EXCLUSIVE FACILITIES. 6.1 Where a Customer requests an exclusive facility at venue where an Event is being held, this will be subject to an additional exclusivity fee plus VAT where applicable. Such exclusivity fee shall be confirmed to the Customer in writing.
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EXCLUSIVE FACILITIES. As provided in Paragraph 3.1 of the FirstAmerica -------------------- Agreement, Dealer shall maintain separate, exclusive, freestanding Honda Dealership Operations that are in full and timely compliance with American Honda standards and guidelines relating to Honda Dealership Operations, facility design, functionality and capacity, and enhancements to American Honda's brand image, which standards and guidelines American Honda may reasonably modify from time to time, shall exclusively offer a full range of Honda Products and services and shall not offer competing products or services from its Dealership Premises. In addition, Dealer agrees that even though the facilities may exceed American Honda's minimum requirements now or in the future, the separate, exclusive, freestanding Honda Dealership Operations will remain separate, exclusive and freestanding for Honda Products and Honda Dealership Operations.
EXCLUSIVE FACILITIES. 11.1 (a) If the Participants cannot reach agreement on any proposal to invest capital in the Additional Facilities in accordance with Clause 10.1 within ninety (90) days of that proposal first being considered by the Operating Committee then such Participant or Participants (less than all of the Participants) wishing to finance the construction of such Additional Facilities (the “Exclusive Facilities”), shall propose to the Operating Committee its/their wish to finance the construction of the Exclusive Facilities and provide the Operating Committee sufficient details to consider the proposal. Within ninety (90) days after receipt of such proposal the Operating Committee may by unanimous agreement elect to construct the proposed Exclusive Facilities, or may by majority vote approve the construction of the Exclusive Facilities by the proposing Participant or Participants (the "Financing Participants") or disapprove construction of the proposed Exclusive Facilities on the grounds that it would create an unsafe condition or impair proper operation of the existing Facilities. Any Financing Participant or Participants shall make the necessary capital investment in their own name(s). Any Exclusive Facilities constructed will be subject to the following conditions:
EXCLUSIVE FACILITIES. Subject always to the provisions of Clause 23.1(a) relating to Liabilities in respect or claims arising out of Aircraft Refuelling, Liabilities in respect of loss or damage to the Exclusive Facilities, or to their use, shall be borne by the Financing Participants of such Exclusive Facilities pursuant to Clause 11.
EXCLUSIVE FACILITIES. As provided in Paragraph 3.1 of the Lithia Agreement, as amended, Dealer shall maintain separate, exclusive, freestanding Acura Dealership Operations that are in full and timely compliance with American Honda standards and guidelines relating to Acura Dealership Operations, facility design, functionality and capacity, and enhancements to American Honda's brand image, which standards and guidelines American Honda may reasonably modify from time to time, shall exclusively offer a full range of Acura Products and services and shall not offer competing products or services from its Dealership Premises. Dealer agrees to bring the currently non-exclusive Acura Dealership Operations in Bakersfield, California into compliance on or before October 1, 1998.
EXCLUSIVE FACILITIES. As provided in Paragraph 3.1 of the Lithia Agreement, Dealers non-exclusive Honda Dealership Operations will by no later than December 31, 1997, be conducting all business in a separate, freestanding, exclusive new facility built and maintained in full compliance and conformity with Honda's designs and specifications, including Honda's minimum land and building requirements, as detailed within the Honda Image Program. Such new, exclusive Honda dealership facility will be located on a site acceptable to AHM. Thereafter, Dealer shall maintain separate, exclusive, freestanding Honda Dealership Operations that are in full and timely compliance with American Honda standards and guidelines relating to Honda Dealership Operations, facility design, functionality and capacity, and enhancements to American Honda's brand image, which standards and guidelines American Honda may reasonably modify from time to time, shall exclusively offer a full range of Honda Products and services and shall not offer competing products or services from its Dealership Premises. In addition, Dealer agrees that even though the facilities may exceed AHM's minimum requirements now or in the future, the separate, exclusive, freestanding Honda Dealership Operations will remain separate, exclusive and freestanding for Honda Products and Honda Dealership Operations.
EXCLUSIVE FACILITIES. As provided in Paragraph 1.7 of the Agreement, Dealer shall provide separate, exclusive, freestanding Honda Dealership Operations that are in full and timely compliance with American Honda standards and guidelines relating to Honda Dealership Operations, facility design, functionality and capacity, and enhancements to American Honda's brand image, which standards and guidelines American Honda may reasonably modify from time to time, shall exclusively offer a full range of Honda Products and services and shall not offer competing products or services from its Dealership Premises. ADDENDUM TO HONDA AUTOMOBILE DEALER SALES AND SERVICE AGREEMENT
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  • Access to Facilities Each of the Company and each of its Subsidiaries will permit any representatives designated by the Purchaser (or any successor of the Purchaser), upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours, at such person's expense and accompanied by a representative of the Company, to:

  • Office Facilities During the Employment Period, the Company will furnish Executive, without charge, suitable office facilities for the purpose of performing his duties hereunder, which facilities shall include secretarial, telephone, clerical and support personnel and services and shall be similar to those furnished to employees of the Company having comparable positions.

