CONFIDENTIALITY КОНФИДЕНЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ. Subject to the remaining provisions of this Clause 5 each Party shall treat as strictly confidential and shall not disclose to any other person any information received or obtained as a result of entering into or performing this Agreement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the terms of this Agreement) ("Confidential Information") (including any written information and information transferred or obtained orally, visually, electronically or by any other means). С учетом остальных положений настоящей статьи 5 каждая Сторона соблюдает строгую конфиденциальность информации и не вправе раскрывать другим лицам информацию, которая получена ею или оказалась в ее распоряжении в результате заключения или исполнения настоящего Договора (включая, во избежание сомнений, условия настоящего Договора) (далее – "Конфиденциальная информация") (в том числе информацию в письменной форме и информацию, переданную устно, визуально, электронным или любым другим способом). A Party may disclose information which would otherwise be subject to the provisions of Clause 5.1, and may retain information referred to in Clause 5.1, if and only to the extent: Сторона вправе раскрыть информацию, которая в иных обстоятельствах подпадала бы под положения пункта 5.1, и вправе оставить у себя информацию, предусмотренную пунктом 5.1, только в следующих случаях и лишь в части, в которой: it is required by Applicable Law to which such Party is subject; этого требует Применимое законодательство, действие которого распространяется на такую Сторону; it is required by any securities exchange or Governmental Authority to which any Party is subject or submits, wherever situated, whether or not the requirement for information has the force of law; этого требует фондовая биржа или Государственные органы, юрисдикция которых распространяется на такую Сторону или которым она подчиняется (вне зависимости от места их расположения и того, имеет ли данное требование представить информацию силу закона); subject to Clause 5.4, it is disclosed on a strictly confidential basis to the Representatives of that Party; с учетом пункта 5.4, данная информация раскрывается с требованием соблюдения строгой конфиденциальности Представителям такой Стороны; to the extent relevant, it is disclosed on a strictly confidential basis to directors and/or employees of that Party, to its Affiliates or to directors and/or employees of its Affiliates; данная информация при необходимости раскрывается с требованием соблюдения строгой ко...
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CONFIDENTIALITY КОНФИДЕНЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ. Information relating to the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Proposals, and the recommendation of contract award, shall not be disclosed to Proposers or any other persons not officially concerned with such process, even after publication of the contract award. / Информация, связанная с изучением, оценкой и сравнением предложений, а также рекомендации по присуждению контрактов, не сообщаются ни участникам, ни любым другим лицам, которые не имеют официального интереса в данном процессе, даже после публикации материала о присуждении контракта. Any effort by a Proposer to influence UNDP in the examination, evaluation and comparison of the Proposals or contract award decisions may, at UNDP’s decision, result in the rejection of its Proposal. / Любая попытка со стороны участника повлиять на ПРООН в процессе изучения, оценки и сравнения предложений или решения о присуждении контракта может, по усмотрению ПРООН, привести к отклонению предложения. In the event that a Proposer is unsuccessful, the Proposer may seek a meeting with UNDP for a debriefing. The purpose of the debriefing is discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the Proposer’s submission, in order to assist the Proposer in improving the proposals presented to UNDP. The content of other proposals and how they compare to the Proposer’s submission shall not be discussed. / В случае неудачи участника, он может попросить организовать разъясняющую встречу с ПРООН. Целью данной встречи является обсуждение сильных и слабых сторон предложения, поданного участником, в целях оказания поддержки участнику улучшить качество предложений, подаваемых ПРООН в будущем. Содержание других предложений не обсуждается и их сравнение с данным участником не производится.


