Lane Changes Sample Clauses
Lane Changes. Any certified personnel who achieve a higher salary lane shall receive the contracted compensation as of the print date on the new teaching certificate. The new certificate must be received by the Superintendent’s office within 10 working days of the print date.
Lane Changes. Lane changes shall be effective the beginning of the first payroll period following the submission of documentary evidence of advanced training by the teacher. When requesting a lane change, the teacher agrees to note on the lane change request form the criterion or criteria listed in Section 8, Subdivision A (1) and/or (2) of this Article under which such request is being made. The Appointing Authority agrees to respond in a timely manner to a teacher’s request for a lane change and, when such request is denied, to inform the teacher, on the lane change request form, the reason(s) for such denial. The form for lane change requests is found in Appendix E.
Lane Changes. Lane changes shall be effective the beginning of the first payroll period following the submission of documentary evidence of advanced training by the employee.
Lane Changes. Throughout the duration of this Agreement, bargaining unit members shall be eligible to change "lanes" for additional semester hours on the applicable salary schedule in Appendix 4.
Lane Changes. Subd.
1. Credits must be pre-approved in writing in Human Resources. Subd. 2. Credits may be used only once for lane advancement.
Lane Changes. Individual contracts may be modified to reflect qualified lane changes three times every year. Materials required in order to complete a lane change include 1) transcripts of qualified credits, 2) the “Application for Lane Change” form, and 3) all relevant course pre- approval forms. Complete material submissions received in the Human Resources Office by October 1st, shall be retroactive to the beginning of the school year. Complete material submissions received in the Human Resources Office, February 1st, shall be effective beginning February 15th. Complete material submissions received in the Human Resources Office by May 1st, shall be effective beginning May 15th. A teacher may make no more than one (1) lane change request per year. However, a second lane change can be made if due to degree completion.
Lane Changes. In order to be considered for lane change movement (i.e., horizontal advancement on the salary schedule), the Teacher must adhere to the following guidelines:
A. Course Approval
1. All course hours applied to salary schedule lane changes must be approved by the Superintendent prior to the first class session.
2. The Teacher must submit the Course Pre-Approval Form no later than six weeks prior to the first day of class. If the Teacher is unable to comply with these timelines for any reason, the Teacher must contact the superintendent to resolve the matter. If a Teacher has been accepted and is enrolled in a graduate program from an accredited institution of higher learning, only one approval is required prior to the start of the program.
3. Only graduate level courses from an accredited institution of higher learning will be approved. The only exception will be TIDE courses from the DuPage XXX. Only Correspondence or Online courses that are graduate level courses from an accredited institution of higher learning will be approved.
4. Graduate level courses will only be approved if the course work supports the District goals and is directly related to improving the Teacher’s knowledge and skills in his/her present teaching position or will result in the acquisition of additional certification or endorsement. Graduate courses must be aligned to the school improvement plan and the District Strategic Plan, and support the goals of Queen Bee Schools, District 16.
5. A grade of “B” or higher must be obtained for each course to be eligible for credit toward lane movement on the salary schedule. Pass/Fail or Credit only classes will not be approved.
Lane Changes. A professional employee shall change a lane in the salary schedule:
(a) Effective on the first contract day of the school year provided that the employee has filed all required verification of coursework subject to verification and approval as delineated in articles (c) and (d) below on or before October 15th.
(b) Effective on the first contract day in January provided that the employee has filed all required verification of coursework subject to verification and approval as delineated in articles (c) and (d) below on or before February 15th.
(c) Upon filing in the superintendent’s office, a transcript certifying completion of credits in accordance with Section 1. hereof;
(d) Upon the verification and approval of the credits by the superintendent; and
(e) When receiving a lane change, teachers shall move vertically down one step on the salary schedule provided they have not already advanced one step on the salary schedule for that year. Under no circumstances shall a teacher advance more than one step on the salary schedule in any one year.
Lane Changes. Changes in the education factor may be made three (3) times a year. The first adjustment will be made effective July 1, provided the principal submits satisfactory evidence of successful course completion no later than September 1. The second adjustment will be effective February 1, provided the principal submits satisfactory evidence of successful course completion by February 1. The third adjustment will be effective April 1, provided the principal submits satisfactory evidence of successful course completion by April 1. Changes in the education level shall be approved only upon the submission of an official transcript, although other satisfactory evidence of successful course completion may be submitted pending receipt of the official transcript. However, a salary adjustment shall not be made until the official transcript is received, at which time the adjustment shall be retroactive to July 1, February 1, or April 1.
Lane Changes. 9.9.1 Teachers can submit official transcripts indicating eligibility for a lane change at any time. Lane changes will be effective as of the payroll following the date the lane change is approved by the Superintendent. The lane change will be reflected in pay retroactive to the effective date within 2 pay periods after the Business Office receives the approved form from the Superintendent. Official transcripts approved after May 15th will become effective on the first pay period of the following school year.
9.9.2 A teacher shall be eligible for only 1 vertical step movement and/or 1 lane change annually during each school year. Lane change salary adjustments shall be based upon the same lateral step as that step at which the teacher currently is placed. Teachers on a terminal step on the salary schedule who submit official transcripts and lane change forms between May 16th and August 15th shall be eligible to move down a step for the upcoming school year. Documents submitted after August 15th result in a lane change without a step.
9.9.3 Only graduate hours earned after placement in the MA lane will be counted for future lane changes.