  • Banking Facilities CLAUSE 2.29 of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth ------------------ a true, correct and complete list of:

  • Working Facilities During the Term of Employment, the Company shall furnish the Executive with an office, secretarial help and such other facilities and services suitable to his position and adequate for the performance of his duties hereunder.

  • Location and Facilities The Executive will be furnished with the working facilities and staff customary for executive officers with the title and duties set forth in Section 1 and as are necessary for him to perform his duties. The location of such facilities and staff shall be at the principal administrative offices of the Company and the Bank, or at such other site or sites customary for such offices.

  • Facilities Keep all properties useful or necessary to Borrower's business in good repair and condition, and from time to time make necessary repairs, renewals and replacements thereto so that such properties shall be fully and efficiently preserved and maintained.

  • Parking Facilities Alamo Colleges District shall make the existing parking facilities at the rented Facility available for the vehicular traffic and parking necessitated by the Organization’s Use of the rented Facility, on a non-exclusive basis, as specified at Exhibit A. MAXIMUM CAPACITY. Organization anticipates approximately the number of participants stated at Exhibit A and agrees to inform Alamo Colleges District of any significant changes five (5) business days in advance of a Use. Organization shall not admit a larger number of persons than can safely and freely move about the Facility. Alamo Colleges District shall notify Organization of the recommended capacity of the Facility and all decisions of Alamo Colleges District concerning questions arising under this Paragraph shall be final.

  • Common Facilities “Common Facilities” includes all areas, facilities, utilities, equipment and services provided by Landlord for the common use or benefit of the occupants of the Property, and their employees, agents, customers and other invitees, including without limitation building lobbies, common corridors and hallways, restrooms, pedestrian walkways, driveways and access roads, access facilities for disabled persons (including elevators), truck serviceways, loading docks, garages, driveways, parking lots, landscaped areas, stairways, elevators, retaining walls, all areas required to be maintained under the conditions of governmental approvals for the Property, comfort and first-aid stations, parcel pick-up stations and other generally understood public or common areas. All Common Facilities shall at all times be subject to the exclusive control and management of Landlord. Landlord shall have the right, without liability to Tenant, to relocate, alter, improve, or adjust the size and location of any Common Facilities from time to time, and Landlord shall have the right from time to time to establish, modify and enforce reasonable rules and regulations with respect to the Common Facilities. Landlord shall have the right to construct, maintain and operate lighting facilities on the Common Facilities; to police the same; from time to time to change the area, level, location and arrangement of parking areas and other facilities; to restrict parking by tenants, their officers, agents and employees to employee parking areas; to enforce parking charges (by operation of meters or otherwise), with appropriate provisions for free parking ticket validating by tenants; to close all or any portion of the Common Facilities to such extent as may, in the opinion of Landlord’s counsel, be legally sufficient to prevent a dedication thereof or the accrual of any rights to any person or the public therein; to close temporarily all or any portion of the Common Facilities; to discourage non-customer parking; and to do and perform such other acts in and to the Common Facilities which Landlord shall determine, using good business judgment, to be advisable to improve the convenience and use thereof by tenants, their officers, agents, employees and customers. Subject to the foregoing, Tenant may use all Common Facilities not within the Premises, under a revocable license, on a nonexclusive basis in common with other tenants. If any such license is revoked, or if the amount of such areas is diminished, Landlord shall not be subject to any liability and Tenant shall not be entitled to any compensation or abatement of rent, nor shall such revocation or diminution be deemed constructive or actual eviction.

  • Other Facilities This Agreement reserves in each party the power to establish a temporary holding facility during a pandemic, riot, civil disobedience or natural disaster, to establish group homes or other care or rehabilitation facilities in furtherance of a social service program, to temporarily transfer Inmates to alternative detention facilities in order to respond to Xxxx overcrowding, a public health directive, or to comply with a final order of a federal court or a state court of record for the care and treatment of Inmates.

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