Exporter Sample Clauses
Exporter. Provide the exporter’s name, address (including country), e-mail address, and telephone number if different from the certifier. This information is not required if the producer is completing the certification of origin and does not know the identity of the exporter. The address of the exporter shall be the place of export of the good in a Party’s territory.
Exporter. If known, provide the exporter’s name, address, including country, e-mail address and telephone number.
Exporter. Provide the exporter’s name, address (including country), e-mail address and telephone number if different from the certifier. This information is not required if the producer is completing the certification of origin and does not know the identity of the exporter. The address of the exporter shall be the place of export of the good in a TPP country.
Exporter. Provide the exporter’s name, address (including country), e-mail address and telephone number if different from the certifier. This information is not required if the producer is completing the certification of origin and does not know the identity of the exporter. The address of the exporter shall be the place of export of the good in a CPTPP country.
Exporter. The Proposer mentioned in the Proposal Form is the Exporter who is also the Insured named in the Schedule and shown as the Exporter in the extant export documents prescribed by the regulatory authorities.
Exporter. The Exporter module is applied for the generation of an XML file in the TO1/cesDoc format for each stored web document. The XML files contain the textual content converted into UTF-8 and segmented in paragraphs. Moreover, each XML file contains metadata about the corresponding document inside a <cesHeader> element. The first element of the header, the <fileDesc> element, includes general information about the document. Specifically, the <titleStmt> sub-element contains the title of the document (<title> container) and the PANACEA partner responsible for these operations on this particular document. The <publicationStmt> sub-element holds information about the status (i.e. distributor and its e-address, availability and publication date) of the document. The <sourceDesc> sub-element groups bibliographical information for the document such as the title, the author, the publisher, the date downloaded and the URL it was downloaded from. The second element of the header, the <profileDesc> includes information about the content of the document. In particular, the <langUsage> sub-element reports the language of the document and the <textClass> holds the key terms of the document, the sub-domain as identified by the Topic Classifier (see 2.1.5). It is worth mentioning that the key terms included inside the <keywords> sub-element of <textClass> are the keywords extracted from the metadata of the web document. