Develop Public Involvement Plan. A public involvement plan will be prepared by the Consultant based upon input from the Study Advisory Committee and Stakeholders. The PIP will be reviewed by the Study Advisory Committee and revised based upon discussion in order to provide opportunity to comment on the PIP and to develop a plan that will provide opportunities for the public to be part of this collaborative planning process. It is envisioned that the PIP will include many of the following elements as described in the following subtasks. These subtasks will be refined as the PIP is developed.
Develop Public Involvement Plan. Avenue will provide overall coordination and management of the public involvement activities and specific duties as outlined below, under the general direction of West Valley City, Kearns Metro Township, and UDOT PM & RE, and in coordination with the Contractor.
Develop Public Involvement Plan. The Consultant will develop, in coordination with the FS, a public (internal and external) involvement plan that includes: • Objectives for involving the public at specific points in the process. • Identification of stakeholders/audience that need to be involved in order to meet the public involvement objectives at specific points in the process. • Methods for reaching the parties or stakeholders, while meeting the public involvement objectives at specific points in the process. • Strategies and plans for providing information to the media on the project and further opportunities for public involvement. Elements of this plan may include the following: o Interested and Cooperating Agency scoping; o Ongoing public involvement; o Publication of NEPA documents on Forest Service website; o Depositories for public document review; o EA mailing and distribution list; o Public notices related to the NEPA process will be published in the local newspapers; and o Throughout the NEPA process, the Forest Service will work to involve interested persons and interested/cooperating agencies in EA preparation. To the extent possible, depending on the stage of the process, the Forest Service will consider any pertinent written comments or concerns raised by the public and interested/cooperating government agencies throughout the process. In cooperation with the Forest Service, the Consultant will maintain the official mailing and distribution list in the Planning, Appeals, and Litigation System (PALS) for the NEPA work. The Forest Service will provide the Consultant with updates to this listing periodically throughout the process, principally prior to release of EA documents. When any NEPA document is distributed to the mailing list, the Consultant will print labels for distribution of appropriate documents. The Consultant shall ensure that the plan is based upon input from Forest and Regional Office staff and shall consider involvement of publics on a local, regional, and national scale.