Bid System Sample Clauses
Bid System. The online forum used for the submission of electronic bids and review of bid results for the specifications connected to this Invitation to Bid. VendorLink is the software used for this bid.
Bid System. The current policy and procedure for the Bid System shall remain in effect throughout the term of this Agreement. Any change to the Bid System will be developed through the Labor/Management process.
Bid System. A. Placements on shifts will be made annually in May, to take effect during the first full pay period in July, on the basis of a bid system by seniority.
1. The shift bid will begin from a cleared grid of both lieutenant and staff ranks.
2. Lieutenants selected according to Article 6 will bid to available lieutenant positions according to cumulative time in grade.
3. EMS staff will bid to the available staff positions according to seniority within the department.
B. All yearly bids shall be binding except in those situations where vacancies and other shifts arise mid-year and require filling. In this situation, the following system shall be instituted:
1. All vacancies shall be posted for four (4) days. A copy of the notice shall be sent to the Union President and to any employee sick or injured.
2. Mid-year shift bids will be voluntary unless otherwise stated. The choice to move to another shift or vacate their current shift and move will be at the employee’s discretion.
C. All probationary employees shall be placed on shifts at the discretion of the EMS Director to assure their proper training. At the end of their probationary period, said employees shall be placed on shifts according to the bid system that is then in effect.
D. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as to limit, interfere with, or otherwise challenge the management rights of the Town through the EMS Director to transfer any member from any shift to another shift where such transfer is in the best interest of and conducive to the harmony, productivity and good order and discipline of the department.
Bid System. A vacancy is defined as an employment opening occurring as a result of retirement, termination, resignation, death, successful bid, or creation of a new position. Vacancies shall be posted within forty-five (45) work days of the employee vacating the position.
Bid System. On or before March 1, 1980, all present positions in the following groups, stations and divisions shall be bid except for the position of Chief's Aide and other civilian clerical and secretarial positions. The bid shall be held in each rank with seniority in each rank being the deciding factor. Each member of the fire department is locked into his/her respective group, station or division until such time as a vacancy occurs of equal rank, in which case a notice shall be posted notifying all concerned parties of the date, time and place of the upcoming bid. When a member is awarded an assignment due to the bid, his/her position immediately becomes open and will be filled by the same system during the same bidding session. Once a position is reached that no one bids for, that position is filled by the senior extra member or, in the case of no extra members, left vacant awaiting the next bid. When a member is awarded an assignment due to the vacancy bid, he/she shall be allowed a minimum of two (2) calendar days off on the transfer and will choose his/her vacation from the remaining available vacation schedule on that new group. In addition to the vacancy bid, an annual bid shall be held during the first week of January each year for voluntary bidding. When a member is awarded an assignment due to the annual bid, he/she shall assume the work schedule of the new position without additional compensation or time off. When the bidding session is completed, the Union shall, within forty-eight (48) hours, give to the Chief of the department, in writing, a list of any or all transfers to be made. The Chief shall, within fifteen (15) days of the vacancy or fifteen (15) days of receipt of the list whichever comes later, put the transfer into effect. No member shall be ordered or compelled in any way to transfer unless he/she is considered an extra member. The positions that are open for bid are as follows:
1. Battalion Chief
2. Division Head (All members assigned to that division excluding Chief's Aide and her other civilian clerical and secretarial positions)
3. Captain
4. Lieutenant
5. Fire Fighter
6. Extra Fire Fighters (assigned to Station No. 1) All other positions are not open to bid. In the event the City of East Providence or the Chief of the fire department deems it necessary to relocate any of the fire apparatus, it shall be decided by Local 850 through the bid system which members of the fire department shall fill any and all vacancies that arise. Once all ...
Bid System. 45.1 Shift personnel will be permitted to bid their shift and position (Station) based upon seniority by rank. Probationary personnel are not eligible to bid a position; they will be assigned by the District prior to the bid. Bid assignments will remain in place for the duration of the contract. At the time of shift bidding, each shift must have a minimum of; two (2) hard bar officers, an eligible acting officer and four (4) paramedics assigned. Current shift make-up will remain for 2010. New bid shall take place for 2011 and shall remain in place for remainder of contract.
Bid System. A. Shift Bids Annually in May, the union will hold a bid meeting. Bids will take effect annually on July 1st. Bids will be at no cost to the Town. Bids will be made by seniority in rank and all positions will be re- bid each year. Employees who are hired after the annual bid meeting will be assigned to the vacant position(s) by seniority in rank. When a vacancy occurs after July 1st in any rank, the vacated position will be offered to all members of that rank by seniority in rank. These bids will be at no cost to the town. This procedure does not prevent the Fire Chief from reassigning a FF/Dispatcher to another group when he determines it is in the best interest of the Department.
Bid System. The City and Lafayette Fire Department shall recognize and honor a Bid System for fire suppression employees. Any bid system implemented shall be equitable for all promoted positions in suppression. Management shall seek input from the membership, however, Management has the final decision on the implementation of the bid system and reserves the right to deny a bid but shall do in writing to the employee. Any employee denied a bid may reserve the right to appeal to the chief of the department. A bid system shall be in place no later than December 31, 2025.
Bid System. The City agrees to establish a station bid program by separate policy through a joint committee of PFA members and Fire Management by the first work cycle in January. The policy will be evaluated on an annual basis.
Bid System. 20.1 Where a run has no regular (permanent) driver, it shall be open for bid.
20.2 An announcement of the open position shall be made to all regular and probationary drivers over the bus radio for three (3) consecutive AM & PM periods and the most senior applicant will be awarded the route at the end of the Third (3rd) day.
20.3 Where routes are amalgamated, one (1) route number is nullified and the route(s) is (are) assigned to another route number the most senior employee(s) of the affected routes will have the option to drive the new route(s) created. The displaced driver will choose:
1. From open routes within their division that provide the same or greater rates;
2. Exercise their seniority within their division. If a route(s) is eliminated, the affected driver will choose:
1. From open routes within their division that provide the same or greater rates;
2. Exercise their seniority within their division.