COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS. 1 The Commission shall cooperate, as appropriate, with other regional fisheries management organisations, the FAO, with other specialised agencies of the United Nations, and with other relevant organisations on matters of mutual interest.
COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS. 1. The Commission shall cooperate, as appropriate, with the FAO, with other specialised agencies of the United Nations, and with other relevant organisations on matters of mutual interest.
COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS. 1. The Contracting Parties recognise that other regional fisheries management organisations and other relevant intergovernmental organisations have competency in relation to areas adjacent to the Area or in respect of living resources not covered by this Agreement and have objectives that are consistent with, and supportive of, the objectives of this Agreement.
COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS. 1. The Council shall make whatever arrangements are appro priate for consultation or cooperation with the United Nations and its organs, in particular the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and such other specialised agencies of the United Nations and intergovernmental organi sations as may be appropriate.
COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS. In order to achieve its objectives, the General Assembly may authorise the Secretary General to collaborate with any other governmental, non-governmental or private sector institutions. CHAPTER IV: GENERAL SECRETARIAT