Contractor Approach. The Contractor shall develop, document, and implement BIDM Data Exchanges to obtain BIDM Imports from and to send BIDM Exports to CDPHE's CEDRS. This exchange shall occur on a period as determined by the Department
Contractor Approach. The Contractor shall develop, document, and implement BIDM Data Exchanges to obtain BIDM Imports from a BIDM Export of BIDM clients to LTCMDS. This exchange shall occur annually once all Department/CMS agreements are in place, as determined by the Department.
Contractor Approach. The Contractor shall provide a real-time or near real-time BIDM Interface between the BIDM and the Core MMIS, as described in the DSD.
Contractor Approach. The Contractor shall conduct development walkthroughs for non-COTS components as appropriate to demonstrate to the Department that all system functions have been completely and accurately developed and unit-tested, and any problems have been recorded using the Project Control and
Contractor Approach. The Contractor shall develop a System Test Plan that describes the approach and commitment to all other testing sub-phases. During the Testing Phase, the Contractor shall develop a Master Test Plan and subsequent Release Test Plans. The Master Test Plan shall be a static document that describes the high-level details of the project’s test effort while Release Test Plans shall be dynamic and shall contain release-specific test procedures. This deliverable shall be developed, reviewed and approved in accordance with procedures detailed within the approved Communication Management Plan.
Contractor Approach. The Contractor shall provide the Department with test results through its test management system. The Contractor shall manage all system, performance, stress, operational readiness and UAT tests within the test management system and will record results there. Throughout DDI testing periods, the Contractor shall provide the Department with frequent summaries and metrics on testing progress. The Department shall also be able to view detailed information on test execution and results within the test management system at any time.
Contractor Approach. The Contractor shall provide the Department with online access to the integrated test environment.
Contractor Approach. To support defect tracking automation, the Contractor shall implement and operate a test management system. This system shall support the management and consolidation of test cases and test activities during System Integration and Parallel testing activities. For the submission and management of formal testing deliverables, automation shall be achieved through the use of the project’s document management system.
Contractor Approach. The Contractor shall provide a mutually acceptable template for weekly and monthly Status Reports, Systems Operations Reports, Meeting Agendas, and Meeting Minutes. Whenever practical and applicable, it shall employ approved templates to improve the effectiveness and consistency of communication. The Contractor shall adhere to the approved processes within the Communication Management Plan. Deliverable: Standards and Templates for Documentation and Communications Deliverable Stage: BIDM Implementation Contract Stage II
Contractor Approach. The Contractor shall work with the incumbent contractor to transition documentation of the legacy applications from their care. Wherever possible, the Contractor shall store this documentation in the documentation management system. When transitioned documentation cannot be practically stored within the document management system, the Contractor shall store it in a manner approved by the Department. The Contractor shall manage this information throughout the life of this Contract and archive the documentation on these legacy applications only after these systems have been decommissioned and with the Department’s permission.