Collaborative Time. A minimum of 42 minutes during the contract day will be for teacher collaborative time each week for all teachers starting 2016-2017. Whenever possible, the time will be scheduled as one block of time. The team will determine how the time will be used.
Collaborative Time. 22.10.1 The District shall work with the Association to establish regularly scheduled collaborative time within the student day for all certificated and/or profes- sionally licensed non-administrative employees.
22.10.2 Principals shall make a reasonable effort to assign employees on teaching teams to the same collaborative planning time period.
Collaborative Time. A. The intent of collaborative time is to provide time for staff to meet in small and large groups to focus on improving instruction and student learning, with topics that are mutually planned and scheduled by staff and principal at the school level.
B. A monthly collaborative time schedule will be developed by individual schools with staff input and will be clearly communicated.
C. At least two (2) collaborative days shall be designated specifically for grade level/department planning unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the staff through the appropriate decision making
Collaborative Time. Instructional Assistants and Job Specialists will be allocated one (1) hour per month, outside the normal workday, to participate in collaboration and/or to plan with teachers/staff.
Collaborative Time. Interpreter/bilingual specialists will be allocated one (1) hour per month, outside the normal workday, to participate in collaboration and/or to plan with teachers/staff or for participating in professional development provided by the ELD department. Up to four (4) hours of the allocated collaboration/training time will be organized and facilitated by the ELD or interpreting department and will be provided in hourly increments throughout the year.