Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. (EPSDT)/Maternal Child Health Manager who is an Ohio licensed registered nurse, physician, or physician’s assistant; or has a master’s degree in health services, public health, or health care administration or another related field and/or a CPHQ or CHCQM. Staffing under this position should be sufficient to meet quality and performance measure goals. The primary functions of the EPSDT/MCH Manager are:
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. (EPSDT) – the delivery of health care services to MassHealth Standard and CommonHealth Members under the age of 21, pursuant to 42 USC 1396d(a)(4), 42 CFR Part 441, Subpart B, 130 CMR 450.140-149 and § 1115 Medicaid Research and Demonstration Waiver.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. (EPSDT)/Well Child Visits The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) service is a comprehensive and preventative child health program for individuals under the age of 21. The program consists of two mutually supportive, operational components: (1) assuring the availability and accessibility of required healthcare services; and (2) helping Medicaid recipients and their parents or guardians effectively use these resources. XXXXX's intent is to direct attention to the importance of preventive health services and early detection and treatment of identified problems. The Contractor shall have written procedures for notification, tracking, and follow-up to ensure these services will be available to all eligible Medicaid MCO Program children and young adults. The requirements for provision of EPSDT services are outlined in the MCO Policy and Procedure Guide. On a monthly basis, SCDHHS will provide the Contractor with immunization data for Medicaid MCO Program members through the month of their twenty-first (21st) birthday, who are enrolled in the Contractor’s plan. Refer to MCO Policy and Procedure Guide. The Contractor shall assure that all medically necessary, Medicaid- covered diagnosis, treatment services and screenings are provided, either directly, through subcontracting, or by referral. The utilization of these services shall be reported as referenced in the MCO Policy and Procedure Guide. The Contractor’s network providers shall also report the required immunization data to the State Immunization Information System (SIIS) administered by the SCDHEC. Expenditures for the medical services as previously described have been factored into the capitated rate described in §2.1 of this Contract and the Contractor will not receive any additional payments.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. (EPSDT) services (except for well child care, including immunizations and lead screening and treatments)
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. Fact Sheet 28.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. Program (EPSDT)" means the federally mandated Medicaid benefit that entitles full-scope Medi-Cal- covered beneficiaries less than 21 years of age to receive any Medicaid service necessary to correct or ameliorate a defect, mental illness, or other condition, such as a substance-related disorder, that is discovered during a health screening.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment