Investigatory Leave The Appointing Authority/designee may place an employee who is the subject of a disciplinary investigation on an investigatory leave with pay provided a reasonable basis exists to warrant such leave.
Conflict of Interest Contractor Personnel 2.5.1 The A-E shall exercise reasonable care and diligence to prevent any actions or conditions that could result in a conflict with the best interests of the COUNTY. This obligation shall apply to the A-E; the A-E’s employees, agents, and relatives; sub-tier contractors; and third parties associated with accomplishing work and PROJECTS/SERVICES hereunder. 2.5.2 A-E’s efforts shall include, but not be limited to establishing precautions to prevent its employees or agents from: making, receiving, providing or offering gifts, entertainment, payments, loans or other considerations which could be deemed to appear to influence individuals to act contrary to the best interests of the COUNTY.
Employment of Consultants In order to assist the Borrower in carrying out the Project, the Borrower shall employ consultants whose qualifications, experience and terms and conditions of employment shall be satisfactory to the Association. Such consultants shall be selected in accordance with principles and procedures satisfactory to the Association on the basis of the "Guidelines for the Use of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers and by the World Bank as Executing Agency" published by the Bank in August 1981. 1. For the purposes of this Schedule:
Tobacco Use Counseling and Intervention This plan covers smoking cessation programs when prescribed by a physician in accordance with R.I. General Law §27-20-53 and ACA guidelines. Smoking cessation programs include, but are not limited to, the following: • Smoking cessation counseling must be provided by a physician or upon his or her • Over-the-counter and FDA approved nicotine replacement therapy and/or smoking cessation prescription drugs, prescribed by a physician, and purchased at a pharmacy. See the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits for details on coverage. This plan covers adult and pediatric preventive vaccinations and immunizations in accordance with current guidelines. Our allowance includes the administration and the vaccine. If a covered immunization is provided as part of an office visit, the office visit copayment and deductible (if any) will apply. Travel immunizations are covered to the extent that such immunizations are recommended for adults and children by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The recommendations are subject to change by the CDC. This plan covers preventive screenings based on the ACA guidelines noted above. Preventive screenings include but are not limited to: • mammograms; • pap smears; • prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests; • flexible sigmoidoscopy; • double contrast barium enema; • fecal occult blood tests, screening for gestational diabetes, and human papillomavirus; and • genetic counseling for breast cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA). This plan covers colonoscopies in accordance with R.I. General Laws § 27-18-58. Covered healthcare services include an initial colonoscopy or other medical tests or procedures for colorectal cancer screening and a follow-up colonoscopy if the results of the initial test are abnormal. This plan covers the following contraceptive services: • FDA approved contraceptive drugs and devices requiring a prescription; • barrier method (cervical cap, diaphragm, or implantable) fitted and supplied during an office visit; and • surgical and sterilization services for women with reproductive capacity, including but not limited to tubal ligation. This plan covers lactation (breastfeeding) support and counseling during the pregnancy or postpartum period when provided by a licensed lactation counselor. This plan covers manual, electric, or battery operated breast pumps for a female member in conjunction with each birth event.
Complaints and Compensation If you have a complaint of any kind, please be sure to let us know. We will do our utmost to resolve the issue. You can put your complaint in writing to us at:
Services of Consultant Consultant agrees to perform for Client the Services. As such Consultant will provide bona fide services to Client. The services to be provided by Consultant will not be in connection with the offer or sale of securities in a capital-raising transaction, and will not directly or indirectly promote or maintain a market for Client's securities.
