Exclusionary Criteria Sample Clauses

Exclusionary Criteria. The Network Service Provider acknowledges that any of the following would prohibit a contract with the Managing Entity: 1. Is barred, suspended, or otherwise prohibited from doing business with any government entity, or has been barred, suspended, or otherwise prohibited from doing business with any government entity in accordance with s. 287.133, Fla. Stat.; 2. Is under investigation or indictment for criminal conduct, or has been convicted of any crime which would adversely reflect on its ability to provide services, or which adversely reflects its ability to properly handle public funds; 3. Has had a contract terminated by the Department for failure to satisfactorily perform or for cause; 4. Has failed to implement a CAP action plan approved by the Department or any other governmental entity, after having received due notice; or
Exclusionary Criteria. The Network Service Provider acknowledges that any of the following would prohibit a contract with the Managing Entity: 1. Is barred, suspended, or otherwise prohibited from doing business with any government entity, or has been barred, suspended, or otherwise prohibited from doing business with any government entity in accordance with s. 287.133, Fla. Stat.; 2. Is under investigation or indictment for criminal conduct, or has been convicted of any crime which would adversely reflect on its ability to provide services, or which adversely reflects its ability to properly handle public funds; 3. Has had a contract terminated by the Department for failure to satisfactorily perform or for cause; 4. Has failed to implement a CAP action plan approved by the Department or any other governmental entity, after having received due notice; or 5. Has had any prohibited business activity with the Governments of Sudan and Iran as described in §215.473, Fla. Stat. Pursuant to §287.135(5), Fla. Stat., the Managing Entity shall immediately terminate the subcontract for cause if the Network Service Provider is found to have submitted a false certification or if the Provider is placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List during the term of the subcontract.
Exclusionary Criteria. The Network Service Provider acknowledges that any of the following would prohibit a contract with the Managing Entity: 1. Is barred, suspended, or otherwise prohibited from doing business with any government entity, or has been barred, suspended, or otherwise prohibited from doing business with any 2. Is under investigation or indictment for criminal conduct, or has been convicted of any crime which would adversely reflect on its ability to provide services, or which adversely reflects its ability to properly handle public funds; 3. Has had a contract terminated by the Department for failure to satisfactorily perform or for cause; 4. Has failed to implement a corrective action plan approved by the Department or any other governmental entity, after having received due notice; or 5. Has had any prohibited business activity with the Governments of Sudan and Iran as described in §215.473(2), Fla. Stat. Regardless of the amount of the subcontract, the Managing Entity shall immediately terminate a subcontract for cause, if at any time during the lifetime of the subcontract, a the Network Service Provider is found to have submitted a false certification under s. 287.135, F.S., or is placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, or is placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector, or is placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List or is engaged in a boycott of Israel.
Exclusionary Criteria. The Center takes every referral on a case-by-case basis, but typically does not serve children who cannot perform basic life and self-care skills (such as feeding and toileting) and who may not have the cognitive ability to engage in therapy or counseling sessions. In addition, typically, the Center does not serve children whose primary disability is autism. In order to provide appropriate treatment, children’s parents must, at minimum, consent to and participate in an in-person psychiatric or psychosocial evaluation. The Center reserves the right to refuse admission to a child or terminate provisional placement if a parent is unable to meet these minimum criteria. XXX acknowledges, the Center reserves the right to use its sole professional judgement regarding admissions decisions and may in this judgment deny any student who is unlikely to benefit from the services offered by the program.
Exclusionary Criteria. The following factors may not be the primary basis for the student’s learning difficulties: (a) A visual, hearing, or motor disability; (b) Intellectual disability; (c) Emotional disability; (d) Cultural disadvantage; (e) Environmental or economic disadvantage. The termination of placement of a student from Specific Learning Disability services is based on the degree to which the disability interferes with the student’s ability to learn in the regular classroom setting.
Exclusionary Criteria. Exclusionary criteria for the youth may include the following: 1. Youth living independently, or youth for whom a primary caregiver cannot be identified. 2. Youth in need of immediate psychiatric hospitalization due to threat of harm to self-others, psychosis, suicidal or homicidal thoughts/behaviors (MST- Psychiatric is appropriate once youth are stabilized) 3. Juvenile sex offenders (sex offending in the absence of other delinquent or antisocial behavior). 4. Youth with moderate to severe difficulties with social communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors, which may be captured by a diagnosis of autism.
Exclusionary Criteria. Exclusionary criteria for any person may include the following: a. Person located outside of Orange County at the time of the crisis, 911 call.

