Course Title definition

Course Title. Credits: Course Type: □ Required □ Elective 學制﹕□日間部四技/□日間部二技/□進修部四技/□進修部二技/□進修學院二技 (學制不同請將名單分開製作) Division □ four-year technical degree – day □ two year technical degree – day □ four year technical degree – evening □ two year technical degree – evening (Please use separate forms for students from different divisions.) 實習期間: 年 月 日至 年 月 日,共計 天。 Period of Internship: / / to / / , days/ 實習時數:共計 小時 序 班級 姓名 聯絡電話 實習薪資備註 1 □無任何補貼□月薪□時薪□津貼□獎勵學金 2 □無任何補貼□月薪□時薪□津貼□獎勵學金 3 □無任何補貼□月薪□時薪□津貼□獎勵學金 4 □無任何補貼□月薪□時薪□津貼□獎勵學金 5 □無任何補貼□月薪□時薪□津貼□獎勵學金 註﹕實習學生名單請依學制不同分開列冊。 註:「實習薪資備註」欄位,支領方式不同才須於備註中註明。 Duration of Internship: hours No. Class Name Telephone Form of Remuneration 1 □ unpaid □ monthly □ hourly □ allowance □ scholarship 2 □ unpaid □ monthly □ hourly □ allowance □ scholarship 3 □ unpaid □ monthly □ hourly □ allowance □ scholarship 4 □ unpaid □ monthly □ hourly □ allowance □ scholarship 5 □ unpaid □ monthly □ hourly □ allowance □ scholarship Note: Please use separate forms for students from different divisions. Note: “Form of Remuneration” section need only be completed if there are differences between students in the form of remuneration. 嘉南藥理大學 系校外實習計畫書 (Off-campus Internship Plan, Department of , Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science ) 實習學生 班級 輔導老師 (Student intern) (Department, Class) (Internship advisor ) 實習期間 自 年 月 日 至 年 月 日 (from Day Month Year to Day Month Year) (Period of Internship) 名稱 (Name) 實習機構(Internship Institution) 部門 (Department) 機構 輔導老師 (Internship advisor) 第二部分:實習學習內容 (Section B: Learning Contents of Internship) 實習課程目標 (Goals of Internship Course) (含符合專業及職務所需之學習內容) 實習課程內涵 (Contents of (including the learning contents which are related to the expertise and the duty in need) 各階段 (Stages of Internship) 期程規劃 (Progressive Schedule) 實習主題 (Themes of Internship) 1 年 月 日 至 年 月 日 (from Day Month Year to Day Month Year) 2 年 月 日 至 年 月 日 (from Day Month Year to Day Month Year) 3 年 月 日 至 年 月 日 (from Day Month Year to Day Month Year) 4 年 月 日 至 年 月 日 (from Day Month Year to Day Month Year) 5 年 月 日 至 年 月 日 (from Day Month Year to Day Month Year) 企業參與實習課程說明 (Description of Internship courses by corporates) (可說明企業提供實習課程指導與資源、主要的實習活動及實習方 式,例如:職前講習…) (Please outline the guidance on the internship course and related resources, major themes of internship and ways of internship (e.g. pre-service lecture)) 業界專家輔導實習課程規劃 (Planning of counseling internship courses by industry experts) (可說明主要的輔導內容及輔導方式,例如:1、工作觀摩:2、專 業訓練: …) (Please outline the main contents and ways of counseling (...
Course Title means the detailed name of the Course as mentioned by the Awarding Body.
Course Title. Name: Credits: Name: Credits: Name: Credits: Academic Advisor Certification: I hereby certify that the course(s) listed on this consortium agreement have been reviewed, and they have been determined as acceptable and transferrable towards the student’s degree here at Providence College. Printed Name: Signature: Date:

Examples of Course Title in a sentence

  • Course Title - Insert the title of the course or the program that the employee is scheduled to complete.

  • Course Participant Course Title CEU Credits Course Participant Course Title CEU Credits 3.

  • Code No. Course Title Scheme of Instruction Scheme of Examination Total Credits Lec.

  • Term Course No Course Title Credit Basis Instructor Name Funds for support for the requested period of study are available as follows: Ordinarily students will not receive any financial support from the host institution.

  • Answer: A CTE course that is used (whole or partial credit) for an academic core course must be listed on the transcript using the academic core course’s Course ID, Course Title, Content Area Code, State Course Code, and any Course Designation Code(s).

