College Courses & Salary Lane Changes Sample Clauses

College Courses & Salary Lane Changes. A teacher may take any college course or CEU credits offered by the school district he/she wishes, however, salary lane changes can only be made with pre-approval by the Superintendent, and all such courses pre-approved by the Superintendent shall be classroom related graduate level courses including CEU credits or be a part of a pre-approved master's degree program in education. Any graduate level course taken concurrently with the last semester of MA/MS degree work may be used in accumulating credits for lanes beyond the MA/MS degree lane, provided it is pre-approved by the Superintendent. All other courses taken prior to the last semester of the MA/MS degree program will not be eligible for lanes beyond the MA/MS degree. In order for pre-approved graduate courses to qualify for a lane change, a minimum grade of "B" must be achieved, with all documents being on file with the District as similarly required under 17.4

Related to College Courses & Salary Lane Changes

  • Salary Progression 1. For the purposes of determining annual progression from one step to the next, each teacher’s performance will be assessed annually against the appropriate professional standards. 2. When setting performance expectations and development objective(s) with individual teachers for the coming year, the appropriate professional standards against which the teacher is to be assessed should be confirmed between the teacher and the employer. 3. For each teacher to progress annually to their next salary step they will need to demonstrate that they meet the appropriate professional standards.

  • PREVAILING WAGE RATES - PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDING SERVICES CONTRACTS If any portion of work being Bid is subject to the prevailing wage rate provisions of the Labor Law, the following shall apply:

  • Unbundled Loop Modifications (Line Conditioning 2.5.1 Line Conditioning is defined as routine network modification that BellSouth regularly undertakes to provide xDSL services to its own customers. This may include the removal of any device, from a copper Loop or copper Subloop that may diminish the capability of the Loop or Subloop to deliver high-speed switched wireline telecommunications capability, including xDSL service. Such devices include, load coils, excessive bridged taps, low pass filters, and range extenders. Excessive bridged taps are bridged taps that serves no network design purpose and that are beyond the limits set according to industry standards and/or the BellSouth’s TR 73600 Unbundled Local Loop Technical Specification. 2.5.2 BellSouth will remove load coils only on copper Loops and Subloops that are less than eighteen thousand (18,000) feet in length. 2.5.3 For any copper loop being ordered by NewPhone which has over six thousand (6,000) feet of combined bridged tap will be modified, upon request from NewPhone, so that the loop will have a maximum of six thousand (6,000) feet of bridged tap. This modification will be performed at no additional charge to NewPhone. Loop conditioning orders that require the removal of bridged tap that serves no network design purpose on a copper Loop that will result in a combined total of bridged tap between two thousand five hundred (2,500) and six thousand (6,000) feet will be performed at the rates set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.4 NewPhone may request removal of any unnecessary and non-excessive bridged tap (bridged tap between zero (0) and two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet which serves no network design purpose), at rates pursuant to BellSouth’s SC Process as mutually agreed to by the Parties. 2.5.5 Rates for ULM are as set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.6 BellSouth will not modify a Loop in such a way that it no longer meets the technical parameters of the original Loop type (e.g., voice grade, ADSL, etc.) being ordered. 2.5.7 If NewPhone requests ULM on a reserved facility for a new Loop order, BellSouth may perform a pair change and provision a different Loop facility in lieu of the reserved facility with ULM if feasible. The Loop provisioned will meet or exceed specifications of the requested Loop facility as modified. NewPhone will not be charged for ULM if a different Loop is provisioned. For Loops that require a DLR or its equivalent, BellSouth will provide LMU detail of the Loop provisioned. 2.5.8 NewPhone shall request Loop make up information pursuant to this Attachment prior to submitting a service inquiry and/or a LSR for the Loop type that NewPhone desires BellSouth to condition. 2.5.9 When requesting ULM for a Loop that BellSouth has previously provisioned for NewPhone, NewPhone will submit a SI to BellSouth. If a spare Loop facility that meets the Loop modification specifications requested by NewPhone is available at the location for which the ULM was requested, NewPhone will have the option to change the Loop facility to the qualifying spare facility rather than to provide ULM. In the event that BellSouth changes the Loop facility in lieu of providing ULM, NewPhone will not be charged for ULM but will only be charged the service order charges for submitting an order.

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements

  • What Forms of Distribution Are Available from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Distributions may be made as a lump sum of the entire account, or distributions of a portion of the account may be made as requested.

  • Salary Scale The salary scale applicable to Employees shall be set out hereinafter in the Wage Schedule.

  • Contract Duration and Annual Salary 1. The College hereby employs the Administrator in the capacity of Assistant Controller, Associate Professor for one year, commencing on July 1, 2024 and terminating on June 30, 2025. The Administrator accepts such employment on the conditions hereinafter set forth, and any applicable provisions of the Board of Trustees Policy Manual. In the event of conflict between Board Policy and this Contract, the Contract shall govern. 2. For the 2024-2025 contract year, the Administrator shall receive an annual salary of $134,871.00 subject to applicable deductions, to be paid in bi-weekly installments as full compensation for all rights granted and service performed under this Contract.

