Equitable Duty. Principals shall make every reasonable effort to insure that duties are assigned in a fair and equitable manner. A written roster of duties shall be posted in a location easily accessible to all personnel, such as teachers’ lounge or mailbox area within the first two (2) weeks of school. A copy of this roster shall be provided to the Association at the time of posting.
Equitable Duty. The principal will be responsible for seeing that duties are fair, equally weighted, and equitable.
Equitable Duty. The principal will be responsible for seeing that duties are fair, equally weighted, and equitable. AABB. Teacher Preparations – “Preparations" as used herein shall be construed to mean any different grade level, course title, subtitle, or specified level. It shall not be construed to mean differentiated student ability levels with a grade level, course title, subtitle, or specified level. The parties agree that the Employer has the responsibility of preparing and promulgating teaching schedules for its teachers. In order to be fair and equitable in course assignments every effort shall be made to minimize and/or reduce the number of preparations of each member in the department. The parties agree that teachers shall not be required to teach in more than three (3) certification areas nor exceed three (3) daily preparations in middle and secondary schools, unless:
1. The teacher consents in writing to teach more than specified above, or;
2. The above limitations to any particular teacher(s) would create an unusual difficulty in scheduling within a school or create unusual hardships on students.