may be required for services received from a non-network provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient or intermediate careservices* - See Covered Healthcare Services: Behavioral Health Section for details about partial hospital program, intensive outpatient program, adult intensive services, and child and family intensive treatment. Preauthorization may be required for services received from a non-network provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Office visits - See Office Visits section below for Behavioral Health services provided by a PCP or specialist. Psychological Testing 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Medication-assisted treatment - whenrenderedby a mental health or substance use disorder provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Methadone maintenance treatment - one copayment per seven-day period of treatment. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient - Benefit is limited to 18 weeks or 36 visits (whichever occurs first) per coveredepisode. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible In a physician's office - limited to 12 visits per plan year. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Emergency room - When services are due to accidental injury to sound natural teeth. 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. In a physician’s/dentist’s office - When services are due to accidental injury to sound natural teeth. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Services connected to dental care when performed in an outpatient facility * 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Inpatient/outpatient/in your home 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible (*) Preauthorization may be required for this service. Please see Preauthorization in Section 5 for more information. You Pay You Pay Outpatient durable medical equipment* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient medical supplies* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient diabetic supplies/equipment purchasedat licensed medical supply provider (other than a pharmacy). See the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits for supplies purchased at a pharmacy. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient prosthesis* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Enteral formula delivered through a feeding tube. Must be sole source of nutrition. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Enteral formula or food taken orally * 20% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Hair prosthesis (wigs) - The benefit limit is $350 per hair prosthesis (wig) when worn for hair loss suffered as a result of cancer treatment. 20% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Coverage provided for members from birth to 36 months. The provider must be certified as an EIS provider by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services. 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Asthma management 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Hospital emergency room 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider.
Radiation Therapy/Chemotherapy Services This plan covers chemotherapy and radiation services. This plan covers respiratory therapy services. When respiratory services are provided in your home, as part of a home care program, durable medical equipment, supplies, and oxygen are covered as a durable medical equipment service.
Behavioral Health Services Behavioral health services include the evaluation, management, and treatment for a mental health or substance use disorder condition. For the purpose of this plan, substance use disorder does not include addiction to or abuse of tobacco and/or caffeine. Mental health or substance use disorders are those that are listed in the most updated volume of either: • the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association; or • the International Classification of Disease Manual (ICD) published by the World Health Organization. This plan provides parity in benefits for behavioral healthcare services. Please see Section 10 for additional information regarding behavioral healthcare parity. This plan covers behavioral health services if you are inpatient at a general or specialty hospital. See Inpatient Services in Section 3 for additional information. This plan covers services at behavioral health residential treatment facilities, which provide: • clinical treatment; • medication evaluation management; and • 24-hour on site availability of health professional staff, as required by licensing regulations. This plan covers intermediate care services, which are facility-based programs that are: • more intensive than traditional outpatient services; • less intensive than 24-hour inpatient hospital or residential treatment facility services; and • used as a step down from a higher level of care; or • used a step-up from standard care level of care. Intermediate care services include the following: • Partial Hospital Program (PHP) – PHPs are structured and medically supervised day, evening, or nighttime treatment programs providing individualized treatment plans. A PHP typically runs for five hours a day, five days per week. • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – An IOP provides substantial clinical support for patients who are either in transition from a higher level of care or at risk for admission to a higher level of care. An IOP typically runs for three hours per day, three days per week.
Mental Health Services Grantee will receive allocated funding to secure Mental Health Services and Programs for youth under Xxxxxxx’s supervision. Services may include screening, assessment, diagnoses, evaluation, or treatment of youth with Mental Health Needs. The Department’s provision of State Aid Grant Mental Health Services funds shall not be understood to limit the use of other state and local funds for mental health services. State Aid Grant Mental Health Services funds may be used for all mental health services and programs as defined herein, however these funds may not be used to supplant local funds or for unallowable expenditure. Youth served by State Aid Grant Mental Health Services funds must meet the definition of Target Population for Mental Health Services provided in the Contract.
COUNTY’S QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN The County or its agent will evaluate the Contractor’s performance under this Contract on not less than an annual basis. Such evaluation will include assessing the Contractor’s compliance with all Contract terms and conditions and performance standards. Contractor deficiencies which the County determines are severe or continuing and that may place performance of the Contract in jeopardy if not corrected will be reported to the Board of Supervisors. The report will include improvement/corrective action measures taken by the County and the Contractor. If improvement does not occur consistent with the corrective action measures, the County may terminate this Contract or impose other penalties as specified in this Contract.
