Conclusions and Recommendations for Future CS-G20 Dialogue Sample Clauses

Conclusions and Recommendations for Future CS-G20 Dialogue. In conclusion, participants and Canadian G20 officials confirmed that this first structured civil society dialogue with G20 host Sherpas achieved its objectives. Civil society participants were able to speak to all points identified through their preparatory process and, as Xx. Xxxxxxx confirmed, the results of the meeting were reported to all G20 Sherpas. Thus, FIM-Forum, in partnership with DFAIT, successfully initiated a legitimate and meaningful dialogue between global civil society leaders and the G20. Global civil society leaders were provided an opportunity to influence G20 agenda issue and to offer, to G20 leaders, their analyses of the global economic and financial crisis. This dialogue has served to improve the quality of the overall consultative processes between the G-20 and civil society and, more specifically, to initiate equitable global CS input into the final G-20 agenda. While it is acknowledged that the G20 is a “work in progress”, the G20 process itself has now affirmed the value of diplomatic civil society dialogue and input to informing their evolving agenda. In addition to recommendations on the finance and accountability themes put forward by civil society participants at the CS-G20 meeting (Section A) participants recommended: That civil society explore ways in which future G20 dialogues with global civil society can be made a regular part of transparent and accountable functioning of the G20 as an institution of global governance. To this end, FIM-Forum will: Compile 7-8 examples of best practices of civil society engagement with multilateral processes. Various documents have been developed (See Annexes 8, 12, and 13). Others will be identified for development to help build civil society capacity to engage with the G20 (e.g. participants expressed the importance of studying the impacts on the roles and responsibilities of UN and the G20 as the G20 mandate evolves and enlarges beyond issues of the economy and global finance). Work with civil society leaders to support monitoring of G20 progress on peer review. In the near term, FIM-Forum will pursue the following activities: Convene a G-20 Toronto post – mortem discussion between civil society participants and host Canadian authorities. Initiate an effort, amongst global civil society practitioners and Canadian and Korean authorities, to help ensure a constructive civil society dialogue as a part of the Korean G20 Summit in November of 2010.
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Related to Conclusions and Recommendations for Future CS-G20 Dialogue

  • Conclusions and Recommendations The demonstration and evaluation process provided an opportunity to test community specific tools with a range of end users from the memory institution domain and to gain greater insight into both the current and future evolution of the SHAMAN prototypes for preservation, access and re-use. Xxxx et al. (2000) in their user evaluation study of the Alexandria Digital Library which incorporated the evaluation of a Web prototype by earth scientists, information specialists and educators raised four key questions in relation to their findings that SHAMAN may be well advised to consider, they are paraphrased here with our conclusions from the investigations. What have we learned about our target organizations and potential users?  Memory institutions are most definitely not a homogenised group; their needs and requirements differ greatly across the domain.  Representatives of the archives community are agreed on the benefits of SHAMAN‟s authenticity validation function.  The representatives of government information services remained unconvinced as to the need or benefit of grid technologies or distributed ingest while librarians saw the value of grid access as an asset of the framework. What have we learned about the evaluation approach for digital preservation?  Within the limits of the exercise, in terms of time-frame and resources, the approach adopted has generated useful information for the further development of demonstrators and for the development of the SHAMAN framework overall. What have we learned about the SHAMAN ISP1 demonstrator?  Respondents to the evaluation questionnaires and the focus groups indicate that, overall, the presentation of the demonstrator worked effectively and that, in general, participants in the demonstration and evaluation events were able to understand the intentions of the demonstration and to apply the ideas presented to their own context. What have we learned about the applicability of the SHAMAN framework to memory institutions?  Respondents to the questionnaires and participants in the focus groups readily identified the value of the SHAMAN framework to their own operations. The majority had not yet established a long-term digital preservation policy, but recognized the need. Generally, the concepts of distributed ingest and grid operations found favour.  Virtually all practitioners in the focus groups, however, drew attention to need of a lower level demonstration that would be closer to their everyday preservation troubles, especially for digital preservation to be applied to non-textual materials, such as film, photographs and sound archives. In addition to the criteria suggested by Xxxx et al., we can add a further project-related question: What have we learned that has implications for the training and dissemination phase of the Project?  It was not part of the remit of the demonstration and evaluation specifically to discover information of relevance to the training and dissemination function. However, a number of factors will affect the efficacy of any training programme in particular. o First, no common understanding of digital preservation can be assumed of the potential target audiences for training. Consequently, it is likely that self-paced learning materials will be most effective in presenting the SHAMAN framework. o Secondly, the aims of SHAMAN as a project must be conveyed clearly: specifically, that it is a kind of „proof-of-concept‟ project and is not intended to deliver a package of programs capable of being implemented by institutions. o Thirdly, it needs to be emphasised that the SHAMAN framework is not limited to text documents; it can be applied to materials of all kinds. However, the demonstrations relate to bodies of material that were actually available for use. o Fourthly, the existing presentation materials are capable of being adapted for use in training activities. o Finally, the target audiences will appreciate the possibility of online access to the demonstrator, which will need to have very great ease of access in order that people with diverse backgrounds are able to use it with equal facility. We believe that, overall, WP14 has met its aims and objectives in this demonstration and evaluation of ISP1. Valuable lessons have been learnt by all parties involved, which will be transferred to the evaluation of ISP2 in the coming months.