  • Deferred Salary Leave Plan (1) The deferred salary leave plan enables Employees to take one (1) year of leave from the Public Service and to finance this leave through a deferral of Salary in previous years. (2) Under this plan, participating Employees agree to defer a portion of their Salary for four (4) consecutive Academic Years and the Employer agrees to grant the Employee leave in the fifth year, and to use the amounts deferred in the previous four (4) years to pay the Employee's Salary during the period of the leave. Participation in the plan is subject to operational requirements. (3) During the period of leave, Employees may engage in whatever activities they wish. (4) The individual plan for each participating Employee is a six (6) Academic Year period consisting of the following: (a) The first four consecutive years during which the Employee draws 80% of Salary earned in each of the four years and defers the remaining 20%; (b) The fifth consecutive year in which the Employee takes the leave, and is paid from the amounts deferred above plus any interest earned on the deferred funds; and (c) The sixth consecutive year in which the Employee returns to employment with the Public Service of Nunavut for a minimum of one year. (5) There is no maximum number of Employees allowed to enter the plan. (6) Executive Directors ensure that approved leaves do not impair the future operation of their School Operations. (7) Employees make written application to their Executive Director. Applications should state the proposed start of the Salary deferral and the proposed period of leave. (8) The Executive Director reviews the application and the requirements of the School Operations and notifies the Employee and the respective Department of Finance, Pay and Benefits Officer at least six (6) weeks prior to the start of Salary Deferral. (9) Each participant will sign an agreement covering the details of the plan. (10) In each year of the plan preceding the period of the leave, the Employee will be paid 80% of the applicable Salary. The remaining 20% of Salary will be deferred and this amount will be retained in trust by the Employer to finance payments during the period of leave. (11) The deferred Salary will be placed in a trust fund by the Government and any returns on the investment of the trust will be used to pay the participant during the period of leave. (a) The money held in trust will be pooled with other Government funds and the Employee will be credited with the average rate of return on those funds. (b) Investments will be restricted to those eligible under Section 57(1) of the Financial Administration Act. (c) A statement of the individual's account will be provided at each anniversary of the plan. (12) During the period of leave, the participant shall receive, if on a one (1) year leave, one twenty-sixth (1/26) of the amount deferred plus any trust fund returns in each pay period, less applicable deductions. No additional payments to the participant can be made such as loans, subsidies, Allowances or Salary. (13) Income tax will be deducted in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act and its Regulations. (14) During the first four (4) years of the plan, the Employer shall provide Employee benefits at a level equivalent to 100% of Salary. Benefits and premium recoveries for the period of leave will be governed by the rules for leave without pay. All benefits cease except Health Care Plan, superannuation, supplementary death benefit, disability insurance, and dental coverage. Premiums for these plans are payable by the Employee. Arrangements can be made to have deductions from pay for some of these benefits. (15) Upon return from leave, the Department will place the Employee in the position held at the commencement of the leave. (16) Returning Employees will have their qualifications re-assessed and placed on the appropriate pay scale. (17) The Employer shall cancel participation in the plan and shall refund, within 60 days, the total of the deferred Salary plus earnings from the plan if the Employee dies or employment is otherwise terminated. (18) Where operational requirements would not be met if the Employee proceeded on leave in the fifth year, or where exceptional changes in personal circumstances make the leave unfeasible, the Employer will give the Employee the choice of the following: (a) withdrawing from the plan and taking a refund of the total in the deferred salary account; or (b) deferring the period of leave to either the sixth or the seventh academic consecutive year or to some other mutually agreeable time. (19) Upon withdrawal from the plan the total in the account will be repaid to the Employee within 60 days from the notification of withdrawal.

  • REIMBURSEMENT FOR MILEAGE AND INSURANCE 1. An employee who is required by their employer to use their private vehicle for school district related purposes shall receive reimbursement of: Effective July 1, 2019 $ 0.56 c/Km Effective July 1, 2020 $ 0.57 c/Km Effective July 1, 2021 $ 0.58 c/Km 2. The mileage reimbursement rate established in Article B.10.1 shall be increased by 5 cents/kilometer for travel that is approved and required on unpaved roads. 3. The employer shall reimburse an employee who is required to use their personal vehicle for school district purposes, the difference in premium costs between ICBC rate Class 002 (Pleasure to/from Work) and ICBC rate Class 007 (Business Class) where the employee is required to purchase additional insurance in order to comply with ICBC regulations respecting the use of one’s personal vehicle for business purposes.

  • CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY/HURRICANE OR DISASTER - TERM CONTRACTS It is hereby made a part of this Invitation for Bids that before, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood, or other acts of God that Orange County shall require a “first priority” basis for goods and services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation which threatens public health and safety, as determined by the County. Contractor agrees to rent/sell/lease all goods and services to the County or other governmental entities as opposed to a private citizen, on a first priority basis. The County expects to pay contractual prices for all goods or services required during an emergency situation. Contractor shall furnish a twenty-four (24) hour phone number in the event of such an emergency.