CONTRACT OF APPRENTICESHIP / TRAINING AGREEMENT. INDENTURE (a) The apprentices will be contracted to the Employer to learn the craft or trade of Sprinkler Fitting / Fire Protection on a full-time basis for a term of four years comprising of off-the- job and on-the-job training to complete the Sprinkler Fitting / Fire Protection apprenticeship. (b) Every training Agreement for an apprenticeship hereinafter made will contain as a minimum the following information: i. The names of the parties; ii. The date of birth of the apprentice; iii. A statement that Sprinkler Fitting / Fire Protection is the trade, vocation or occupation to which the apprentice is to be contracted; iv. Agreement by the Employer to teach and instruct and/or cause the apprentice to be taught or instructed in the trade, vocation, or occupation to which the apprentice is contracted; v. The date at which the apprenticeship is to commence or from which it is to be calculated with the nominal time period expected to complete the training being four years; and vi. A provision that specifies that the Sprinkler Fitting / Fire Protection 1st Class Apprenticeship course taught at Fire Industry Training College or any agreed subsequent course or National Training Package that supersedes these courses and which leads to a AQF certificate III qualification in Services (Fire Protection) is the course that is to be taught for the purpose of the apprenticeship. These provisions are to be contained in the Training Program or outline of the training that may be attached to or form part of the training Agreement. (c) The Training Program or outline of training will be consistent with any future National Training Package for Fire Protection and its various components including the Learning Strategy.


  • Apprenticeship Program The parties agree to meet to discuss the development of mutually agreeable apprenticeship programs. The specific provisions of the apprenticeship programs shall be subject to agreement between the City, the Civil Service Commission (where appropriate), and the Union. Each apprenticeship program, however, shall contain at least the following terms:

  • Industrial Relations Training Leave Union Delegate/Employee Representative shall have access to industrial relations training in accordance with Appendix E hereof.

  • Training Programs All employees shall successfully complete all necessary training prior to being assigned work (e.g., all employees will complete health and safety training prior to being assigned to task). Nothing in this Article or provision shall constitute a waiver of either party’s bargaining obligations or defenses. The Employer still has an obligation to notify and bargain changes in terms and conditions of employment with the exclusive representative.

  • Adult Apprentices 26.1 Adult apprentices are apprentices who commence their apprenticeship at the age of 21 years or older. Adult apprentices engaged under any of the classifications set out in Appendix 1 and will be paid a minimum rate equal to the rate of pay for a second-year apprentice, for the first two years of the apprenticeship, then on parity with other apprentices for the third and fourth years.

  • Training and Education SECTION 1 – Law Enforcement Supervisors’ Training

  • REQUESTS FOR FLEXIBLE WORKING ARRANGEMENTS 49.1 Employee may request change in working arrangements s.65 of the Act. Note 1: Section 65 of the Act provides for certain Employees to request a change in their working arrangements because of their circumstances, as set out in s.65(1A).

  • PROCUREMENT ETHICS Contractor understands that a person who is interested in any way in the sale of any supplies, services, construction, or insurance to the State of Utah is violating the law if the person gives or offers to give any compensation, gratuity, contribution, loan, reward, or any promise thereof to any person acting as a procurement officer on behalf of the State of Utah, or who in any official capacity participates in the procurement of such supplies, services, construction, or insurance, whether it is given for their own use or for the use or benefit of any other person or organization.

  • Training Plan 19.6.1 An apprentice shall be a party to an individual Training Plan. 19.6.2 The Training Plan sets out the training that the apprentice will do both on – the – job and off – the – job. The Training Plan also sets out how the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) will ensure the apprentice will receive quality training – both on – the – job and off – the – job. 19.6.3 The Training Plan reflects the choices made by the employer and the apprentice in relation to:-

  • Apprenticeship 7.01 At such time, the parties agree to a training program, it is agreed to contact the California Nevada JATC to establish such program.

  • Training Program It is agreed that there shall be an Apprenticeship Training Program, the provisions of which are set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and forms part of this Agreement.