Expenditure Based (Non-Milestone) with a not to exceed ceiling Sample Clauses

Expenditure Based (Non-Milestone) with a not to exceed ceiling. Program Participant's invoices shall contain the following information, as applicable: date of invoice, period covered by invoice, subcontract number, subcontract line item numbers as applicable, costs by cost element, and a brief description of the work performed for the period. Invoices shall indicate the monthly and cumulative man-hours and a breakout of costs by cost element expended through the period indicated on the invoice. Invoices that include charges for travel, subsistence, and lodging shall be supported by a copy of the employee's travel expense report or other substantiating document. Travel expenses will be reimbursed using the following guidelines: Travel costs must be broken out by trip. All airfare must be coach class. Alcohol is an unallowable expense. As a goal, and whenever possible, lodging and meals and incidental expenses (MI&E) will be paid at Federal Travel Regulation rates (unless prior authorization is obtained from Contractor). Per diem rates can be found on the following website: xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/portal/content/104877. All travel expenses will be reimbursed as incurred, provided they are reasonable and allocable to this effort. Invoices shall substantiate via receipts all expenses in excess of $75.00, including airline tickets, lodging, meals, car rental, etc. Each invoice should also include the following written certification: “I certify that the amounts invoiced are for costs incurred in accordance with the agreement, the work reflected has been performed, and prior payment has not been received.” Authorized Signature _________________________________________ Payment Method: Each Task Order shall identify the Payment Method for that Task Order. Submission of Invoices: Invoices may be submitted no more frequently than monthly. The Recipient shall send the invoice electronically to Program Administrator at xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx. As applicable, the designated PTR, within 10 working days after receipt of each status, deliverable, or milestone report, will either: (i) verify the accomplishment of the technical effort(s) and approve in writing (email is acceptable) the status, deliverable, or milestone report; or (ii) notify the Recipient of the reason for not signing off on the status, deliverable, or milestone report. The 10 days review by the PTR is part of the overall 30-day cycle for processing invoices described above under the heading Payment Terms. If the PTR is unavailable or fails to act as described above, Program Adminis...
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Related to Expenditure Based (Non-Milestone) with a not to exceed ceiling

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  • PRICING OF After Hours Coefficient What is your after hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book for work performed after normal working hours? Remember that this is a ceiling price proposed. You can discount to any TIPS Member customer a lower coefficient than your proposed contract coefficient, but not higher. This is one of three pricing questions that are required for consideration for award on this solicitation. Please consider your answer carefully. An explanation of the TIPS scoring of pricing titled "Pricing Coefficient Instruction" is included in the attachments for your information. The below is an EXAMPLE of how the pricing model works (It is not intended to influence your proposed coefficient, you should propose a coefficient that you determine is reasonable for your business for the life of the contract): The most common after hours coefficient is time and a half of the RS Means Unit Price Book prices. To illustrate this coefficient, if your regular hours coefficient is .95, your after hours coefficient would be 1.45.

  • Reallocation to a Class with a Higher Salary Range Maximum Upon appointment to the higher class, the employee’s base salary will be increased to a step of the range for the new class that is nearest to five percent (5.0%) higher than the amount of the pre-promotional step, or to the entry step of the new range, whichever is higher.

  • JOC - PRICING OF After Hours Coefficient What is your after hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book for work performed after normal working hours? (FAILURE TO RESPOND PROHIBITS PART 2 JOC EVALUATION) Remember that this is a ceiling price proposed. You can discount to any TIPS Member customer a lower coefficient than your proposed contract coefficient, but not higher. This is one of three pricing questions that are required for consideration for award on this solicitation. Please consider your answer carefully. An explanation of the TIPS scoring of pricing titled "Pricing Coefficient Instruction" is included in the attachments for your information. The below is an EXAMPLE of how the pricing model works (It is not intended to influence your proposed coefficient, you should propose a coefficient that you determine is reasonable for your business for the life of the contract): The most common after hours coefficient is time and a half of the RS Means Unit Price Book prices. To illustrate this coefficient, if your regular hours coefficient is .95, your after hours coefficient would be 1.45.

  • Reallocation to a Class with an Equal Salary Range Maximum 1. If the employee meets the skills and abilities requirements of the position, the employee remains in the position and retains existing appointment status.

  • Eligible expenditure 6.1 Eligible expenditure consists of payments by the Recipient for the Purpose. Eligible expenditure is net of VAT recoverable by the Recipient from HM Revenue & Customs and gross of irrecoverable VAT.

  • Are There Penalties for Early Distribution from a Xxxx XXX As indicated above, earnings on your contributions, as well as amounts contributed to a Xxxx XXX as a rollover from a Traditional IRA, that are distributed before certain events are subject to various taxes. Please see IRS Publication 590 for further information about Xxxx XXX rules and restrictions.

  • Maximum Contribution The total amount you may contribute to an IRA for any taxable year cannot exceed the lesser of 100 percent of your compensation or $6,000 for 2019 and 2020, with possible cost- of-living adjustments each year thereafter. If you also maintain a Xxxx XXX (i.e., an IRA subject to the limits of Internal Revenue Code Section (IRC Sec.) 408A), the maximum contribution to your Traditional IRAs is reduced by any contributions you make to your Xxxx IRAs. Your total annual contribution to all Traditional IRAs and Xxxx IRAs cannot exceed the lesser of the dollar amounts described above or 100 percent of your compensation.

  • Expenditure Limit The Contractor shall notify the County of Orange assigned Deputy Purchasing Agent in writing when the expenditures against the Contract reach 75 percent of the dollar limit on the Contract. The County will not be responsible for any expenditure overruns and will not pay for work exceeding the dollar limit on the Contract unless a change order to cover those costs has been issued.

  • Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory 5 4 3 2 1 5. The instructor demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter.

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