Emergency Dental Care. We Cover Emergency Dental Care, which includes emergency dental treatment required to alleviate pain and suffering caused by dental disease or trauma. Emergency Dental Care is not subject to Our Preauthorization.
Emergency Dental Care. The HMO must cover emergency dental care. The only exceptions are the charges for professional services billed using CDT codes and the charges for professional services rendered by a dentist and billed using CPT codes.
Emergency Dental Care. We will pay for emergency dental care, which includes emergency treatment required to alleviate pain and suffering caused by dental disease or trauma.
Emergency Dental Care. Fees for the services of a dental surgeon for the Treatment of an Injury causing damage to a natural and healthy tooth (that still has its root) resulting from an Accidental blow to the mouth, a fracture or a dislocation of the jaw. Treatment must begin and end during the Policy Period. The maximum benefit payable is CAN $1,000 per Accident. However, the following are not covered: the loss of a filing, root canals, the fitting, repair or replacement of a tooth crown, dental bridge or artificial teeth (resulting from an Accident or not) as well as any dental care required as a result of a deliberate introduction of food or an object into the mouth.
Emergency Dental Care. All HMOs must cover emergency dental care. The only exception is the dentist’s or oral surgeon’s direct charges.
Emergency Dental Care. Dental Office may render Emergency Dental Care and/or Urgent Dental Care without prior authorization from LIBERTY and as set forth in the Provider Manual.
Emergency Dental Care. These are services for an acute dental condition that would lead a prudent layperson to reasonably expect that the absence of immediate care would result in serious impairment to the dentition or would place the person’s oral health in serious jeopardy. Endodontics. This is the treatment of diseases of the dental pulp. Endodontics includes root canal therapy, pulp capping procedures, apexification and periapical procedures associated with root canal treatment.
Emergency Dental Care. What it covers?
Emergency Dental Care. Accidental Dental
Emergency Dental Care. We will pay for emergency dental care, which includes emergency treatment required to alleviate pain and suffering caused by dental disease or trauma. We will pay for preventive dental care, which includes procedures which help to prevent oral disease from occurring, including: • Prophylaxis (scaling and polishing the teeth at six (6) month intervals); • Topical fluoride application at six (6) month intervals where the local water supply is not fluoridated; • Sealants on unrestored permanent molar teeth. We will pay for routine dental care, including: • Dental examinations, visits and consultations covered once within a six (6) month consecutive period (when primary teeth erupt); • X-ray, full mouth x-rays at thirty-six (36) month intervals if necessary, bitewing x-rays at six (6) to twelve (12) month intervals, or panoramic x-rays at thirty-six (36)month intervals if necessary, and other x-rays as required (once primary teeth erupt); • All necessary procedures for simple extractions and other routine dental surgery not requiring hospitalization, including preoperative care and postoperative care; • In-office conscious sedation;