More Definitions of Course Title

Course Title. Culinary Pathway: Professional Cooking (2 credits) Course Description: This course continues to build on the foundation concepts and techniques from the Culinary Basics course. Students will be instructed on the fundamental concepts, techniques, theories, ingredients, and methodologies involved in the preparation of basic menu items. Students rotate through food handling methods and techniques, portion control, costing, production, plating and garnishing of soups, salads, starches, vegetables, and entrees. Students participate in demonstrations, group exercises and school-based enterprises to supplement the students’ development of technical skills and knowledge. Students are expected to: Discuss the career opportunities of a professional chef; Demonstrate food safety and sanitation in preparing food; Use the appropriate equipment found in a professional kitchen; Use Mise en Place in food preparation; Prepare a variety of stocks and sauces as a foundation in classical cuisine; Classify soups and apply the basic techniques to preparing soups; Understand the composition, structure, quality factors of meats, poultry, fish and shellfish; Prepare meats, poultry, fish and shellfish using a variety of methods; Prepare fruits and vegetables using a variety of methods; Control the quality changes of fruits and vegetables throughout the cooking process; Classify and prepare potatoes and other starches; Classify types of salads and make several types of salad dressings and marinades; Classify and prepare a variety of sandwiches and hors d’oevres Apply the basic techniques to breakfast preparation; Apply decorative techniques for food presentation; and Apply the basic principles and ingredients to bakeshop production, including: Yeast products, Quick breads, Cakes and Icings, Cookies, Pies and Pastries and Creams, Custards, Puddings, Frozen Desserts and Sauces. End of Course Assessment Check the assessment instruments that will be used to document student attainment of the course knowledge and skills. Teacher-designed end-of-course assessment School system-designed end-of-course assessment Partner-developed exam: (specify)   Licensing exam: (specify)   Certification or credentialing exam: (specify) ACF NOCTI (Written and Performance) Nationally recognized examination: (specify)  
Course Title. Course Price:
Course Title. Digital File Output Course Description: The 40 competencies in this accreditation area require that students have an understanding of the steps needed to prepare a client file for printing, from preflighting through platemaking. Most of the competencies require students to define specific activities and identify various procedures and equipment components. Students are also expected to prove their ability to perform the following functions: repair a native digital file, repair a PDF, make a folding dummy, make a digital hard and soft proof, and output a digital file to a platesetter. Students completing this course will be able to: Repair a native file and PDF that exhibits basic file problems Demonstrate the proper trap to apply to a digitally created page using page layout, illustration, and or trapping software Demonstrate how to impose a document using a digital imposition software Output a multicolor digital file to direct-to-plate system, digital inkjet printer, laser printer of digital press Output a file to a digital color proofing device Describe process control procedures necessary for successful digital file output. Teacher-designed end-of-course assessment based on the PrintED competencies – Students must master 80% of competencies. School system-designed end-of-course assessment Partner-developed exam: (specify)   Licensing exam: (specify)   Certification or credentialing exam: (specify) PrintED Digital File Preparation/Digital File Output exam Nationally recognized examination: (specify) PrintED Digital File Preparation/Digital File Output exam
Course Title. Course Title: Advanced Police Dispatch Advanced Police Dispatch Date(s): Date(s): 1/28/2019 Course Title: Course Title: Advanced Fire / EMS Dispatch Date(s): Advanced Fire / EMS Dispatch Date(s): 2/25/2019 3/4/2019
Course Title. Course Hours: Today's Date: Anticipated Completion Date:
Course Title. COURSE NUMBER: COURSE HOURS: UNITS: Advanced Firefighter Continuing Education - Effective Spring 2021 FIRET-233 9.00- 80.1 0.10 -1.0 DESCRIPTION:
Course Title. Binding and Finishing Course Description: Students master 57 competencies to learn about the equipment, materials and procedures for folding, cutting, stitching, adhesive binding, case binding, foil stamping coating and laminating and spiral and wire binding. Students demonstrate the use of folding equipment to make different folds and perform preventative maintenance on folders and cutters. They demonstrate knowledge of paper types as well as the tools and procedures for quality control. Students identify and solve common bindery and finishing problems. Students completing this course will be able to: Demonstrate a working knowledge of pagination Produce correctly made pads of paper Demonstrate the use of folding equipment to produce an accordion fold job Demonstrate the use of folding equipment to slit, perforate, fold and score Make accurate paper cuts using a mechanized paper cutter. Demonstrate the fundamentals a d applications of saddle stitching and perfect binding Identify packaging and shrink wrap equipment and materials Estimate the cost of materials and production for performing various bindery operations Identify common production problems in the bindery Demonstrate and perform preventative maintenance on a paper cutter and on a folder. Demonstrate and properly use folding equipment to produce a high-folio lip signature and a low-folio lip signature describe the advantages of both. End of Course Assessment Check the assessment instruments that will be used to document student attainment of the course knowledge and skills. Teacher-designed end-of-course assessment: Students must master 80% of the PrintED competencies. School system-designed end-of-course assessment Partner-developed exam: (specify)   Licensing exam: (specify)   Certification or credentialing exam: (specify) (PrintED end of course exam in Offset Press /Binding and Finishing) Nationally recognized examination: (specify) PrintED end of course exam in Offset Press /Binding and Finishing) Course Title: Advanced Graphic Communications Course Description: This course has three components: Advanced File Preparation, Advanced Printing Procedures and Advanced Page Imposition. Projects may be substituted for course content and senior projects to keep pace with changing industry standards as advised by the Printing and Graphics Association MidAtlantic. They will print, fold, saddle staple and trim the document and print, fold and GBC bind the children’s booklet. Students complet...