Investigatory Interview When the employee under investigation is to be interviewed concerning the alleged conduct which could result in discharge or other discipline, the employee and his or her representative shall be notified in writing, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the interview. In the event of an emergency, such reasonable notice as the circumstances permit shall be given. The notice shall state that an official investigation is being conducted and shall state the subject matter of the investigatory interview. a. Prior to being interviewed pursuant to this section, the employee shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity and facilities to contact and consult privately with his or her union representative or union attorney. b. Any interview of an employee under this section shall be conducted at a reasonable time, at a suitable location and, when practicable, on the department’s premises when the employee is on duty. The union representative or union attorney may participate in the interview. c. The interview shall be limited to questions that are directly, narrowly, and specifically related to the employee’s job performance as it relates to the allegation(s) or complaints. The employee shall not be subjected to any offensive language nor be threatened with transfer, dismissal or other disciplinary action. Confidentiality of the interview shall be maintained.
Central Committee on Violence in the Workplace The Central parties agree to create a Central Committee to review and develop best practice recommendations related to Violence in the Workplace. The Committee will take into consideration recent provincial reports related to violence in the workplace issues. The best practice recommendations will be distributed to the Joint Health and Safety Committees at each individual Home to be recommended for implementation. The best practice recommendations will include but will not be limited to: Review/modify: the processes, procedures, measures and follow through on:
Letter of Understanding Grievance Commissioner System This is to confirm the discussion of the parties during collective bargaining that they are committed to encouraging early discussion and resolution of labour relations issues at the local level and seek to resolve grievances in a timely and cost-efficient manner. To that end, this is to confirm that pursuant to Article 8, the parties agree that the Employer and Union at individual Homes may agree to utilize the following process in order to resolve a particular grievance through the utilization of a joint mediation-arbitration procedure:
Non-Admission Nothing contained in this Agreement will be deemed or construed as an admission of wrongdoing or liability on the part of the Company.
Non-Admission of Wrongdoing The Parties agree neither this Agreement nor the furnishing of the consideration for same shall be deemed or construed at any time for any purpose as an admission by any Party of any liability or unlawful conduct of any kind.
Investigatory Interviews A. Upon request, an employee has the right to a union representative at an investigatory interview called by the Employer, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. An employee may also have a union representative at a pre-disciplinary meeting. If the requested representative is not reasonably available, the employee will select another representative who is available. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their representative.
Informal Resolution Outcomes a. When a complainant approaches an administrative officer and alleges harassment by another BCTF member, the following shall apply: i. All discussions shall be solely an attempt to mediate the complaint; ii. Any and all discussions shall be completely off the record and will not form part of any record; iii. Only the complainant, respondent, and administrative officer shall be present at such meetings iv. No discipline of any kind would be imposed on the respondent; and v. The BCTF and its locals, based on the foregoing, will not invoke the notice of investigation and other discipline provisions of the collective agreement at meetings pursuant to Article E.2.5.a. b. Should a resolution be reached between the complainant and the respondent at Step One under the circumstances of Article E.2.5.a, it shall be written up and signed by both. Only the complainant and the respondent shall have copies of the resolution and they shall be used only for the purpose of establishing that a resolution was reached. No other copies of the resolution shall be made. c. In the circumstances where a respondent has acknowledged responsibility pursuant to Article E.
Complaints Investigation The employee who complains of harassment under the provisions of the Human Rights Code must first comply with the Employer’s harassment policy procedures before filing a grievance or human rights complaint.
Contractor Approach The Contractor shall develop, document, and implement BIDM Data Exchanges to obtain BIDM Imports from and to send BIDM Exports to CDPHE's Oral Health Program This exchange shall occur on a period as determined by the Department.
Written Grievance If the grievance is not resolved at Step 1, the home care worker and/or Union representative shall set forth the grievance in writing including a statement of the pertinent facts surrounding the grievance, the date on which the incident occurred, the alleged violations of the Agreement, and the specific remedy requested. The written grievance shall be submitted to the Employer within thirty (30) calendar days of the occurrence of the alleged violation or within thirty (30) calendar days of when the home care worker or the Union could reasonably have been aware of the incident or occurrence giving rise to the grievance. Individual Provider grievances shall be submitted by email to Grievances as a result of employment or actions with the Consumer Directed Employer will be processed with the contact information provided in Step 1. The Employer or the Employer's designee shall meet with the grievant and their Union representative within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the written grievance, in order to discuss and resolve the grievance. Subsequent to this meeting, if the grievance remains unresolved, the Employer will provide a written response to the grievance by email within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the parties met to discuss the grievance. If the response does not resolve the grievance, the Union may, within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the response, proceed to Step 4, Arbitration. As an alternative prior to final and binding arbitration in Step 4, if the matter is not resolved in Step 2 the parties may choose by mutual agreement to submit the matter to mediation in order to resolve the issue. The party requesting mediation of the dispute must notify the other party by email no later than fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt by the Union of the emailed response from the Employer in Step 2. The party receiving the request for mediation must notify the other party by email within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the request whether or not it agrees to mediate the dispute. If the party receiving the request does not agree to mediate the dispute, the Union may, within fourteen (14) calendar days of the email notification of the decision not to mediate, proceed to Step 4, Arbitration. If the parties agree to mediation, they shall select a neutral mediator. Both parties shall submit a statement of their position on the issue. The mediator may also bring the parties together in person to attempt to resolve the issue. The parties shall each pay one-half (1/2) the costs or fees, if any, of the neutral mediator. Each party shall be responsible for its own costs, including the costs of representation, advocacy and the costs of that party's appointed representatives. If the issue is successfully resolved by mediation, the decision shall be binding on all parties, and shall, unless specifically agreed otherwise, form a precedent for similar issues. If the issue is not successfully resolved through mediation, the Union may, within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of a written declaration of impasse or rejection of a settlement offer from either party, proceed to Step 4, Arbitration.