Daylight Saving Where by reason of State legislation, summer time is prescribed as being in advance of the standard time in that State the length of any shift: • Commencing before the time prescribed by the relevant legislation for the commencement of a summer time period, and • Commencing on or before the time prescribed by such legislation for the termination of a summer time period, shall be deemed to be the number of hours represented by the difference between the time recorded by the clock at the beginning of the shift and the time so recorded at the end of the shift. The time of the clock in each case is to be set to the time fixed by the relevant State legislation. In this subclause the expressions "standard time" and "summer time" shall bear the same meaning as are prescribed by the relevant State legislation.
Daylight Saving Time The changing of Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time, or vice versa, shall not result in Employees being paid more or less than their normal scheduled daily hours. The hour difference shall be split between the Employees completing their shift and those commencing their shift.
Daylight Savings Time Employees required to work more than eight (8) hours on an eight (8) hour shift or more than ten (10) hours on a ten (10) hour shift due to the change from daylight savings time to standard time shall be paid for the additional hour worked at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2). Employees required to work less than eight (8) hours on an eight (8) hour shift or less than ten (10) hours on a ten (10) hour shift due to the change from standard time to daylight savings time shall be paid for the actual hours worked. Employees may use vacation time or compensatory time to make up for the one (1) hour lost. Employees in the first six (6) months of employment who would be eligible to accrue vacation, may be advanced one (1) hour of vacation time which shall either be deducted from their vacation leave balance, or deducted from their last paycheck if the employee is separated prior to accruing vacation.
Monday morning The employee should not work more than 16 hours without an 8 hour break.
Paid Holiday Bank Employees qualify in accordance with the collective agreement. The paid holidays are identified in the Collective Agreement. Credit to the paid holiday bank will occur on the date of the holiday. Drawing from the paid holiday bank will occur at an accelerated rate of 1.25 hours paid for every hour taken (i.e. 11.25 hours worked equals 14.05 hours paid; 7.5 hours worked equals 9.375 hours paid).
Loading on Annual Leave During a period of annual leave an Employee covered by this clause shall receive a loading of 22.5% calculated on the all-purpose rate of wage prescribed by Appendix A, clause 2.3 of this Agreement.
Sunday Premium Any employee who is required to work at any time on a Sunday shall be paid a Sunday premium in addition to their regular hourly rate of pay in the amount of seventy-five (75¢) cents per hour, for each such hour and portion of an hour worked. Sunday premium pay shall not be added to an employee's hourly rate of pay for the purpose of computing overtime. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the “in charge” employees referred to in sub-articles 23.03 and 23.04 of this Agreement.
Monday to Saturday Time and a-half for the first three hours and double time thereafter.
Christmas Day Melbourne Cup Day (or alternative days in regional areas);
Night Shift Employees who are required to work at least five-eighths of their normal daily tour of duty after 4:30 p.m. and before 8:00 a.m. shall be paid at the rate of five percent over and above his/her normal biweekly or hourly rate of pay for the entire shift so worked.