  • Conclusion and Recommendations D. Evaluations for Offenders without a sex offense conviction shall answer the following additional referral questions in the evaluations:

  • Representations and Recommendations Unless otherwise stated in writing, neither Xxxxxxxx Realty Inc, nor its brokers or licensees have made, on their own behalf, any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to any element of the Property including but not limited to, the legal sufficiency, legal effect, or tax consequences of this transaction. Any information furnished by either party should be independently verified before that party relies on such information. Xxxxxxxx Realty Inc. recommends that Buyer consult its attorneys and accountants before signing this Agreement regarding the terms and conditions herein and that Seller satisfy itself as to the financial ability of Buyer to perform.

  • Manufacturer's Recommendations All work or materials shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and requirements. The Contractor shall obtain the manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements, for its use at the Site in executing the Work, copies of bulletins, circulars, catalogues, or other publications bearing the manufacturer’s titles, numbers, editions, dates, etc. If the manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements are not available, the Contractor shall request installation instructions from the Design Professional.

  • ADB’s Review of Procurement Decisions 9. All contracts procured under international competitive bidding procedures and contracts for consulting services shall be subject to prior review by ADB, unless otherwise agreed between the Borrower and ADB and set forth in the Procurement Plan. SCHEDULE 5

  • JOINT SETTLEMENT RECOMMENDATION 2. Staff conducted an investigation of the Respondent’s activities. The investigation disclosed that the Respondent had engaged in activity for which the Respondent could be penalized on the exercise of the discretion of the Hearing Panel pursuant to s. 24.1 of By-law No. 1.

  • FISCAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Recognizing the value of Union input on behalf of employees, the parties agree to the following:

  • Submission of Certified Payroll Transcripts for Public Works Contracts Only Contractors and Subcontractors on public works projects must submit monthly payroll transcripts to the Authorized User that has prepared or directs the preparation of the plans and specifications for a public works project, as set forth in the Bid Specifications. For Mini-Bid solicitations, the payroll records must be submitted to the entity preparing the agency Mini-Bid project specification. For “agency specific” Bids, the payroll records should be submitted to the entity issuing the purchase order. For all other OGS Centralized Contracts, such records should be submitted to the individual agency issuing the purchase order(s) for the work. Upon mutual agreement of the Contractor and the Authorized User, the form of submission may be submitted in a specified disk format acceptable to the Department of Labor provided: 1) the Contractor/Subcontractor retains the original records; and, (2) an original signed letter by a duly authorized individual of the Contractor or Subcontractor attesting to the truth and accuracy of the records accompanies the disk. This provision does not apply to Article 9 of the Labor Law building services contracts.

  • Technical Advisory Committee (TAC The goal of this subtask is to create an advisory committee for this Agreement. The TAC should be composed of diverse professionals. The composition will vary depending on interest, availability, and need. TAC members will serve at the CAM’s discretion. The purpose of the TAC is to: • Provide guidance in project direction. The guidance may include scope and methodologies, timing, and coordination with other projects. The guidance may be based on: o Technical area expertise; o Knowledge of market applications; or o Linkages between the agreement work and other past, present, or future projects (both public and private sectors) that TAC members are aware of in a particular area. • Review products and provide recommendations for needed product adjustments, refinements, or enhancements. • Evaluate the tangible benefits of the project to the state of California, and provide recommendations as needed to enhance the benefits. • Provide recommendations regarding information dissemination, market pathways, or commercialization strategies relevant to the project products. The TAC may be composed of qualified professionals spanning the following types of disciplines: • Researchers knowledgeable about the project subject matter; • Members of trades that will apply the results of the project (e.g., designers, engineers, architects, contractors, and trade representatives); • Public interest market transformation implementers; • Product developers relevant to the project; • U.S. Department of Energy research managers, or experts from other federal or state agencies relevant to the project; • Public interest environmental groups; • Utility representatives; • Air district staff; and • Members of relevant technical society committees. The Recipient shall: • Prepare a List of Potential TAC Members that includes the names, companies, physical and electronic addresses, and phone numbers of potential members. The list will be discussed at the Kick-off meeting, and a schedule for recruiting members and holding the first TAC meeting will be developed. • Recruit TAC members. Ensure that each individual understands member obligations and the TAC meeting schedule developed in subtask 1.11. • Prepare a List of TAC Members once all TAC members have committed to serving on the TAC. • Submit Documentation of TAC Member Commitment (such as Letters of Acceptance) from each TAC member. Products: • List of Potential TAC Members • List of TAC Members • Documentation of TAC Member Commitment

  • Sole Source as Grounds for Rejection of a Change Order If a Change Order is submitted to Contractor for the purposes of adding a Bulletin to this Contract and said Bulletin designates a Sole Source from which Contractor is required to procure goods or services necessary to perform the Work, which Sole Source has not been designated previously, Contractor shall be entitled to reject the proposed Change Order if the designated Sole Source refuses to provide to Contractor the warranties, bonds, terms or schedule required under the Contract Documents, including any warranty or terms or schedule required by Bulletins referenced in the proposed Change Order. In such event, Contractor shall give written notice to the Owner rejecting the proposed Change Order and, if possible, shall accompany said written notice with a proposal from Contractor for changes or modifications to the Bulletin so as to eliminate the Sole Source designation but to achieve goods or services equal in quality or function. The Owner may then require the Design Professional to revise the subject Bulletin so as to eliminate the designation of the Sole Source by incorporation of Contractor's proposal or otherwise. Upon revision of the Bulletin by the Design Professional and approval thereof by the Owner, the Owner shall again submit to the Contractor a proposed Change Order for the purpose of adding the revised Bulletin to this Contract. If the Owner decides to retain the Sole Source in the Change Order and Contractor cannot acquire the full contractually required warranties from the Sole Source, Contractor shall be held only to the warranty terms and schedule obtainable from the Sole Source.

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