Ethics Code Sample Clauses

Ethics Code. Contractor agrees that it shall not engage in any activity or conduct that would result in a violation of the Cherokee County Code of Ethics or any other similar law or regulation.
Ethics Code. Supplier agrees to comply with Sprint's Code of Ethics, where applicable, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement and is incorporated in this Agreement.
Ethics Code. The ethics code is Cenit’s introductory card before the market, the society and its members; it establishes the basic principles and the shared responsibility of the Company and its workers.
Ethics Code. Supplier agrees to conduct business with Sprint in an ethical manner that is consistent with The Sprint Principles of Business Conduct for Consultants, Contractors and Suppliers, which Supplier acknowledges has been provided to Supplier as a reference.
Ethics Code. Consultant agrees to comply with Sprint's Code of Ethics, a copy of which has been provided to Consultant and is incorporated in this Agreement.
Ethics Code the Buyer declares that it recognizes and knows the content of the Seller's ethics code and behaviour models (Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001).
Ethics Code. VSA acknowledges that it is informed that the Charter of the City of San Antonio and its Ethics Code prohibit a City officer or employee, as those terms are defined in Part B, Section 10 of the City’s Ethics Code, from having a financial interest in any contract with the City or any City agency such as city-owned utilities. VSA’s Code of Ethics has similar provisions. An officer or employee has a “prohibited financial interest” in a contract with the City or in the sale to the City of land, materials, supplies or service, if any of the following individual(s) or entities is a party to the contract or sale: a City officer or employee; his parent, child or spouse; a business entity in which the officer or employee, or his parent, child or spouse owns ten (10) percent or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity, or ten (10) percent or more of the fair market value of the business entity; a business entity in which any individual or entity above listed is a subcontractor on a City contract, a partner or a parent or subsidiary business entity.
Ethics Code. Ensuring public confidence and trust in City government by providing rules setting forth the ethical conduct required of all City officials and employees.
Ethics Code. Both parties agree to comply with Sprint's Principles of Business Conduct, where applicable, a copy of which has been provided to Supplier.
Ethics Code