Dependent Child/Parents Separated or Divorced If two or more plans cover a person as a dependent child of divorced or separated parents, the plan responsible to cover benefits for the child will be determined in the following order: • first, the plan of the parent with custody of the child; • then, the plan of the spouse of the parent with custody of the child; and • finally, the plan of the parent not having custody of the child. If the terms of a court decree state that: • one of the parents is responsible for the healthcare expenses of the child, and the entity obligated to pay or provide the parent's benefits under that parent's plan has actual knowledge of those terms, the benefits of that plan are determined first and the benefits of the plan of the other parent are the secondary plan. • both parents share joint custody, without stating that one of the parents is responsible for the healthcare expenses of the child, the plans covering the child will follow the order of benefit determination rules outlined above.
Dependent Child If dependent children are covered under separate plans of more than one person, whether a parent or guardian, benefits for the child will be determined in the following order: • the benefits of the plan covering the parent born earlier in the year will be determined before those of the parent whose birthday (month and day only) falls later in the year; • if both parents have the same birthday, the benefits of the plan that covered the parent longer are determined before those of the plan which covered the other parent for a shorter period of time; • if the other plan does not determine benefits according to the parents' birth dates, but by parents' gender instead, the other plan’s gender rule will determine the order of benefits.
Sick Leave Transfer An employee may transfer their earned sick leave to a spouse, sister, brother, parent, child or any designated person employed by the District under the provisions of. Board Policy 3430.03—Sick Leave (c) (3) (4) and related procedures.
Outpatient Dental Anesthesia Services This plan covers anesthesia services received in connection with a dental service when provided in a hospital or freestanding ambulatory surgical center and: • the use of this is medically necessary; and • the setting in which the service is received is determined to be appropriate. This plan also covers facility fees associated with these services. This plan covers dental care for members until the last day of the month in which they turn nineteen (19). This plan covers services only if they meet all of the following requirements: • listed as a covered dental care service in this section. The fact that a provider has prescribed or recommended a service, or that it is the only available treatment for an illness or injury does not mean it is a covered dental care service under this plan. • dentally necessary, consistent with our dental policies and related guidelines at the time the services are provided. • not listed in Exclusions section. • received while a member is enrolled in the plan. • consistent with applicable state or federal law. • services are provided by a network provider.
DEPENDENT PERSONAL SERVICES 1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 16, 18 and 19, salaries, wages and other similar remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting State in respect of an employment shall be taxable only in that State unless the employment is exercised in the other Contracting State. If the employment is so exercised, such remuneration as is derived therefrom may be taxed in that other State. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting State in respect of an employment exercised in the other Contracting State shall be taxable only in the first-mentioned State if: a) the recipient is present in the other State for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in any twelve-month period commencing or ending in the tax year concerned, and b) the remuneration is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a resident of the other State, and c) the remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment or a fixed base which the employer has in the other State. 3. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article, remuneration derived in respect of an employment exercised aboard a ship or aircraft operated in international traffic by a resident of a Contracting State, may be taxed in that State.
Leave With Pay for Family-Related Responsibilities (a) For the purpose of this clause, “family” is defined as: (i) spouse (including common law spouse resident with the employee); (ii) children (including xxxxxx children, children of legal or common-law partner and xxxx of the employee); (iii) parents (including step-parents or xxxxxx parents), father-in-law, mother-in-law; (iv) brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister; (v) grandparents and grandchildren of the employee; (vi) any relative, residing in the employee’s household or with whom the employee permanently resides; or (vii) any relative for whom the employee has a duty of care, irrespective of whether they reside with the employee. (b) The total leave with pay which may be granted under this clause shall not exceed thirty-seven decimal five (37.5) hours in a fiscal year. (c) At the request of an employee, leave with pay for family related responsibilities may be granted as follows: (i) to take a dependent family member for medical or dental appointments, or for appointments with school authorities or adoption agencies; the employee who requests a leave pursuant to this clause should make every reasonable effort to schedule these appointments to minimize or preclude his or her absence from work; (ii) for the temporary care of a sick member of the employee's family and to provide the employee with time to make alternate care arrangements where the illness is of a longer duration; (iii) for needs directly related to the birth or adoption of his or her child; (iv) to attend school functions, if the supervisor was notified of the functions as far in advance as possible; (v) to provide for the employee’s child in the case of an unforeseeable closure of the school or daycare facility; (vi) seven decimal five (7.5) hours out of the thirty-seven decimal five (37.5) hours stipulated in paragraph (b) above may be used to attend an appointment with a legal or paralegal representative for non-employment related matters, or with a financial or other professional representative, if the supervisor was notified of the appointment as far in advance as possible.
Shared Transport The Shared Transport Network Element (“Shared Transport”) provides the collective interoffice transmission facilities shared by various Carriers (including Qwest) between end-office switches and between end-office switches and local tandem switches within the Local Calling Area. Shared Transport uses the existing routing tables resident in Qwest switches to carry the End User Customer’s originating and terminating local/extended area service interoffice Local traffic on the Qwest interoffice message trunk network. CLEC traffic will be carried on the same transmission facilities between end- office switches, between end-office switches and tandem switches and between tandem switches on the same network facilities that Qwest uses for its own traffic. Shared Transport does not include use of tandem switches or transport between tandem switches and end-office switches for Local Calls that originate from end users served by non- Qwest Telecommunications Carriers (“Carrier(s)”) which terminate to QLSP End Users.
Sick Leave Separation Cash Out At the time of retirement from state service or at death, an eligible employee or the employee’s estate will receive cash for their compensable sick leave balance on a one (1) hour for four (4) hours basis. For the purposes of this Section, retirement will not include “vested out of service” employees who leave funds on deposit with the retirement system.
New Employee (a) (i) Unless the Parties agree, in writing, to an extension of the probationary period, all Employees who work greater than twenty-four (24) hours per week shall be considered probationary for a period of up to three (3) calendar months following date of appointment to the University.
Dependent Care The College will make available to employees, at their option, an Internal Revenue Service Code Section 129 Dependent Care plan. The plan will be established, administered, and communicated to employees by the State without cost to the employees.