Requiring Health Benefits for Covered Employees Contractor agrees to comply fully with and be bound by all of the provisions of the Health Care Accountability Ordinance (HCAO), as set forth in San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 12Q, including the remedies provided, and implementing regulations, as the same may be amended from time to time. The provisions of section 12Q.5.1 of Chapter 12Q are incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement as though fully set forth herein. The text of the HCAO is available on the web at Capitalized terms used in this Section and not defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in Chapter 12Q. a. For each Covered Employee, Contractor shall provide the appropriate health benefit set forth in Section 12Q.3 of the HCAO. If Contractor chooses to offer the health plan option, such health plan shall meet the minimum standards set forth by the San Francisco Health Commission. b. Notwithstanding the above, if the Contractor is a small business as defined in Section 12Q.3(e) of the HCAO, it shall have no obligation to comply with part (a) above. c. Contractor’s failure to comply with the HCAO shall constitute a material breach of this agreement. City shall notify Contractor if such a breach has occurred. If, within 30 days after receiving City’s written notice of a breach of this Agreement for violating the HCAO, Contractor fails to cure such breach or, if such breach cannot reasonably be cured within such period of 30 days, Contractor fails to commence efforts to cure within such period, or thereafter fails diligently to pursue such cure to completion, City shall have the right to pursue the remedies set forth in 12Q.5.1 and 12Q.5(f)(1-6). Each of these remedies shall be exercisable individually or in combination with any other rights or remedies available to City. d. Any Subcontract entered into by Contractor shall require the Subcontractor to comply with the requirements of the HCAO and shall contain contractual obligations substantially the same as those set forth in this Section. Contractor shall notify City’s Office of Contract Administration when it enters into such a Subcontract and shall certify to the Office of Contract Administration that it has notified the Subcontractor of the obligations under the HCAO and has imposed the requirements of the HCAO on Subcontractor through the Subcontract. Each Contractor shall be responsible for its Subcontractors’ compliance with this Chapter. If a Subcontractor fails to comply, the City may pursue the remedies set forth in this Section against Contractor based on the Subcontractor’s failure to comply, provided that City has first provided Contractor with notice and an opportunity to obtain a cure of the violation. e. Contractor shall not discharge, reduce in compensation, or otherwise discriminate against any employee for notifying City with regard to Contractor’s noncompliance or anticipated noncompliance with the requirements of the HCAO, for opposing any practice proscribed by the HCAO, for participating in proceedings related to the HCAO, or for seeking to assert or enforce any rights under the HCAO by any lawful means. f. Contractor represents and warrants that it is not an entity that was set up, or is being used, for the purpose of evading the intent of the HCAO. g. Contractor shall maintain employee and payroll records in compliance with the California Labor Code and Industrial Welfare Commission orders, including the number of hours each employee has worked on the City Contract. h. Contractor shall keep itself informed of the current requirements of the HCAO. i. Contractor shall provide reports to the City in accordance with any reporting standards promulgated by the City under the HCAO, including reports on Subcontractors and Subtenants, as applicable. j. Contractor shall provide City with access to records pertaining to compliance with HCAO after receiving a written request from City to do so and being provided at least ten business days to respond. k. Contractor shall allow City to inspect Contractor’s job sites and have access to Contractor’s employees in order to monitor and determine compliance with HCAO. l. City may conduct random audits of Contractor to ascertain its compliance with HCAO. Contractor agrees to cooperate with City when it conducts such audits. m. If Contractor is exempt from the HCAO when this Agreement is executed because its amount is less than $25,000 ($50,000 for nonprofits), but Contractor later enters into an agreement or agreements that cause Contractor’s aggregate amount of all agreements with City to reach $75,000, all the agreements shall be thereafter subject to the HCAO. This obligation arises on the effective date of the agreement that causes the cumulative amount of agreements between Contractor and the City to be equal to or greater than $75,000 in the fiscal year.
Contract for Professional Services of Physicians, Optometrists, and Registered Nurses In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 2254.008(a)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.
Procurement Related Complaints and Administrative Review 49.1 The procedures for making a Procurement-related Complaint are as specified in the TDS. 49.2 A request for administrative review shall be made in the form provided under contract forms.
Medical Examinations An employee may be required by the Employer, at the request of and at the expense of the Employer, to take a medical examination by a physician of the employee's choice. Employees may be required to take skin tests, x-ray examination, vaccination, inoculation and other immunization (with the exception of a rubella vaccination when the employee is of the opinion that a pregnancy is possible), unless the employee's physician has advised in writing that such a procedure may have an adverse affect on the employee's health.