Planning Time All teachers are to be guaranteed an uninterrupted daily block of at least 45 minutes of planning for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule. Planning time shall be used primarily for lesson/program planning, parent conferences, student conferences, and conferring with other faculty members. A good faith effort must be made by the principal or designee to ensure equitable scheduling among the faculty for teacher participation and involvement for any accommodation plan meeting (IEP (Individual Education Plan), 504, BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan), etc.) in which the teacher’s planning time and instructional time are disrupted as little as possible. a) The principal may have up to one (1) of these 45-minute blocks per week designated for Collaborative Planning, Professional Learning Community (PLC), or Faculty Meetings (one (1) per month) or other data gathering/planning intended to increase student achievement. b) The four (4) 45-minute planning periods for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule shall be used by the teacher solely for self-directed planning time. Recognizing that curriculum changes are inevitable throughout all areas of instruction, team/common planning may occur and is encouraged in order to meet the needs of the students. Teachers are responsible for the proper utilization of the self-directed portion of planning time. 6.3-1 During weeks when there is a full Staff Development Day, or a shortened week, teachers will still have four (4) days of self-directed planning that week. 6.3-2 Elementary school teachers shall have an uninterrupted, continuous block of time of no fewer than forty-five (45) minutes per day of scheduled duty free planning time during the student contact time. Should a continuous forty-five (45) minute block be unfeasible, the principal will schedule a continuous thirty (30) minute block during the student day and an additional fifteen (15) minute continuous block of time during the duty day for planning. Elementary teachers shall stay with their students when the students are participating in regularly scheduled special classes only when there is no certified instructor available. 6.3-3 Middle school teachers shall have an uninterrupted, continuous block of forty-five (45) minutes per day for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule of scheduled duty free planning time during the student contact time. Middle school schedules should include time for teacher planning time for such concepts as team planning, back to back planning periods, parent conferences, student conferences, etc. In middle schools that elect to participate in a seven (7) or eight (8) period day, the normal teaching load will be six (6) out of seven (7) or seven (7) out of eight (8) periods. (Advisor/advisee instruction will count as a teaching period.) Teachers, excluding those teachers assigned to Special Programs, may be asked, but shall not be involuntarily assigned a teaching schedule requiring more than three (3) preparations. To indicate acceptance of a schedule with more than three (3) preparations, the teacher must be presented with the schedule in writing and indicate acceptance by attaching their signature. 6.3-4 High school teachers shall have an uninterrupted, continuous block of forty-five (45) minutes per day for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule of duty free planning time during the student contact time. A normal teaching load will be six (6) out of seven (7) periods. Instructional time will be arranged according to the school’s approved schedule and in accordance with Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) guidelines. Teachers, excluding those teachers assigned to Special Programs, may be asked, but shall not be involuntarily assigned a teaching schedule requiring more than three (3) preparations. To indicate acceptance of a schedule with more than three (3) preparations, the teacher must be presented with the schedule in writing and indicate acceptance by attaching their signature. 6.3-5 Traviss and Ridge Technical College regular program and academic teachers shall have three hundred (300) minutes per week of planning time. 6.3-6 Adult School (East and West Areas) teachers shall have at least 250 minutes per week of planning 6.3-7 Teachers are required to make arrangements with the principal or immediate supervisor prior to 6.3-8 The Board shall structure a schedule for students that dismisses all students 150 minutes early to provide teachers 150 minutes of planning time in addition to the planning time described in Sections 6.3 through 6.3-5. There shall be at least seven (7) of these Student Early Dismissal Days distributed throughout the school year as mutually agreed upon. The days shall be designated six (6) Teacher Self- Directed Planning Days and one (1) Staff Development Day in March with a portion used for state testing training.
Multi-Year Planning The CAPS will be in a form acceptable to the LHIN and may be required to incorporate (1) prudent multi-year financial forecasts; (2) plans for the achievement of performance targets; and (3) realistic risk management strategies. It will be aligned with the LHIN’s then current Integrated Health Service Plan and will reflect local LHIN priorities and initiatives. If the LHIN has provided multi-year planning targets for the HSP, the CAPS will reflect the planning targets.
Discharge Planning If further care at home or in another facility is appropriate following discharge from the Hospital, Blue Shield will work with the Member, the attending Physician and the Hospital discharge planners to determine the most appropriate and cost effective way to provide this care.
Transition Planning The AGENCY will be responsible for the development of the student’s Transition Plan, which begins upon entry and is completed prior to the student’s exit.
Multi-year Planning Targets Schedule A may reflect an allocation for the first Funding Year of this Agreement as well as planning targets for up to two additional years, consistent with the term of this Agreement. In such an event, the HSP acknowledges that if it is provided with planning targets, these targets: a. are targets only, b. are provided solely for the purposes of planning, c. are subject to confirmation, and d. may be changed at the discretion of the Funder in consultation with the HSP. The HSP will proactively manage the risks associated with multi-year planning and the potential changes to the planning targets; and the Funder agrees that it will communicate any changes to the planning targets as soon as reasonably possible.
Planning Period All observations must be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the employee.
Starting Time is the time that employees present themselves at their work- station and not the time that employees are in the amenities or in the car park.
Business Continuity Planning Supplier shall prepare and maintain at no additional cost to Buyer a Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”). Upon written request of Buyer, Supplier shall provide a copy of Supplier’s BCP. The BCP shall be designed to ensure that Supplier can continue to provide the goods and/or services in accordance with this Order in the event of a disaster or other BCP-triggering event (as such events are defined in the applicable BCP). Supplier’s BCP shall, at a minimum, provide for: (a) the retention and retrieval of data and files; (b) obtaining resources necessary for recovery, (c) appropriate continuity plans to maintain adequate levels of staffing required to provide the goods and services during a disruptive event; (d) procedures to activate an immediate, orderly response to emergency situations; (e) procedures to address potential disruptions to Supplier’s supply chain; (f) a defined escalation process for notification of Buyer, within two (2) business days, in the event of a BCP-triggering event; and (g) training for key Supplier Personnel who are responsible for monitoring and maintaining Supplier’s continuity plans and records. Supplier shall maintain the BCP and test it at least annually or whenever there are material changes in Supplier’s operations, risks or business practices. Upon Xxxxx’s written and reasonable request, Supplier shall provide Buyer an executive summary of test results and a report of corrective actions (including the timing for implementation) to be taken to remedy any deficiencies identified by such testing. Upon Xxxxx’s request and with reasonable advance notice and conducted in such a manner as not to unduly interfere with Supplier’s operations, Supplier shall give Buyer and its designated agents access to Supplier’s designated representative(s) with detailed functional knowledge of Supplier’s BCP and relevant subject matter.
Volunteer Leave Subject to operational requirements as determined by the Employer and with an advance notice of at least five (5) working days, the employee shall be granted, in each fiscal year, a single period of up to seven decimal five (7.5) hours’ of leave with pay to work as a volunteer for a charitable or community organization or activity, other than for activities related to the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign. The leave will be scheduled at a time convenient both to the employee and the Employer. Nevertheless, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to grant the leave at such a time as the employee may request.
Synopsis and Benefit to Xxxxxxx County The Agreement continues the contractual relationship between the Oregon State Marine Board and Xxxxxxx County through its Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office will be reimbursed for marine law enforcement patrols, boater education, and boat inspections conducted throughout the County.