Disclosure to Customers Sample Clauses
Disclosure to Customers. You are a customer of the brokerage firm (hereinafter Firm). The Firm is either an agent of another party in the transaction or a subagent of another firm that is the agent of another party in the transaction. A broker or a salesperson acting on behalf of the Firm may provide brokerage services to you. Whenever the Firm is providing brokerage services to you, the Firm and its brokers and salespersons (hereinafter Agents) owe you, the customer, the following duties: • The duty to provide brokerage services to you fairly and honestly. • The duty to exercise reasonable skill and care in providing brokerage services to you. • The duty to provide you with accurate information about market conditions within a reasonable time if you request it, unless disclosure of the information is prohibited by law. • The duty to disclose to you in writing certain Material Adverse Facts about a property, unless disclosure of the information is prohibited by law. • The duty to protect your confidentiality. Unless the law requires it, the Firm and its Agents will not disclose your confidential information or the confidential information of other parties. • The duty to safeguard trust funds and other property held by the Firm or its Agents. • The duty, when negotiating, to present contract proposals in an objective and unbiased manner and disclose the advantages and disadvantages of the proposals. Please review this information carefully. An Agent of the Firm can answer your questions about brokerage services, but if you need legal advice, tax advice, or a professional home inspec- tion, contact an attorney, tax advisor, or home inspector. This disclosure is required by section 452.135 of the Wisconsin statutes and is for information only. It is a plain-language summary of the duties owed to a customer under section 452.133(1) of the Wisconsin statutes.
Disclosure to Customers. INFINOX will inform Customers of the nature of the relationship between INFINOX and the IB. In doing so, INFINOX will also inform Customers of the existence of remuneration (rebate payments) as per Schedule 1 of this Agreement, as agreed by both parties.
Disclosure to Customers. Service Organization or its agent shall take all steps necessary to ensure that the arrangements provided for in this Agreement are properly disclosed to the Customers.
Disclosure to Customers. Correspondent shall provide to the Customers notices, disclosure documents and prospectuses required pursuant to the Applicable Rules.
Disclosure to Customers. ETC. The Agent hereby represents that any compensation payable to it pursuant to this Agreement in connection with investment of Customers' assets in Shares (a) will be disclosed by the Agent to its Customers, (b) will be authorized by such Customers, and (c) will not result, in an excessive fee to the Agent.
Disclosure to Customers. IIB w ill be res po nsib le fo r info rm ing its C usto m ers of th e n atu re o f the cle arin g re latio nsh ip b etw ee n U FH C an d IIB . U FH C m ay tra nsm it to e ac h C us xxx er fo x x xx m IIB op en s a n A cc ou nt a n IIB dis clo su re sta tem en t. IIB an d its a sso cia xxx pe rso ns a nd em plo xxx x x ill no t m ak e a ny re pre sen tatio ns to Cu stom ers rega rding U FH C tha t are incon sistent with suc h disclosu re state m en t.
Disclosure to Customers. Clearing Broker shall limit its services as provided in this Agreement and Introducer shall not hold itself out as an agent of Clearing Broker or any affiliate of Clearing Broker except as provided for in this Agreement. Introducer shall be responsible for informing Customers of the nature of the clearing relationship between Clearing Broker and Introducer, and Introducer agrees that it and its employees and agents will not make any representation to Customers regarding Clearing Broker or Clearing Broker's responsibilities that is inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement.
Disclosure to Customers. IB will be responsible for informing its Customers of the nature of the relationship between Alaron and the IB. Alaron may transmit to each Customer for whom IB opens an Account an IB disclosure statement. IB and its associated persons and employees will not make any representations to Customers regarding Alaron that are inconsistent with such disclosure statement.
Disclosure to Customers. Correspondent shall provide to Customers any disclosures and obtain any agreements from its Customers as required by the applicable rules, including, without limitation, any disclosures or agreements required for listed options, xxxxx stocks, derivative securities, account transfers or conversions. The cost of making such disclosures or obtaining such agreements shall be borne by Correspondent. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Correspondent shall advise Customers in writing upon the opening of an Account and at least annually thereafter that they may obtain information about the Securities Investor Protection Corporation ("SIPC"), including the SIPC brochure, by contacting SIPC, and shall also provide the website address and telephone number of SIPC.
Disclosure to Customers. MFUSA will inform Customers of the nature of the relationship between MFUSA and Introducing Broker in accordance with Applicable Law (including, but not limited to, 17 CFR §§1.33(f) and 1.46(a)(4)).