Compliance with Institutional Policies Sample Clauses

Compliance with Institutional Policies. Principal Investigator will comply with the policies and procedures of the organization(s) with which Principal Investigator is affiliated, including any applicable financial policies. Principal Investigator will notify Sponsor promptly of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any such policy or procedure, and the parties will attempt to reach an appropriate accommodation.
Compliance with Institutional Policies. The Company recognizes that, as a member of the medical staff of the Institution, the Consultant is responsible for ensuring that any consulting agreement the Consultant enters into with a for-profit entity is not in conflict with the patent, ownership of inventions, consulting or other policies of the Institution, and the Consultant represents and warrants that the Consultant has determined that this Agreement complies with all such Institution policies. If the Consultant is required by the Institution to disclose to it any proposed agreements, the Consultant represents that he has made such disclosure and obtained any necessary formal approvals of this Agreement by the Institution.
Compliance with Institutional Policies. Institution will ensure that Principal Investigator complies with Institution’s policies and procedures, including applicable financial policies. Institution will notify CMT promptly of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any such policy or procedure, and the parties will attempt to reach an appropriate accommodation.
Compliance with Institutional Policies. Investigator will comply with the policies and procedures of Institution, including any applicable financial policies. Investigator will notify Sponsor and its designee promptly of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any such policy or procedure, and the parties will attempt to reach an appropriate accommodation.
Compliance with Institutional Policies. Principal Investigator will comply with the policies and procedures of the organization(s) with which Principal Investigator is affiliated, including any applicable financial policies. Principal Investigator will notify Sponsor promptly of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any such policy or procedure, and the parties will attempt to reach an appropriate accommodation. 1.6 Dodržování interních předpisů Instituce. Hlavní zkoušející bude dodržovat předpisy a postupy organizace/organizací, s níž/nimiž je svázán, včetně všech platných interních finančních předpisů. Hlavní zkoušející bude ihned informovat zadavatele o jakémkoli rozporu mezi podmínkami této smlouvy a těmito předpisy nebo postupy a strany se budou snažit tyto rozpory urovnat.
Compliance with Institutional Policies. Investigator will comply with the internal policies and procedures of Institution. státech („FDA“). Informace budou poskytnuty prostřednictvím formulářů, za jejichž xxxxxx xxxx odpovědnost zadavatel.
Compliance with Institutional Policies. Institution shall ensure that Principal Investigator and other Research Staff will comply with the policies and procedures of the organization(s) with which they are affiliated, including any applicable financial policies.
Compliance with Institutional Policies. Investigator will comply with the policies and procedures of Institution, including any applicable financial policies. Investigator will notify Sponsor and its designee promptly of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any such policy or procedure, and the parties will attempt to reach an appropriate accommodation. 1.5 D održování vnitřních předpisů a nařízení poskytovatele zdravotních s lužeb. Zkoušející se zavazuje dodržovat všechny předpisy a směrnice poskytovatele zdravotních služeb, včetně platných finančních předpisů. Zkoušející se zavazuje neprodleně informovat zadavatele nebo jeho zástupce o případných rozporech mezi ustanovením této smlouvy a ustanovením takových předpisů či směrnic a smluvní strany se zavazují sjednat vhodné náhradní ustanovení.
Compliance with Institutional Policies. The Consultant is responsible for ensuring that this Agreement is not in conflict with the intellectual property, consulting, conflict-of-interest, and other policies of any institution or other entity to which the Consultant is affiliated or bound, including without limitation, the Institution. The Consultant represents and warrants that this Agreement complies with all such policies. The Consultant further represents, warrants and covenants that he has made and will continue to make all the required disclosures to the Institution and has obtained all necessary approvals of this Agreement from the appropriate authorities at the Institution. Consultant agrees to cooperate in a timely manner with the reasonable requests of Company to confirm in writing the activities undertaken under any independent sponsored research agreements between the Company and the Institution to help assure there is a clear understanding among the Institution, the Company and the Consultant of the respective parties’ intellectual property rights. Nothing in this Agreement grants to the Company rights to intellectual property (other than the Developments made hereunder) that would otherwise belong to the Institution under any such independent sponsored research agreements or that are made under the direction or assignment of the Consultant at the Institution.
Compliance with Institutional Policies. The Company recognizes that as a faculty member of the Institution, the Consultant is responsible for ensuring that any consulting agreement the Consultant enters into with a for-profit entity is not in conflict with the intellectual property, consulting, conflict-of-interest, and other policies of the Institution. The Consultant represents that to the best of his knowledge this Agreement complies with all such policies in effect on the Effective Date. The Consultant further represents that to the best of his knowledge he or she has made all required disclosures to the Institution and has obtained all necessary approvals of this Agreement from the appropriate authorities at the Institution.