EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. Contractor agrees to comply with Government Code Section 8546.7 which provides that any contract involving expenditure of public funds in excess of $10,000 requires that the contracting parties shall be subject to the examination and audit of the Auditor General for a period of three (3) years after final payment under the contract.
EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. 23.1 The monies needed to fund this Agreement in each year of its term must be appropriated annually at a Town Meeting duly warned for that purpose. Should the voters at an Annual Meeting fail to appropriate all of the monies necessary to fund this Agreement in any given year of its term then either party may reopen negotiations on all or part of the entire Agreement and this Agreement shall be deemed expired at the end of the term for which monies have been appropriated.
EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. Any agreement reached which requires the expenditure of public funds for its implementation shall not be binding upon the Employer, unless, and until, the necessary appropriations have been made by the Goffstown Legislative Body at each of its appropriate annual or special School District meetings during the term of this Agreement. The Employer shall make a good-faith effort to secure the funds necessary to implement said Agreement at each of the appropriate annual or special School District meetings. If such funds are not forthcoming, the Employer and the Union shall resume negotiations on all or part of the entire Agreement.
EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. Any agreement reached which requires the expenditure of public funds for its implementation shall not be binding upon the employer, unless and until, the necessary specific appropriations have been made by the Town of Canaan Town Meeting.
EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. 19.1 Any agreement reached that requires the expenditure of public funds for its implementation shall not be binding upon the County, unless, and until, the necessary specific appropriations have been made by the Coös County Delegation at each of its appropriate annual meetings during the term of this agreement. The County shall make a good faith effort to secure the funds necessary to implement said agreement at each of the appropriate annual County Delegation meetings. If such funds are not forthcoming, the County and the Union shall resume negotiations within sixty (60) days of the official vote of the Delegation on the matters affected.
EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. Design Professional agrees to comply with Government Code Section 8546.7 which provides that the contracting Parties for any contract involving expenditure of public funds in excess of $10,000.00 shall be subject to examination and audit by the State Auditor for a period of three (3) years after final payment under the contract.
EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. Any Agreement reached which requires the expenditure of public funds for its implementation shall not be binding upon the Employer unless, and until, the necessary specific appropriations have been made by the Town of Hooksett Town Meetings at each of its appropriate annual meetings during the term of this Agreement. The Employer shall make a good-faith effort to secure the funds necessary to implement said Agreement at each of the appropriate annual meetings. If such funds are not forthcoming, the Employer and the Union shall resume negotiations regarding the matters affected.
EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. The Town of Hooksett and the Union have reached agreement on terms and conditions of employment in accordance with N.H. RSA 273-A as herein set forth. The parties specifically agree that all cost items are subject to the approval of the legislative body at each of the appropriate annual meetings.
EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. 21.1 Any agreement reached which requires the expenditure of public funds for its implementation shall not be binding upon the Board unless, and until, the necessary specific annual appropriations have been made. If such funds are not forthcoming, the Board and the Association shall resume negotiations regarding the matters affected in accordance with RSA 273-A:3(II)(b).
EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. High School District agrees to comply with Government Code Section 8546.7, which provides that any contract involving the expenditure of public funds in excess of $10,000 require that the contracting parties shall be subject to the examination and audit of the Auditor General for a period of three (3) years after final payment under the contract.