Sick Leave Records A record of all unused sick leave will be kept by the Employer. Immediately after the close of each calendar year, each employee shall be advised of the amount of sick leave accrued to their credit.
Employee Records 16.1. All employees shall be allowed access to their personnel files and records during normal working hours for inspection and/or copies of documents which will be provided by the Employer. Such inspection shall be made subject to prior arrangement with the Employer. 16.1.1. An employee shall be provided with a copy of letters of complaint by a third party and letters of commendation at the same time such letters are placed in the personnel file. 16.1.2. If requested, upon termination an employee will be advised of any recommendation for rehire which has been made a part of that employee's record. 16.2. Every employee shall be informed as to the existence and location of all personnel files. A personnel file shall be defined as any file kept by a supervisor or custodian of official records that relate directly in any way to an employee's status as an employee. 16.3. An employee who is not selected after applying for a posted position shall be informed in writing of his/her non-selection and, if requested, the reason therefore within a reasonable period of time. 16.4. All records pertaining to time worked, overtime, compensatory, sick leave and annual leave shall be maintained and be available for inspection at a designated area. 16.5. An employee who is the subject of a disciplinary investigation shall be informed when the disciplinary investigation is complete and of the determination of the investigation. 16.6. All employees shall be notified in writing of any changes in his/her job specifications and duties upon receipt of said changes from the Division of Personnel, and/or from directives from the Director or his/her designated representative.
Personnel Records Section 1. Each Agency shall maintain one (1) official personnel file for each employee, located at the primary Human Resources office for the Agency. For purposes of this Article, “Agency” shall include health-related licensing boards and institutions that maintain the official personnel files for their employees. Where the personnel records are maintained on microfiche/microfilm, the personnel file will include both microfiche/microfilm and any material not yet copied. Upon reasonable notice, an employee may inspect the records, excluding any confidential reports from previous employers, in his/her official Agency personnel file or supervisory working file; provided that, if the official personnel file or supervisory working file is kept at a separate facility, the employee shall, at the Agency’s discretion, either be allowed to go where the file is kept or the file will be brought to the employee for review within five (5) days of his/her request. With the employee’s written authorization, his/her Union Xxxxxxx may inspect the employee’s official personnel file, and supervisory working file, consistent with the time requirements provided herein. If the supervisory working file cannot be made available due to the absence of a supervisor, extensions of up to ten (10) days will be granted. No grievance material shall be kept in an employee’s official personnel file. Section 2. No information reflecting critically upon an employee except notices of discharge shall be placed in the employee’s official personnel file that does not bear the signature of the employee. The employee shall be required to sign material to be placed in his/her official personnel file provided the following disclaimer is attached: “Employee’s signature confirms only that the supervisor has discussed and given a copy of the material to the employee. The employee’s signature does not indicate agreement or disagreement with the contents of this material.” If an employee is not available within five (5) working days or refuses to sign the material, the Agency may place the material in the file, provided a statement has been signed by two (2) management representatives and a copy of the document was mailed certified to the employee at his/her address of record or hand delivered to the employee. Section 3. Employees shall be entitled to prepare and provide copies of any written explanation(s) or opinion(s) regarding any critical material placed in his/her official personnel file or supervisory working file. The employee’s explanation or opinion shall be attached to the critical material and shall be included as part of the employee’s official personnel record or supervisory working file so long as the critical materials remain in the file. Where the personnel records are maintained on microfiche/microfilm, the explanation or opinion will be placed next to or in closest possible proximity to the critical material. Section 4. An employee may include in his/her official personnel file a reasonable amount of relevant material such as letters of commendation, licenses, certificates, college course credits, and other material which relates creditably on the employee. This material shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years except that licenses, certificates, or college credit information may be retained so long as they remain valid and relevant to the employee’s work. Section 5. Material reflecting caution, consultation, warning, admonishment, and reprimand shall be retained for a maximum of three (3) years. Such material will, at the employee’s request, be removed after twenty-four (24) months, provided there has been no recurrence of the problem or a related problem in that time. Earlier removal will be permitted when requested by an employee and if approved by the Appointing Authority. Material relating to disciplinary action recommended, but not taken, or disciplinary action which has been overturned and ordered removed from the official personnel file(s) on final appeal, shall be removed. Incorrect material will be removed, upon request, from an employee’s personnel file. (See Article 85--Position Descriptions and Performance Evaluation.) Section 6. Upon written request by the employee, the Agency will make a good faith effort to return material removed from the official personnel file to the employee. A copy of the request will be maintained in the official personnel file.
EMPLOYEE FILES 10.01 A copy of any completed formal evaluation which is to be placed in an employee’s file shall be first reviewed with the employee. The employee shall initial such evaluation as having been read and shall have the opportunity to add her or his views to such evaluation prior to it being placed in her or his file. It is understood that such evaluations do not constitute disciplinary action by the Employer against the employee. Having provided a written request to the Director of Care, or her designate, an employee shall be entitled to her personnel file for the purpose of reviewing any evaluations or formal disciplinary notations contained therein, in the presence of the Director of Care, at a mutually agreeable time. 10.02 The Employer will accommodate reasonable requests for copies of performance appraisals and records of discipline in an employee's file. 10.03 Letters of discipline shall be removed from an employee's file eighteen (18) months following the receipt of such letters provided that the employee's disciplinary record has remained discipline free over the eighteen (18) months period. Leaves of absence in excess of thirty (30) continuous calendar days will not count towards the eighteen (18) months period noted above.