Accident Prevention Health and Safety Committee The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health in the Hospital in order to prevent accidents, injury and illness. its responsibilities, under the applicable legislation, the Hospital agrees to accept as a member of its Accident Prevention - Health Safety Committee at least one representative selected or appointed by the Union from amongst bargaining unit employees. Such Committee shall identify potential dangers and hazards, institute means of improving health and safety programs and recommend actions to be taken to improve conditions related to safety and health. The Hospital agrees to co-operate providing necessary information to Committee to its functions. Meetings shall be held every second month or more frequently at the call of--the chair required. The Committee shall maintain minutes of all meetings and make the same available for review. Any representative appointed or selected in accordance with hereof shall serve for a term of one calendar year from the date of appointment, which may be renewed for further periods of one year. Time off for such representative(s) to attend meetings of the Acci- dent Prevention - Health & Safety Committee in accord- ance with the foregoing shall be granted and time so spent attending such meetings shall be deemed to be work time for which the representative(s) shall be paid by the Hospital at his regular or premium rate as may be applicable. The Union agrees to endeavour to obtain the full co-operation of its membership in the observation of all safety rules and practices. Pregnant employees may request to be transferred from their current duties if, in the professional opinion of the employee's physician, the pregnancy may be at risk. If such a transfer is not feasible, the pregnant employee, if she so requests, will be granted an unpaid leave of absence before commencement of the maternity leave referred to in Article Where the Hospital identifies high risk areas where employees are exposed to Hepatitis the Hospital will provide, at no cost to the employees, a Hepatitis B vaccine.
Health Services At the time of employment and subject to (b) above, full credit for registered professional nursing experience in a school program shall be given. Full credit for registered professional nursing experience may be given, subject to approval by the Human Resources Division. Non-degree nurses shall be placed on the BA Track of the Teachers Salary Schedule and shall be ineligible for movement to any other track.
Synchronization, Commissioning and Commercial Operation 4.1.1 The Power Producer shall give at least fifteen (15) days written notice to the SLDC / ALDC / DISCOM as the case may be, of the date on which it intends to synchronize the Power Project to the Grid System. 4.1.2 Subject to Article 4.1.1, the Power Project may be synchronized by the Power Producer to the Grid System when it meets all the connection conditions prescribed in the Grid Code and otherwise meets all other Indian legal requirements for synchronization to the Grid System. 4.1.3 The synchronization equipment and all necessary arrangements / equipment including Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) for scheduling of power generated from the Project and transmission of data to the concerned authority as per applicable regulation shall be installed by the Power Producer at its generation facility of the Power Project at its own cost. The Power Producer shall synchronize its system with the Grid System only after the approval of GETCO / SLDC / ALDC and GEDA. 4.1.4 The Power Producer shall immediately after each synchronization / tripping of generator, inform the sub-station of the Grid System to which the Power Project is electrically connected in accordance with applicable Grid Code. 4.1.5 The Power Producer shall commission the Project within SCOD. 4.1.6 The Power Producer shall be required to obtain Developer and/ or Transfer Permission, Key Plan drawing etc, if required, from GEDA. In cases of conversion of land from Agricultural to Non-Agriculture, the commissioning shall be taken up by GEDA only upon submission of N.A. permission by the Power Producer. 4.1.7 The Power Producer shall be required to follow the Forecasting and Scheduling procedures as per the Regulations issued by Hon’ble GERC from time to time. It is to clarify that in terms of GERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2019 the procedures for Forecasting, Scheduling & Deviation Settlment are applicable to all solar generators having combined installed capacity above 1 MW connected to the State Grid / Substation including those connected via pooling stations.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Contractor shall establish and maintain a quality assurance/quality control program which shall include procedures for continuous control of all construction and comprehensive inspection and testing of all items of Work, including any Work performed by Subcontractors, so as to ensure complete conformance to the Contract with respect to materials, workmanship, construction, finish, functional performance, and identification. The program established by Contractor shall comply with any quality assurance/quality control requirements incorporated in the Contract.