Credit Bureau Reporting. Agency agrees that any credit bureau reporting will be done in full compliance with the FCRA and all applicable statutes and regulations and Agency’s policies and procedures related to same. All credit reporting shall be in compliance with the Furnisher Rule 12 CFR § 1022.40 et seq.
Credit Bureau Reporting. I understand that failure to pay my student account may result in the University, or its representatives, attorneys and agents filing an adverse report with credit bureaus.
Credit Bureau Reporting. Includes creating tape and forwarding to the [*] Credit Bureaus designated by Credit Union. * Per month per Credit Bureau per BIN.
Credit Bureau Reporting. Contractor shall report debtors of accounts received or accounts that remain uncollected, to an appropriate credit bureau, unless Purchaser notifies Contractor that Purchaser does its own credit reporting, or that Purchaser does not want any credit reporting performed.
Credit Bureau Reporting. We may report information about your account, late payments, missed payments, or defaults to credit bureaus.
Credit Bureau Reporting. Within 45 days of delinquency, the Servicer must report the Borrower and all Co-Borrowers to at least one national credit agency. Normally this will occur for all loans more than 40 days delinquent at a month end. The Servicer will continue to report account delinquency on a monthly basis up to claim payment date. Tolerance for delayed reporting is plus or minus 30 days.
Credit Bureau Reporting. Agency acknowledges and agrees that reporting any of the Accounts to a credit bureau is strictly prohibited by this Agreement.
Credit Bureau Reporting. Business Partner to notify Credit Bureaus to stop reporting on the portfolio as of Final Cutoff per Investor.
Credit Bureau Reporting. Observe the number of days the Receivable was past due as indicated in Ford Credit’s receivables systems for each month preceding the Cutoff Date and confirm it matches the information reported to the credit bureaus as indicated in Ford Credit’s receivables systems. Test 3.3(m) — 3: Obligor Complaints Confirm that “Complaints/Feedback” is not indicated for the Receivable in Ford Credit’s receivables systems as of the Cutoff Date or, if so, confirm that the documentation in Ford Credit’s receivables systems related to the complaint does not conflict with the applicable Ford Credit procedures. Test 3.3(m) — 4: Equal Credit Opportunity Act - Servicing Observe the customer service notes for the Receivable in Ford Credit’s receivables systems and confirm any comments do not conflict with the prohibited practices described in the applicable Ford Credit procedure Test 3.3(m) — 5:
Credit Bureau Reporting. We will follow standard industry practice and report to the major credit reporting agencies that your mortgage was settled for less than the full payment. We have no control over or responsibility for the impact of this report on your credit score. To learn more about the potential impact of a short sale on your credit you may want to go to xxxx://