Planning Time Sample Clauses
Planning Time. All teachers are to be guaranteed an uninterrupted daily block of at least 45 minutes of planning for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule. Planning time shall be used primarily for lesson/program planning, parent conferences, student conferences, and conferring with other faculty members. A good faith effort must be made by the principal or designee to ensure equitable scheduling among the faculty for teacher participation and involvement for any accommodation plan meeting (IEP (Individual Education Plan), 504, BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan), etc.) in which the teacher’s planning time and instructional time are disrupted as little as possible.
a) The principal may have up to one (1) of these 45-minute blocks per week designated for Collaborative Planning, Professional Learning Community (PLC), or Faculty Meetings (one (1) per month) or other data gathering/planning intended to increase student achievement.
b) The four (4) 45-minute planning periods for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule shall be used by the teacher solely for self-directed planning time. Recognizing that curriculum changes are inevitable throughout all areas of instruction, team/common planning may occur and is encouraged in order to meet the needs of the students. Teachers are responsible for the proper utilization of the self-directed portion of planning time.
6.3-1 During weeks when there is a full Staff Development Day, or a shortened week, teachers will still have four (4) days of self-directed planning that week.
6.3-2 Elementary school teachers shall have an uninterrupted, continuous block of time of no fewer than forty-five (45) minutes per day of scheduled duty free planning time during the student contact time. Should a continuous forty-five (45) minute block be unfeasible, the principal will schedule a continuous thirty (30) minute block during the student day and an additional fifteen (15) minute continuous block of time during the duty day for planning. Elementary teachers shall stay with their students when the students are participating in regularly scheduled special classes only when there is no certified instructor available.
6.3-3 Middle school teachers shall have an uninterrupted, continuous block of forty-five (45) minutes per day for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day fo...
Planning Time. The teachers’ load in the Rockford Middle Schools, Freshman Center and Rockford Senior High shall consist of 310 minutes. During the workday, each teacher in the Middle Schools, Freshman Center and Senior High shall be entitled to one (1) period of planning time.
1. During the workweek, each elementary regular, special education, itinerant, and specials classroom teacher shall be entitled to a minimum of five (5) hours per week (300 minutes) of planning time. This will be provided by a combination of art, music, physical education and a thirty-minute duty free recess. The thirty-minute (30) recess period per day shall count towards student instructional time and be supervised by certified paraprofessionals from RESPA.
2. Planning time must be counted in blocks of time no less than fifteen (15) minutes.
Planning Time. All classroom teachers (including art, music, and PE) shall be granted and utilize no less than 275 minutes of teacher-directed, non-student contact time per week for the purpose of planning for instruction. A regular daily schedule will include a minimum of 50 total minutes plan time. The recommendation to adjust the schedule to provide for the most consecutive minutes of planning time possible shall be made by a representative body of the building. Part-time teachers shall have their planning time pro-rated. Library Media specialists who teach a regular schedule shall be provided planning time consistent with this section. Planning time may include team work/planning sessions and will be collaborative in nature, with no more than two per month directed by administration. In the absence of a teacher, every effort will be made to hire a substitute. In the event a substitute cannot be found, teachers may be asked to forego their planning period.
Planning Time. Teachers will follow the contractual agreement for planning time in Teacher Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article VI, Section 6.3
Planning Time. A. Uninterrupted planning time sixty (60) consecutive minutes shall be provided daily within the normal work day for full-time teachers at elementary sites. Planning period adjustments may be made with the approval of the teacher if the adjustment does not decrease the number of minutes allocated for planning time.
B. At least one teaching period of uninterrupted planning time shall be provided each day for full-time teachers in middle schools and senior high schools. Planning period adjustments may be made with the approval of the teacher if the adjustment does not decrease the number of minutes allocated for planning time.
Planning Time. A. Bargaining unit members in the elementary schools (all-day every-day kindergarten and grades 1-5) shall have at least two hundred forty (240) minutes of planning time each week during the student day in blocks of at least thirty-minute periods.
B. Each full-time half-day kindergarten teacher shall have a morning and afternoon break either in the form of planning time, a duty-free recess period (covered by certified personnel), or a break given by the principal or educational assistant. Half time kindergarten teachers shall have a morning or afternoon break according to their schedule.
C. All teachers in grades 6 through 12 shall have one scheduled planning period in each school day.
D. Teachers in grades 6-8 will have at least 50 minutes of planning time daily and will have at least two hundred fifty (250) minutes of planning time each week during the student day in blocks of at least thirty (30) minutes.
E. Teachers in grades 9-12 will have an average of 281 minutes per week of individual planning time with each daily planning period equal to the length of the regular class period.
