Excuse for Nonperformance or Delayed Performance Except with respect to defaults of subcontractors, Contractor/Vendor shall not be in default by reason of any failure in performance of this contract in accordance with its terms (including any failure by Contractor/Vendor to make progress in the prosecution of the work hereunder which endangers such performance) if Contractor/Vendor has notified the Commission or designee within 15 days after the cause of the delay and the failure arises out of causes such as: acts of God; acts of the public enemy; acts of the State and any other governmental entity in its sovereign or contractual capacity; fires; floods; epidemics; quarantine restrictions; strikes or other labor disputes; freight embargoes; or unusually severe weather. If the failure to perform is caused by the failure of a subcontractor to perform or to make progress, and if such failure arises out of causes similar to those set forth above, Contractor/Vendor shall not be deemed to be in default, unless the services to be furnished by the subcontractor were reasonably obtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit Contractor to meet the contract requirements. Upon request of Contractor, the Commission or designee shall ascertain the facts and extent of such failure, and, if such officer determines that any failure to perform was occasioned by any one or more of the excusable causes, and that, but for the excusable cause, Contractor’s progress and performance would have met the terms of the contract, the delivery schedule shall be revised accordingly, subject to the rights of the State under the clause entitled (in fixed-price contracts, “Termination for Convenience,” in cost-reimbursement contracts, “Termination”). (As used in this Paragraph of this clause, the term “subcontractor” means subcontractor at any tier).
Continuing Performance In the event of a dispute, the Owner and the Developer agree to continue their respective performance hereunder to the extent feasible in light of the dispute, including paying xxxxxxxx, and such continuation of efforts and payment of xxxxxxxx shall not be construed as a waiver of any legal right.
Excused Performance In case performance of any terms or provisions hereof shall be delayed or prevented because of compliance with any law, decree or order of any governmental agency or authority, whether the same shall be of Local, State or Federal origin, or because of riots, war, public disturbances, strikes, lockouts, differences with workmen, fires, floods, acts of God or any other reason whatsoever which is not within the control of the party whose performance is interfered with and which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, said party is unable to prevent, the party so suffering may, at its option, suspend, without liability, the performance of its obligations hereunder during the period of such suspension of performance of duties hereunder.
Continuing Contract Performance Pending final resolution of a Claim, except as otherwise agreed in writing or as provided in Section 9.7 and Article 13, the Design-Builder shall proceed diligently with performance of the Contract and the Owner shall continue to make payments in accordance with the Design-Build Documents.
Monitoring of Contract Performance The Contractor shall comply with the monitoring arrangements set out in the Monitoring Requirements Schedule including, but not limited to, providing such data and information as the Contractor may be required to produce under the Contract.
Past Performance The Government will evaluate the contractor's performance on the NETCENTS-2 Orders provided in Exhibit B, CDRL B001. The PCO will determine the quality of the work performed based on an integrated assessment of data obtained in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting Systems (CPARS) and information obtained from Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) channels, interviews with customers, program managers and/or contracting officers for NETCENTS-2 task orders. Based on the contractor performance records above, the PCO will determine if there is an expectation that the contractor will successfully perform the required efforts under the unrestricted NetOps and Infrastructure Solutions contract.
Contract Performance C19.1 The Contractor shall ensure that: C19.1.1 the Goods conform in all respects with the Specification and, where applicable, with any sample or performance demonstration approved by the Authority; C19.1.2 the Goods operate in accordance with the relevant technical specifications and correspond with the requirements of the Specification and any particulars specified in the Contract; C19.1.3 the Goods conform in all respects with all applicable Laws; and C19.1.4 the Goods are free from defects in design, materials and workmanship and are fit and sufficient for all the purposes for which such Goods are ordinarily used and for any particular purpose made known to the Contractor by the Authority.
Product Performance Contractor hereby warrants and represents that the Products acquired by the Authorized User under the terms and conditions of this Contract conform to the specifications, performance standards and documentation in the Authorized User Agreement., and the documentation fully describes the proper procedure for using the Products. Contractor further warrants and represents that if the Products acquired by the Authorized User pursuant to an Authorized User Agreement under this Contract include software application development, software application customization, software programming, software integration or similar items (“Software Deliverables”) then such Software Deliverables shall be free from defects in material and workmanship and conform with all requirements of the Contract and Authorized User Agreement for the warranty period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the completed project (“Project warranty period”). Contractor also warrants that the Products, in the form provided to the Authorized User, do not infringe any copyright, trademark, trade secret or other right of any third party.
Prompt Performance All actions required to be taken (including payments) by any party under this Agreement shall be performed within the time prescribed for performance in this Agreement, or if no period is prescribed, such actions shall be performed promptly.
Continued Performance The Contractor and Contractor Parties shall continue to Perform their obligations under the Contract while any dispute concerning the Contract is being resolved.