Related to Exclusionary Criteria

  • Service Eligibility Criteria High capacity EELs must comply with the following service eligibility requirements. <<customer_short_name>> must certify for each high-capacity EEL that all of the following service eligibility criteria are met: <<customer_short_name>> has received state certification to provide local voice service in the area being served; For each combined circuit, including each DS1 circuit, each DS1 EEL, and each DS1-equivalent circuit on a DS3 EEL: 1) Each circuit to be provided to each End User will be assigned a local number prior to the provision of service over that circuit; 2) Each DS1-equivalent circuit on a DS3 EEL must have its own local number assignment so that each DS3 must have at least twenty-eight (28) local voice numbers assigned to it; 3) Each circuit to be provided to each End User will have 911 or E911 capability prior to provision of service over that circuit; 4) Each circuit to be provided to each End User will terminate in a collocation arrangement that meets the requirements of 47 C.F.R. § 51.318(c); 5) Each circuit to be provided to each End User will be served by an interconnection trunk over which <<customer_short_name>> will transmit the calling party’s number in connection with calls exchanged over the trunk; 6) For each twenty-four (24) DS1 EELs or other facilities having equivalent capacity, <<customer_short_name>> will have at least one (1) active DS1 local service interconnection trunk over which <<customer_short_name>> will transmit the calling party’s number in connection with calls exchanged over the trunk; and 7) Each circuit to be provided to each End User will be served by a switch capable of switching local voice traffic. BellSouth may, on an annual basis, audit <<customer_short_name>>’s records in order to verify compliance with the qualifying service eligibility criteria. The audit shall be conducted by a third party independent auditor, and the audit must be performed in accordance with the standards established by the American Institute for Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). To the extent the independent auditor’s report concludes that <<customer_short_name>> failed to comply with the service eligibility criteria, <<customer_short_name>> must true-up any difference in payments, convert all noncompliant circuits to the appropriate service, and make the correct payments on a going-forward basis. In the event the auditor’s report concludes that <<customer_short_name>> did not comply overall in any material respect with the service eligibility criteria, <<customer_short_name>> shall reimburse BellSouth for the cost of the independent auditor. To the extent the auditor’s report concludes that <<customer_short_name>> did comply in all material respects with the service eligibility criteria, BellSouth will reimburse <<customer_short_name>> for its reasonable and demonstrable costs associated with the audit. <<customer_short_name>> will maintain appropriate documentation to support its certifications. In the event <<customer_short_name>> converts special access services to UNEs, <<customer_short_name>> shall be subject to the termination liability provisions in the applicable special access tariffs, if any.

  • Criteria (1) Annual Evaluation Criteria. All performance evaluations shall be based upon assigned duties, and shall carefully consider the nature of the assignment in terms, where applicable, of: a. Teaching effectiveness, including effectiveness in presenting knowledge, information, and ideas by means or methods such as lecture, discussion, assignment and recitation, demonstration, laboratory exercise, practical experience, supervision of interns, theses, professional projects and/or dissertations, and direct consultation with students. The evaluation shall include consideration of effectiveness in imparting knowledge and skills, and effectiveness in stimulating students' critical thinking and/or creative abilities, the development or revision of curriculum and course structure, and adherence to accepted standards of professional behavior in meeting responsibilities to students. The evaluator may take into account class notes, syllabi, student exams and assignments, and any other materials relevant to the employee's teaching assignment. The teaching evaluation must take into account any relevant materials submitted by the employee, including the results of peer evaluations of teaching, and may not be based solely on student evaluations when this additional information has been made available to the evaluator. b. Contribution to the discovery of new knowledge, development of new educational techniques, and other forms of creative activity. Evidence of research and other creative activity shall include, but not be limited to, published books; articles and papers in professional journals; musical compositions, paintings, sculpture; works of performing art; papers presented at meetings of professional societies; funded grant activities; and research and creative accomplishments that have not yet resulted in publication, display, or performance. The evaluation shall include consideration of the employee's productivity, including the quality and quantity of the employee's research and other creative programs and contributions during the year, as well as recognition by the academic or professional community of what has been done. c. Public service that extends professional or discipline-related contributions to the community, the State, public schools, and/or the national and international community. This public service includes contributions to scholarly and professional organizations, governmental boards, agencies, and commissions that are beneficial to such groups and individuals. d. Participation in the governance processes of the University through significant service on committees, councils, and senates, beyond that associated with the expected responsibility to participate in the governance of the University through participation in regular departmental or college meetings. e. Other assigned University duties, such as attending University events, advising, counseling, and academic administration, or as described in a Position Description, if any, of the position held by the employee. Other assigned duties may include entrepreneurial activities that contribute to the further development of the University with an end result of creating a new venture. Evidence of entrepreneurial contributions shall include, but not be limited to, creation of self- supporting centers or institutes, development of multi- disciplinary research partnerships, and applications of research to implementations in society. To provide guidelines for the establishment, maintenance and use of employee evaluation files within the employee’s respective academic unit.

