Teaching Schedules. A. Secondary teachers shall not be required to teach continuously for more than three (3) periods, nor three (3) hours where double periods are used. Elementary teachers shall not be required to teach continuously for more than three (3) hours.
B. Every effort shall be made to see that no secondary teacher is required to teach more than two (2) different subjects or grade levels.
Teaching Schedules. The schedule of classes for each semester shall be planned to accommodate the needs of students and to utilize classroom facilities efficiently. Before teaching schedules are assigned, each Instructor shall be provided an opportunity to present in writing the Instructor's schedule preferences with regard to courses to be taught, day and evening classes (minimization of time period between the Instructor's first and last class each day and maximization of the time period between the end of the Instructor's last class one day and the beginning of the Instructor's first class the following day), off-campus classes, number of different course preparations, maximum consecutive hours of lecture/laboratory hours, the desire for overload, and room preferences. The Xxxx shall take under consideration the Instructor's preferences in making class assignments and shall not arbitrarily disregard such preferences. An Instructor shall not be assigned an overload without the Instructor's consent, except as required by the balancing provisions of the Teaching Load, Appendix B. An Instructor shall not be assigned Saturday classes or an assignment for substitute teaching without the Instructor's consent unless there is no other qualified Faculty Member available for such assignment. If an Instructor must be assigned, without the Instructor's consent, to Saturday classes, the Instructor shall not be assigned duties on Mondays, provided the Instructor is not teaching a voluntary overload assignment. Those Faculty Members whose loads are split between two or more Divisions shall not arbitrarily have the ratio of their load changed. The Xxxx or Deans shall take into consideration the Faculty Member's preference in establishing loads and shall not arbitrarily disregard such preferences. There shall be no transfer of Faculty Members from one Division to another without prior consultation with the Faculty Member.
Teaching Schedules. 1. Teaching schedules shall be so arranged that the elapsed time between the beginning of the first class and the end of the last class shall not exceed six (6) hours in any one day unless greater elapsed time is agreed to by the affected faculty member or is necessary to complete a regular load.
2. There shall be at least twelve (12) hours between the end of the last class of one day and the beginning of the first class of the next day unless the affected faculty member agrees otherwise. The College, however, shall make every effort to maintain at least fourteen (14) hours between them.
Teaching Schedules. A copy of teaching schedules, including non-teaching assignments, shall be available at each school. All non-teaching duties and emergency assignments within a school are to be shared among the bargaining unit members on an equitable basis, subject to the requirements of the situation.
Teaching Schedules. Section 1 - Normal Daily and Weekly Schedules This Article is intended to define the normal daily and weekly work schedule. While the District intends to currently follow the schedules set forth in this Agreement, and while the District will negotiate changes in such normal schedules (other than temporary changes) before their implementation, if agreement is not reached with the Association the District retains the right to implement such schedules so long as the number of periods per day (hours for elementary teachers) are not increased, so long as the number of teaching and study hall supervision periods are not increased, and so long as the average length of each period is not increased, provided each full-time teacher will still be furnishing the minimum number of days and hours (part-time teachers furnishing the minimum number of days) of student instruction during the school year required by law (without the District's loss of state school aid payments).
Section 2 - Details of Daily Schedules The schedules referred to in Section 1 above are as follows but such schedules may be modified as provided in Section 1 to require each full-time teacher to provide at least the minimum number of hours of pupil instruction during the school year required by law (without the District's loss of state school aid payments).
A. Hours per day: High School (9-12) 6 hours - 35 minutes (20 minutes to be 10 minutes at the start of the day and 10 minutes at the end of the day for teacher-student visitation and other Ishpeming Middle School (5-8) 6 hours - 42 minutes (40 minutes to be spread through the day, including 20 minutes at the start of the day and 15 minutes at the end of the day for teacher-student visitation and other teaching related purposes.) Elementary (K-4) 6 hours - 40 minutes
B. Hours per week: High School(Grades 9-12)
(1) 30 teaching or supervisory periods of up to 51 minutes each (third hour 60 minutes if Channel 1) (teach 6 classes or 5 classes and 1 guided instruction period)by mutual agreement, teach 4 classes and 2 guided instruction periods).
Teaching Schedules. 1. Each round of bargaining the Administration and Association shall review and negotiate the school calendar before it is officially adopted by the Board. Such calendar, as adopted, is set forth in Schedule D. There shall be no deviation from or change in the school calendar except by mutual agreement of the Board and the Association. When the tentative calendar is agreed upon, it may be adopted at the next Board meeting.
2. If additional hours of instruction are required by the State beyond 1098 hours, compensation for the additional time will be bargained between the Administration and Association.
3. Teachers will not be required to be present at school for records days. This in no way lessens the professional responsibilities of teachers.
4. Teachers are required to attend meetings in accordance with the following guidelines. At every level, a total of 90 minutes per month will be available for meetings. Meetings should not exceed 45 minutes in length. For meetings longer than 45 minutes, a site-based decision must be made between the building administrator and the association. For meetings scheduled after the school day, the meeting shall begin 10 minutes after the final bell.
a. Meeting agendas will be created and given to the teaching staff at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The Board agrees that the time of the staff is valuable and that good reason for staff meetings must be present.
b. Part-time teachers are encouraged, but not required, to attend staff meetings unless they are attached continuously to their work schedules.
5. The Board will make assignments in accordance with the following: The teachers' seven and one-half (7.5) consecutive hour workday shall be constructed as follows:
a. Secondary teachers shall be required to supervise students entering prior to the student day and leaving at the termination of the student day for no more than fifteen (15) minutes in total. Intermediate school employees shall not be required to supervise students until 8:35 a.m. and elementary school employees shall not be required to supervise students until 9:01 a.m.
b. All teachers shall have a planning and conference period. It is agreed that this amount of time is to be used professionally by the teaching staff for the purpose directly related to their classroom teaching assignments.
1) All intermediate and secondary teachers shall have a planning and conference period of one (1) class period per day.
2) All elementary teachers shall have a planning...
Teaching Schedules. Administration will collaborate with teachers before making any policy changes to teaching schedules.
Teaching Schedules. Teaching schedules and course assignments shall be made reasonably and fairly and with consideration for departmental and individual faculty needs and with timely notification to faculty. Assignments must be made in accord with Article 6.6; fulfilling base-load requirements for full-time faculty shall take priority over overload assignments and assignments to adjunct faculty.
Teaching Schedules. Teachers shall participate in planning teaching schedules within each school building to the extent possible and subject to the availability of teachers. The final decision rests with the Administration.
Teaching Schedules. 1. The Center Director shall develop the master annual instructional schedule setting forth all courses to be offered along with their meeting times and locations. The Alliance shall receive a copy of the master schedule as soon as the same is available.
2. In developing the course schedules for individual faculty members, the Program Coordinator/Supervisor will give consideration to the expressed preference of individual faculty members regarding course schedules.
3. If a faculty member’s expressed course schedule preference cannot be honored upon written request, the faculty member shall be informed of the reasons in writing by the Program Coordinator/Supervisor.
4. All faculty must meet their classes in accordance with the master schedule except as follows:
a. A change in the location or time of a single class meeting must have the prior approval of the faculty member’s Program Coordinator/Supervisor.
b. Alterations in the master instructional schedule may be made only with the prior written approval of the Center Director or his/her designee.