EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF BIDS 29.1 The Employer will evaluate and compare only the Bids determined to be substantially responsive in accordance with Clause 26. 29.2 In evaluating the Bids, the Employer will determine for each Bid the evaluated Bid Price by adjusting the Bid Price as follows: (a) Making any correction for errors pursuant to Clause 27; or (b) Making an appropriate adjustments for any other acceptable variations, deviations; and (c) Making appropriate adjustments to reflect discounts or other price modifications offered in accordance with Sub Clause 22.5. 29.3 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any variation, deviation, or alternative offer. Variations, deviations, and alternative offers and other factors which are in excess of the requirements of the Bidding documents or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits for the Employer shall not be taken into account in Bid evaluation. 29.4 The estimated effect of the price adjustment conditions under Clause 47 of the Conditions of Contract, during the period of implementation of the Contract, will not be taken into account in Bid evaluation. 29.5 If the Bid of the successful Bidder is seriously unbalanced in relation to the Engineer’s estimate of the cost of work to be performed under the contract, the Employer may require the Bidder to produce detailed price analyses for any or all items of the Bill of Quantities, to demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with the construction methods and schedule proposed. After evaluation of the price analyses, the Employer may require that the amount of the performance security set forth in Clause 34 be increased at the expense of the successful Bidder to a level sufficient to protect the Employer against financial loss in the event of default of the successful Bidder under the Contract. 30. (Deleted)
Human and Financial Resources to Implement Safeguards Requirements The Borrower shall make available necessary budgetary and human resources to fully implement the EMP and the RP.
Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders 2.24.1 The Procuring entity will evaluate and compare the tenders which have been determined to be substantially responsive, pursuant to paragraph 2.22 2.24.2 The tender evaluation committee shall evaluate the tender within 30 days of the validity period from the date of opening the tender. 2.24.3 A tenderer who gives false information in the tender document about its qualification or who refuses to enter into a contract after notification of contract award shall be considered for debarment from participating in future public procurement.
COUNTY’S QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN The County or its agent will evaluate the Contractor’s performance under this Contract on not less than an annual basis. Such evaluation will include assessing the Contractor’s compliance with all Contract terms and conditions and performance standards. Contractor deficiencies which the County determines are severe or continuing and that may place performance of the Contract in jeopardy if not corrected will be reported to the Board of Supervisors. The report will include improvement/corrective action measures taken by the County and the Contractor. If improvement does not occur consistent with the corrective action measures, the County may terminate this Contract or impose other penalties as specified in this Contract.
Selection Planning Prior to the issuance to consultants of any requests for proposals, the proposed plan for the selection of consultants under the Project shall be furnished to the Association for its review and approval, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Appendix 1 to the Consultant Guidelines. Selection of all consultants’ services shall be undertaken in accordance with such selection plan as shall have been approved by the Association, and with the provisions of said paragraph 1.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Contractor shall establish and maintain a quality assurance/quality control program which shall include procedures for continuous control of all construction and comprehensive inspection and testing of all items of Work, including any Work performed by Subcontractors, so as to ensure complete conformance to the Contract with respect to materials, workmanship, construction, finish, functional performance, and identification. The program established by Contractor shall comply with any quality assurance/quality control requirements incorporated in the Contract.
Annual Evaluations The purpose of the annual evaluation is to assess and communicate the nature and extent of an employee's performance of assigned duties consistent with the criteria specified below in this Policy. Except for those employees who have received notice of non-reappointment pursuant to the BOT- UFF Policy on Non- reappointment, every employee shall be evaluated at least once annually. Personnel decisions shall take such annual evaluations into account, provided that such decisions need not be based solely on written faculty performance evaluations.
NMHS Governance, Safety and Quality Requirements 2.1 Participates in the maintenance of a safe work environment. 2.2 Participates in an annual performance development review. 2.3 Supports the delivery of safe patient care and the consumers’ experience including participation in continuous quality improvement activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other recognised health standards. 2.4 Completes mandatory training (including safety and quality training) as relevant to role. 2.5 Performs duties in accordance with Government, WA Health, North Metropolitan Health Service and Departmental / Program specific policies and procedures. 2.6 Abides by the WA Health Code of Conduct, Occupational Safety and Health legislation, the Disability Services Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.
SMHS Governance, Safety and Quality Requirements 4.1 Participates in the maintenance of a safe work environment. 4.2 Participates in an annual performance development review. 4.3 Supports the delivery of safe patient care and the consumers’ experience including participation in continuous quality improvement activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other recognised health standards. 4.4 Completes mandatory training (including safety and quality training) as relevant to role. 4.5 Performs duties in accordance with Government, WA Health, South Metropolitan Health Service and Departmental / Program specific policies and procedures. 4.6 Abides by the WA Health Code of Conduct, Occupational Safety and Health legislation, the Disability Services Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.
EMHS Governance, Safety and Quality Requirements 4.1 Participates in the maintenance of a safe work environment. 4.2 Actively participates in the Peak Performance program. 4.3 Supports the delivery of safe patient care and the consumers’ experience including participation in continuous quality improvement activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other recognised health standards. 4.4 Completes mandatory training (including safety and quality training) as relevant to role. 4.5 Performs duties in accordance with the EMHS Vision and Values, WA Health Code of Conduct, Occupational Safety and Health legislation, the Disability Services Act and the Equal Opportunity Act and Government, WA Health, EMHS and Departmental / Program specific policies and procedures.