  • Selection Criteria Each Contract is secured by a new or used Motorcycle. No Contract has a Contract Rate less than 1.00%. Each Contract amortizes the amount financed over an original term no greater than 84 months (excluding periods of deferral of first payment). Each Contract has a Principal Balance of at least $500.00 as of the Cutoff Date.

  • Eligibility Criteria Students seeking college credit through this bilateral articulation agreement must meet the following criteria/requirements: • The student must have completed the secondary Tech Prep competencies (academic and technical) relevant to the Central Ohio Technical College courses, with a grade of A, B, or C. • An application and subsequent matriculation to Engineering Technology at Central Ohio Technical College must occur within 3 years of the Adult Education completion date. • The student must meet all college entrance, general admission and program specific requirements and complete the Accuplacer or ACT assessment. • The student is responsible to inform college admissions personnel of his/her eligibility for articulated college credit and verify that appropriate documentation has been provided to the college by the secondary school. • Secondary instructors are required to have the appropriate teaching credential as defined by the Ohio Department of Education. • For the purpose of compliance with state, program or regional accreditation standards, Central Ohio Technical College reserves the right to review, validate and copy the credentials (e.g., college transcripts and resumes) of the instructors of articulated courses for external auditing purposes. • The secondary instructor(s) will complete an Instructor Recommendation Form for each student upon completion which will be maintained in the student’s secondary permanent file. An Instructor Recommendation Form must be submitted to the Records and Registration Office prior to receiving credit. • The college and secondary school will develop methods of publicizing the agreement to encourage students to take advantage of seamless transitions and advanced placement opportunities. • There will be no charge for college credit awarded through this agreement. • Student eligibility for technical or related credit is primarily determined by high school teachers evaluation based upon predetermined criteria set by the college. In certain cases, record of relevant student external certification, college proficiency testing, review of portfolios, or other forms of assessment may also be required. • Placement in Central Ohio Technical College’s courses is determined by the student’s scores on the college’s required placement test(s). Credit is available only for the technical courses specified on the attached list of articulated courses. • Articulated courses are recorded on the student’s permanent records after a student enrolls in and completes a non-articulated college credit course at Central Ohio Technical College. The administrators and faculty of the program at both levels pledge their commitment and support to continuing this relationship and to promoting these articulation opportunities to the students.

  • Evaluation Criteria 5.2.1. The responses will be evaluated based on the following: (edit evaluation criteria below as appropriate for your project)

  • General Criteria (a) If general criteria are required as part of the Application, only one (1) set shall be completed. General criteria measure the quality of the Land Manager’s overall OHV program. The Applicants shall answer these questions with respect to the entirety of the OHV operation, including all trails and areas available for OHV Recreation, not just specific Projects or Project Areas. (b) General criteria include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) OHV Opportunity and services provided, (2) Agency contribution to the overall cost of managing and delivering the OHV Opportunity, (3) Management of natural and Cultural Resources, (4) Effective education of rules/regulations, and (5) Past performance in completing and administering Xxxxx funded Projects. (c) Non-land manager Applicants required to complete the general criteria shall cooperate with the Land Manager(s) to obtain the information necessary to complete the general criteria section of the Application. Note: Authority cited: Sections 5001.5 and 5003, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 5024.1, 5090.32 and 5090.50, Public Resources Code.

  • Award Criteria 40.1 The Procuring Entity shall award the Contract to the successful tenderer whose tender has been determined to be the Lowest Evaluated Tender in accordance with procedures in Section 3: Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

  • System for Award Management (XXX) Requirement Alongside a signed copy of this Agreement, Grantee will provide Florida Housing with a XXX.xxx proof of registration and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number. Grantee will continue to maintain an active XXX registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award under this Agreement.

  • Scope of Service Interconnection Service shall be provided to the Interconnection Customer at the Point of Interconnection (a), in the case of interconnection of the Customer Facility of a Generation Interconnection Customer, up to the Maximum Facility Output, and (b), in the case of interconnection of the Customer Facility of a Transmission Interconnection Customer, up to the Nominal Rated Capability. The location of the Point of Interconnection shall be mutually agreed by the Interconnected Entities, provided, however, that if the Interconnected Entities are unable to agree on the Point of Interconnection, the Transmission Provider shall determine the Point of Interconnection, provided that Transmission Provider shall not select a Point of Interconnection that would impose excessive costs on either of the Interconnected Entities and shall take material system reliability considerations into account in such selection. Specifications for the Customer Facility and the location of the Point of Interconnection shall be set forth in an appendix to the Interconnection Service Agreement and shall conform to those stated in the Facilities Study.

  • Benchmarks for Measuring Accessibility For the purposes of this Agreement, the accessibility of online content and functionality will be measured according to the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA and the Web Accessibility Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 for web content, which are incorporated by reference.