  • Confidentiality/ Nondisclosure Employee covenants and agrees that any and all information concerning the customers, businesses and services of the Corporation of which he has knowledge or access as a result of his association with the Corporation in any capacity, shall be deemed confidential in nature and shall not, without the proper written consent of the Corporation, be directly or indirectly used, disseminated, disclosed or published by Employee to third parties other than in connection with the usual conduct of the business of the Corporation. Such information shall expressly include, but shall not be limited to, information concerning the Corporation’s trade secrets, business operations, business records, customer lists or other customer information. Upon termination of employment Employee shall deliver to the Corporation all originals and copies of documents, forms, records or other information, in whatever form it may exist, concerning the Corporation or its business, customers, products or services. In construing this provision it is agreed that it shall be interpreted broadly so as to provide the Corporation with the maximum protection. This Section 11 shall not be applicable to any information which, through no misconduct or negligence of Employee, has previously been disclosed to the public by anyone other than Employee.

  • Confidentialité En cas d’usage d’Apple Pay pour engager une transaction de paiement à terminer sur un Appareil pris en charge, Apple Pay transfère les informations de paiement dans un format chiffré entre votre Mac et votre Appareil pris en charge pour terminer votre transaction. Lorsque vous utilisez Apple Pay pour réaliser une transaction de paiement sur un MacBook Pro doté de la fonctionnalité Touch ID intégrée, vos informations de paiement sont fournies sous un format chiffré au site web dans le cadre de ladite transaction. Lorsque vous ajoutez une carte à Apple Pay sur un MacBook Pro doté de la fonctionnalité Touch ID intégrée, des informations relatives à votre appareil, xxxxxx que l’indication d’activation ou non de certains réglages de l’appareil et des habitudes d’usage de l’appareil (par exemple, le pourcentage de temps que l’appareil est en mouvement ou le nombre approximatif d’appels par semaine), sont envoyées à Apple pour déterminer votre droit d’usage et pour prévenir toute tentative de fraude. Pour en savoir plus sur les données collectées, utilisées ou partagées dans le cadre de votre utilisation d’Apple Pay, consultez les rubriques À propos d’Apple Pay et Confidentialité (accessibles depuis Wallet et Apple Pay sur votre appareil iOS ou Mac, ou depuis l’appli de la Watch sur un appareil iOS jumelé). Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur les mesures adoptées par Apple pour protéger vos informations personnelles en consultant notre Engagement de confidentialité à l’adresse xxxxx:// policy/. En utilisant Apple Pay, vous acceptez qu’Apple, ainsi que ses filiales et ses représentants, transmettent, recueillent, conservent, traitent et utilisent ces données comme décrit ci-dessus pour assurer le bon fonctionnement d’Apple Pay.

  • Confidentiality; FERPA Re disclosure. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) prohibits the re- disclosure of confidential student information. Except in very specific circumstances in accordance with the law, Contractor shall not disclose to any other party without prior consent of the parent/guardian any information or records regarding students or their families that Contractor may learn or obtain in the course and scope of its performance of this Contract. Any re-disclosure of confidential student information must be in compliance with the re- disclosure laws of FERPA. Contractor is not to re-disclose information without prior written notification to and written permission of District. If District grants permission, Contractor is solely responsible for compliance with the re- disclosure under §99.32(b). Consistent with FERPA’s requirements, personally identifiable information obtained by Contractor in the performance of this Contract must be used only for the purposes identified in this Contract. Subject to any state or federal laws requiring disclosure (e.g., the California Public Records Act), the Parties agree, during the term of this Agreement and for five (5) years after termination or expiration of Agreement, to hold each other’s proprietary or confidential information in strict confidence, except for any information protected under confidentiality laws which shall be held in such confidence in perpetuity. Parties agree not to provide each other’s proprietary or confidential information in any form to any third party or to use each other’s proprietary or confidential information for any purpose other than the implementation of, and as specified in, this Agreement. Each Party agrees to take all reasonable steps to ensure that proprietary or confidential information of either Party is not disclosed or distributed by its employees, agents or Contractors in violation of the provisions of this Agreement.