F. Planning time will be prorated for part-time teachers.
G. Planning periods use shall be limited to matters such as conferences between teachers and students or parents of students, teachers’ cooperative planning, teachers’ preparation and planning for instruction, meetings with administrators, meetings with mentors or mentees, or other duties relating to teaching responsibilities.
H. If, during the school year, the District concludes that under emergency circumstances a planning period cannot be included in the schedule of a bargaining unit member at the high school during the regular school day, the District shall inform the high school WOEA Negotiating Team Representative of such circumstances. The teacher’s compensation shall be calculated by prorating the actual minutes of additional instructional time plus planning based on the teacher’s current column and step on Salary Schedule A.
I. Teachers who, at the request of the Administration voluntarily accept a teaching assignment occasionally in place of a planning period, shall be paid at the Schedule C hourly rate for each such planning period that the teacher gives up for such other assignment. In each such case, the teacher who accepts the assignment will be given a written record of the additional services rendered, such written record to be provided to the teacher as soon as practical after the services are rendere...
Planning Time. Each teacher and specialist will plan and prepare daily for instruction. It is recognized that a considerable portion of a teacher’s workweek will be required for planning and preparing daily lessons, in discussing and developing materials and methods for individual and group instruction, and in contributing to better articulated instructional plans for students. Educators will use planning time to work individually, in groups, or with the school administration. Teachers and specialists will not be required to substitute for other teachers or specialists during their preparation period. Planning time may be interrupted in cases of emergency, or when supervision of students by a teacher during this time is reasonably required. Each work week, each elementary teacher, specialist, and ESA shall be provided at least four (4) forty (40) minute blocks of time for planning and preparation within the instructional day, except as may be interrupted by field trips, student assemblies, unforeseen emergencies, and one (1) block of planning time on Wednesday after students are dismissed. Elementary Special Education Teachers will receive an additional forty (40) minutes of planning time each week. This allocation will be prorated for part time employees. The District will allocate 180 hours of aide time for lunchroom supervision in each elementary school. This allocation will be supplemented by the Central Office Administration dependent upon building need and circumstances. The schedules of secondary teachers and ESAs will include at least two (2) periods of planning and preparation time during each regular seven-period instructional day. The length of said periods shall not be less than that of a normal instructional period. Middle and high school teachers shall not be required to teach more than five (5) periods per day. Any school seeking to operate on an elementary or secondary schedule different from the above provisions must seek a contract waiver from the Association and the District following the process outlined in Article 28, Section 5. Any school or program seeking to modify their existing schedule during the term of this contract is subject to the following:
1) They must offer an early release Wednesday substantially consistent with schools at the same level in the District;
2) Teacher contact time and planning time must be equivalent with schools at the same level in the District unless specifically exempted by the contract waiver, and
3) The school’s Bui...
Planning Time. 11-4-1 High school and middle school teachers shall have a minimum of five (5) planning periods per week unless they are compensated for additional instruction or extra duty responsibilities. A planning period shall be equivalent to one (1) regular class period. Elementary school teachers shall have a minimum of forty (40) consecutive minutes of planning time per school day during the student contact time unless they are compensated for additional instruction or extra duty responsibilities. During the planning time teachers shall not be assigned to other duties except for emergencies or conferences. In case of an emergency, or any disrupted schedule, program, or staffing, elementary school teachers can be assigned planning time any time during the contract workday.
Planning Time. A. Teachers will be provided planning time for individual planning and/or preparation and consultation during the instructional day.
B. Each elementary teacher, excluding counselors and librarians, shall be provided a minimum of two hundred (200) minutes of scheduled planning time each week within the student instructional day.
C. In the event those staff members who provide planning times are absent, the elementary teacher's planning time provided by that staff member will be made up within a five-day period of time. In the event the planning time is not made up, the teacher will receive fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each planning period missed provided the missed planning period(s) reduced the actual planning time in that week below 200 minutes.
D. Middle school teachers, excluding counselors and librarians, will be provided a minimum of two hundred (200) minutes of scheduled planning time each week within the student instructional day.
E. Senior High School teachers, excluding counselors and librarians, will be provided a minimum of one planning period each day within the seven (7) period day.
F. Teachers requested to substitute for absent teachers during their regularly scheduled planning period will be paid at the rate of twenty dollars ($20.00) per class period, provided the teacher has substituted a minimum of thirty (30) minutes.
G. Payment will be at the close of the school year. This will be an administratively directed procedure.
Planning Time. 6.8.1 Planning time shall be provided during the student day as follows: Secondary teachers shall have one (1) class period per day for planning and conferencing or a portion thereof if less than 1.0