Committee on Armed Services. Committee received a closed briefing on the security situation in Afghani- xxxx from Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, Deputy Assistant Sec- retary for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia, Lieutenant General Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx, USAF, Deputy Commander, United States Central Com- mand, and Major General Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxx, USMC, Director for Intelligence (J2), Joint Chiefs of Staff, all of the Department of Defense. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine proxy process and rules, focusing on current practices and potential changes, including H.R. 4015, to improve the quality of proxy advisory firms for the protection of investors and the U.S. economy, and in the public interest, by fostering accountability, transparency, re- sponsiveness, and competition in the proxy advisory firm industry, and S. 3614, to amend the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to require proxy advisory firms to register as investment advisers under that Act, after receiving testimony from Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Of- fice of New York City Comptroller Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, New York, New York, and Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx, former Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mylan N.V., and Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, United States Chamber of Commerce Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness, both of Wash- ington, D.C. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Sub- committee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard concluded a hearing to examine pre- paring for maritime transportation in a changing arctic, after receiving testimony from Captain Ed- ward Page, USCG (Ret.), Marine Exchange of Alas- ka, Juneau; Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Chamber of Shipping of America, Washington, D.C.; and Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Arctic Waterways Safety Committee, and Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Ocean Conservancy, both of Anchorage, Alaska.
Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee on Xxx- xxxxxx concluded a hearing to examine defense health care reform, after receiving testimony from Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs, Vice Admiral Xxxxxx X. Xxxx, USN, Direc- tor of the Defense Health Agency, Lieutenant Gen- eral Xxxx X. Xxxxxx, USAF, Surgeon General of the Air Force, Lieutenant General Xxxxx X. Xxxx, USA, Surgeon General of the Army and Commanding General, Army Medical Command, Vice Admiral X. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx III, USN, Surgeon General of the Navy and Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, all of the Department of Defense; Xxxxxxxxxx X.
Committee on Armed Services. Committee concluded a hearing to examine the Guantanamo detention facil- ity and the future of United States detention policy, after receiving testimony from Xxxxx X. XxXxxx, Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Policy, and Rear Admiral Xxxx X. Xxxxx, Vice Deputy Director for Nuclear, Homeland Defense, and Current Oper- ations, Joint Staff, both of the Department of De- fense; and Xxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx, Director, National Counterterrorism Center, Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Committee on Armed Services to hold hearings to examine the posture of the Department of the Air Force in review
Committee on Armed Services. Committee ordered favor- ably reported the nominations of Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, of Maryland, and Xxxxxxxx X. Xxxx, of Vir- ginia, both to be a Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, and 1,023 routine military nominations. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee concluded a hearing on the nominations of Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxx, of Texas, to be a Member of the National Transportation Safety Board, and Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx XXX, of New York, to be a Mem- ber of the Advisory Board of the Saint Xxxxxxxx Sea- way Development Corporation, after the nominees testified and answered questions in their own behalf.
Committee on Armed Services. Committee received a closed briefing on the Niger investigation and report from Xxxx X.
Committee on Armed Services. Held a hearing on the findings of the Department of Defense Independent Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Seapower and Expeditionary Forces held a hearing on issues affecting Naval force structure. Testimony was heard from Xxxx Xxxx, Senior Analyst, CBO; Xxxxxx X’Xxxxxx, Specialist in Naval Affairs, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress; and a public witness.
Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee on Airland approved for full committee consideration those pro- visions which fall under the subcommittee’s jurisdic- tion of the proposed National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2024. June 20, 2023 Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Stra- tegic Forces approved for full committee consider-
Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee on Cyber- security concluded open and closed hearings to ex- amine recent ransomware attacks, after receiving tes- xxxxxx from Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Deputy Assistant Sec- retary for Cyber Policy, Major General Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, USAF, Director of Operations, United States Cyber Command, and Rear Admiral Xxxxxx
Committee on Armed Services to hold hearings to examine findings and recommendations of the Department of De- fense Independent Review Relating to Fort Hood; with the possibility of a closed session in SR–222 following the open session, 9:30 a.m., SDG–50. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: to hold hearings to examine the nominations of Xxxxx Xxxx, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Export Adminis- tration, Xxxxxx Xxxxx, of New Jersey, to be Assistant Secretary and Director General of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service, and Xxxxx X. Xxxxx, of Vir- ginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold hear- ings to examine the research and development priorities and imperatives needed to meet the medium and long term challenges associated with climate change, 10 a.m., SD–366.