Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement in whole for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in any and all Programs. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Red Hat Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication or advertising; (ii) to the extent applicable, cease all promotion, demonstration, sale(s) and distribution of the Red Hat Products and/or Services; (iii) cease all use of the Red Hat Marks; (iv) return or destroy, at Red Hat’s option, all printed materials containing Red Hat Marks, including all documentation and Promotional Materials; and (v) remit all fees due to Red Hat within fifteen (15) days of such termination or expiration. If the termination is not the result of a Partner breach, the Partner will be entitled to sell, for a period of no longer than sixty (60) days after termination, any of its inventory of Red Hat Products (subject to this Agreement) for which Red Hat has been fully paid and that are required to fulfill any unperformed contracts of Partner outstanding at the date of termination or expiration. All rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement and all applicable Program Appendices will terminate immediately, except that obligations under Sections 6, 7, 8.2, 10, 11.2 – 11.5, 12, 13.3 - 13.4, 14.1 - 14.3, 14.6, 15, and 17 hereof, and any Partner payment obligations will survive such termination or expiration. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect any agreements between Red Hat and any End User.
Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement in whole for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in any and all Programs, including eligibility to the Program benefits. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Red Hat Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication and advertising; (ii) to the extent applicable, cease all promotion, demonstration, sale(s) and distribution of the Red Hat Products and/or Services; (iii) cease all use of the Red Hat Marks, (iv) return or destroy, at Red Hat’s option, all printed materials containing such Red Hat Marks, including all documentation and Promotional Materials; and (v) remit all fees due to Red Hat within fifteen
Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement in whole for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in any and all Programs. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Red Hat Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication or advertising; (ii) to the extent applicable, cease all promotion, demonstration, sale(s) and distribution of the Red Hat Products and/or Services; (iii) cease all use of the Red Hat Marks; (iv) return or destroy, at Red Hat’s option, all printed materials containing Red Hat Marks, including all documentation and Promotional Materials; and (v) remit all fees due to Red Hat within fifteen (15) days of such 13.3 协议终止或届满的效力。本协议因为任一原因而全部终止或届满,均应立即终止合作伙伴对任一及所有计划的参与。协议终止或届满起,合作伙伴应当立即 (i) 停止宣称自己为红帽合作伙伴或与计划相关的任何其它头衔,并停止在任何通讯和宣传中使用该等头衔;(ii) 在适用范围内停止推广、展示、销售和经销红帽产品和/或服务;(iii) 停止对红帽标志的全部使用;(iv) 根据红帽的选择,退回或销毁所有含有红帽标志的印刷材料(包括所有文件和宣传推广材料);以及 (v) 在终止或届满起十五 (15) 天内将所有应付款项汇给红帽,但如果协议不是因合作伙伴违约而终止,则合作伙伴有权在协议终止后不长于六十(60)日内,将协议终止或届满时合作伙伴已向红帽全额付款并须用于履行尚未完成合同的库存红帽产品(符合本协议规定)进行出售。双方在本 协议和所有适用计划附约中的所有权利和义务均应立即终止,但 termination or expiration. If the termination is not the result of a Partner breach, the Partner will be entitled to sell, for a period of no longer than sixty (60) days after termination, any of its inventory of Red Hat Products (subject to this Agreement) for which Red Hat has been fully paid and that are required to fulfill any unperformed contracts of Partner outstanding at the date of termination or expiration. All rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement and all applicable Program Appendices will terminate immediately, except that obligations under Sections 6, 7, 8.2, 10, 11.2 – 11.5, 12, 13.3 - 13.4, 14.1 - 14.3, 14.6, 15, and 18 hereof, and any Partner payment obligations will survive such termination or expiration. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect any agreements between Red Hat and any End User. 本协议第 6、7、8.2、10、11.2-11.5、12、13.3 - 13.4、14.1- 14.3、14.6、15、18 节规定的义务除外,合作伙伴的任一支付义务在本协议终止或届满后继续有效。本协议的终止不应影响红帽和任何最终用户之间的任何协议。
Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement in whole for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in any and all Programs. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Red Hat Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication or advertising;
Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement in whole for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in any and all Programs. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Red Hat Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication or advertising; (ii) to the extent applicable, cease all promotion, demonstration, sale(s) and distribution of the Red Hat Products and/or Services; (iii) cease all use of the Red Hat Marks; (iv) return or destroy, at Red Hat’s option, all printed materials containing Red Hat Marks, including all documentation and Promotional Materials; and (v) remit all fees due to Red Hat within fifteen (15) days of such termination or expiration. If the termination is not the result of a Partner breach, the Partner will be entitled to sell, for a period of no longer than sixty (60) days after 13.3
Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in the Program, including all applicable Tracks and eligibility to the Program benefits. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Red Hat Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication and advertising; (ii) to the extent applicable, cease all promotion, demonstration, sale and distribution of the Red Hat Products; (iii) cease all use of the Red Hat Marks, (iv) return or destroy, at Red Hat’s option, all printed materials containing such Red Hat Marks, including all documentation and Promotional Materials; and (v) remit all fees due to Red Hat within fifteen (15) days of such termination or expiration; provided, however, that Partner will be entitled to sell any of its inventory of Red Hat Products for which Red Hat has been fully paid and that are required to fulfill any unperformed contracts of Partner outstanding at the date of termination or expiration. All rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement and the applicable Track Appendix(ices) will terminate immediately, except that the such obligations under Sections 7, 1112, 13.2 13.3, 14, 15.1 15.2, 15.5, and 16 hereof, any Partner payment obligations, and any provision regarding waiver of jury trial in the Exhibits or applicable Track Appendix(ices) hereto, will survive such termination or expiration. Enterprise Agreements with End Users for any Red Hat Products distributed by Partner prior to termination or expiration will survive in accordance with their terms, provided that the End Users continue to comply with the applicable Enterprise Agreement. Termination of this Agreement will not operate to terminate any special bid or other Procurement Document under this Agreement and the terms and conditions of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect to the extent necessary to give effect to any special bid or other Procurement Document in effect at the time of termination of this Agreement and until such time as the special bid or other Procurement Document expires.
Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in the Program, including all applicable Tracks and eligibility to the Program benefits. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Red Hat Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication and advertising; (ii) to the extent applicable, cease all promotion, demonstration, sale and distribution of the Red Hat Products; (iii) cease all use of the Red Hat Marks, (iv) return or destroy, at Red Hat’s option, all printed materials containing such Red Hat Marks, including all documentation and Promotional Materials; and (v) remit all fees due to Red Hat within fifteen (15) days of such termination or expiration; provided, however, that Partner will be entitled to sell any of its inventory of Red Hat Products for which Red Hat has been fully
Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement in whole for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in any and all Programs, including eligibility to the Program benefits. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Red Hat Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication and advertising; (ii) to the extent applicable, cease all promotion, demonstration, sale(s) and distribution of the Red Hat Products and/or Services; (iii) cease all use of the Red Hat Marks, (iv) return or destroy, at Red Hat’s option, all printed materials containing such Red Hat Marks, including all documentation and Promotional Materials; and (v) remit all fees due to Red Hat within fifteen (15) days of such termination or expiration; provided, however, if the termination is not the a result of a Partner breach, the Partner will be entitled to sell any of its inventory of Red Hat Products (subject to this Agreement) for which Red Hat has been fully paid and that are required to fulfill any unperformed contracts of Partner outstanding at the date of termination or expiration for a period of no longer than sixty (60) days. All rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement and all applicable Program Appendices will terminate immediately, except that the such obligations under Sections 6, 7, 8.4, 10-12, 13.3 - 13.4, 14, 15.1 - 15.2, 15.3.4, 15.3.5, 15.5, 16, and 18 hereof, any Partner payment obligations, and any provision regarding waiver of jury trial in the Exhibits or any applicable Program Appendices hereto, will survive such termination or expiration. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect any agreements between Red Hat and any End User. 契約解除または失効の影響。何らかの理由で本契約の一部または全部が解除されたまたは失効した場合、パートナーによる全プログラムへの参加(プログラム恩恵の獲得資格を含む)は直ちに解除されるものとします。かかる解除または失効後、パートナーは直ちに(i)レッドハットパートナー(またはプログラムに関連する他の名称)と自身を呼ぶこと、およびそれらの名称を連絡および広告に使用することを中止し、(ii)適用される範囲で、レッドハット商品および/またはサービスのすべてのプロモーション、宣伝、販売、および流通を中止し、(iii)レッドハット商標の使用を全て中止し、(iv)レッドハットの判断で、レッドハット商標を含む全ての印刷物(全ての書類および販促資料を含む)を返却または破棄し、そして(v)かかる解除または失効後 15 日以内にレッドハットに支払われるべき金額を支払うものとします。解除がパートナーによる違反の結果でない場合、パートナーは、解除または失効時に完了していないパートナーの契約を履行するために、レッドハットに対する支払いが完全に終了しているレッドハット商品(本契約を条件とする)の在庫を最長 60 日間販売する権利があります。本契約および全ての関連プログラム付属に基づくパートナーの権利および義務は、直ちに終了するものとします。ただし、第 6 項、第 7 項、第 8.4 項、第 10-12 項、第
Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement in whole for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in any and all Programs, including eligibility to the Program benefits. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Mirantis Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication and advertising; (ii) to the extent applicable, cease all promotion, demonstration, sale(s) and distribution of the Products and/or Services; (iii) cease all use of the Mirantis Marks,
Effect of Agreement Termination or Expiration. Termination or expiration of this Agreement in whole for any reason will immediately terminate Partner’s participation in the Program, including eligibility to the Program benefits. Upon such termination or expiration, Partner will immediately (i) cease referring to itself as a Mirantis Partner, or any other title associated with the Program, and using those titles in any communication and advertising; (ii) to the extent applicable, cease all promotion, demonstration, sale(s) and distribution of Mirantis products and/or services; (iii) cease all use of the Mirantis Marks, (iv) return or destroy, at Mirantis’ option, all printed materials containing such Mirantis Marks, including all documentation and promotional materials; and (v) remit all fees due to Mirantis within fifteen (15) days of such termination or expiration. All rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement and the Program will terminate immediately, except that the obligations under Sections 6.1, 7, 8, 9.3, 11, 12, 13, and 15. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect any agreements between Mirantis and any end user.