  • Confidentiality; Non-Disclosure The State shall exercise at least the same degree of care to safeguard any trade secrets or confidential information of Contractor as the State does its own property of a similar nature and shall take reasonable steps to ensure that neither the confidential information of Contractor nor any part of it will be disclosed for reasons other than its own business interests. Such prohibition on disclosures does not apply to disclosures by the State to its employees, agents or representatives, provided such disclosures are reasonably necessary to the State’s use of the Deliverable, and provided further that the State will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Deliverable is not disclosed by such parties in contravention of this Contract. The State’s performance of the requirements of this Section shall be subject to the State of Connecticut Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"). All Records, Client Agency Data, and any Data owned by the State in any form, in the possession of the Contractor or Contractor Parties, whether uploaded, collected, stored, held, hosted, located or utilized by Contractor and Contractor Parties directly or indirectly, must remain within the continental United States.

  • Confidentiality Policy The purpose of BCBSM's Confidentiality Policy is to provide for the protection of the privacy of Members, and the confidentiality of personal data, and personal information. BCBSM's Policy sets forth the guidelines conforming to MCLA 550.1101 et seq. which requires BCBSM's Board of Directors to establish and make public the policy of the Corporation regarding the protection of the privacy of Members and the confidentiality of personal data. In adopting this policy, BCBSM acknowledges the rights of its Members to know that personal data and personal information acquired by BCBSM will be treated with respect and with reasonable care to ensure confidentiality; to know that it will not be shared with others except for legitimate business purposes or in accordance with a Member's specific consent or specific statutory authority. The term “personal data” refers to a document incorporating medical or surgical history, care, treatment or service; or any similar record, including an automated or computer accessible record relative to a Member, which is maintained or stored by a health care corporation. The term “personal information” refers to a document or any similar record relative to a Member, including an automated or computer accessible record, containing information such as an address, age/birth date, Coordination of Benefits data, which is maintained or stored by a health care corporation. BCBSM will collect and maintain necessary Member personal data and take reasonable care to secure these records from unauthorized access and disclosure and collect only the personal data necessary to review and pay claims for health care operations, treatment and research. BCBSM will identify routine uses of Member personal data and notify Members regarding these uses. Enrollment applications, claim forms and other communications will contain the to Member's consent to release data and information that is necessary for review and payment of claims. These forms will also advise the members of their rights under this policy. Upon specific request, a Member will be notified regarding the actual release of personal data. BCBSM will disclose personal data as permitted by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Act 104-191 and the regulations promulgated under the Act and in accordance with PA 350 of 1980. Members may authorize the release of their personal information to a specific person. BCBSM will release required data pursuant to any federal, state or local statute or regulation. For civil and criminal investigation, prosecution or litigation, BCBSM will release requested data to the appropriate law enforcement authorities or in response to appropriate legal process.

  • Confidentiality Statement All persons that will be working with PHI COUNTY 21 discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of 22 COUNTY must sign a confidentiality statement that includes, at a minimum, General Use, Security and 23 Privacy Safeguards, Unacceptable Use, and Enforcement Policies. The statement must be signed by the 24 workforce member prior to access to such PHI. The statement must be renewed annually. The 25 CONTRACTOR shall retain each person’s written confidentiality statement for COUNTY inspection 26 for a period of six (6) years following the termination of the Agreement.

  • Confidentiality and Nondisclosure (a) Employee understands and agrees that he will be given Confidential Information (as defined below) and Training (as defined below) during his employment with Employer relating to the business of Employer and/or its Affiliates (as defined below). Employee hereby expressly agrees to maintain in strictest confidence and not to use in any way (including without limitation in any future business relationship of Employee), publish, disclose or authorize anyone else to use, publish or disclose in any way, any Confidential Information relating in any manner to the business or affairs of Employer and/or its Affiliates. Employee agrees further not to remove or retain any figures, calculations, letters, documents, lists, papers, or copies thereof, which embody Confidential Information of Employer and/or its Affiliates, and to return, prior to Employee's termination of employment, any such information in Employee's possession. If Employee discovers, or comes into possession of, any such information after his termination he shall promptly return it to Employer. Employee acknowledges that the provisions of this paragraph are consistent with Employer's Code of Conduct with which Employee, as an employee of Employer, is bound.

  • CONFIDENTIALITY PROVISIONS (a) Each Management Stockholder acknowledges, represents, and agrees that: (i) the Company’s financial statements and any other Confidential Information (as defined below) that the Company may, in its sole discretion, furnish to the Stockholders contain confidential, proprietary, and material nonpublic information about the Company; (ii) it shall keep the Confidential Information and all information therein secret and confidential; (iii) it shall hold same in accordance with its customary procedures, if any, for handling confidential information on investments; (iv) it shall not disclose the Confidential Information or any information therein to anyone except (A) to its Affiliates (that do not compete with, or engage in any of the same businesses as, the Company), officers, directors, employees, agents or advisors, who are directly involved in the administration of its stockholding in the Company, all of whom must be advised of and agree to adhere to the terms of this Section 6, (B) as required by law, or (C) as requested or required by any provincial, state, federal, national or foreign authority or examiner regulating banks or banking or claiming to have the authority to regulate banks or banking; (v) it shall be responsible for any breach of the terms of this Section 6 committed to anyone to whom it disclosed the Confidential Information or any information therein; (vi) it shall not use the Confidential Information or any information therein for any purpose other than for appropriate purposes in connection with its stockholding in the Company; and (vii) in the event of any breach of the terms of this Section 6, the Company shall be entitled to specific performance and/or injunctive relief (without bond) as a remedy for any such breach, in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity, and shall be entitled to reimbursement of all legal fees and litigation expenses incurred in enforcing the terms of this Section 6.

  • Confidentiality; Publicity (a) Except as may be required by Law, stock exchange rule or as otherwise expressly contemplated herein, no Party or their respective Affiliates, employees, agents or representatives shall disclose to any third party this Agreement, the subject matter or terms hereof or any such Confidential Information concerning the business or affairs of any other Party which it may have acquired from such Party in the course of pursuing the Transactions without the prior written consent of the Sellers or Buyer, as the case may be; provided, however, any Party may disclose any such Confidential Information as follows: (a) to such Party’s Affiliates and its or its Affiliates’ employees, lenders, counsel or accountants, who shall also be subject to the requirements of this Section 4.8; (b) to comply with any applicable Law or Order, (other than with respect to Taxes and Tax matters), provided that prior to making any such disclosure the Party making the disclosure notifies the other Party of any Action of which it is aware which may result in disclosure and uses its Best Efforts to limit or prevent such disclosure; (c) to the extent that the Confidential Information is or becomes generally available to the public through no fault of the Party or its Affiliates making such disclosure; (d) to the extent that the same information is already known by the Party making such disclosure prior to receipt of such Confidential Information; (e) to the extent that the Party that received the Confidential Information independently develops the same information without in any way relying on any Confidential Information; (f) to the extent that the same information becomes available to the Party making such disclosure on a non-confidential basis from a source other than a Party or its Affiliates, which source, to the Knowledge of the disclosing Party, is not prohibited from disclosing such information by a legal, contractual or fiduciary obligation to the other Party; and (g) either Party may disclose the “tax treatment” or “tax structure” (as those terms are defined in Treas. Reg. §§ 1.6011-4(c)(8) and (9), respectively) of the Transactions and all materials of any kind (including opinions or other tax analyses) that are provided to the Parties relating to such “tax treatment” or “tax structure” of the Transactions, except that “tax structure” or “tax treatment” shall not include the identity of any existing or future Party or its Affiliates. If the Transactions are not consummated, each Party will return or destroy as much of the Confidential Information concerning the other Parties as the Parties that have provided such information may reasonably request.

  • Confidentiality Agreements The parties hereto agree that this Agreement supersedes any provision of the Confidentiality Agreements that could be interpreted to preclude the exercise of any rights or the fulfillment of any obligations under this Agreement, and that none of the provisions included in the Confidentiality Agreements will act to preclude Holder from exercising the Option or exercising any other rights under this Agreement or act to preclude Issuer from fulfilling any of its obligations under this Agreement.

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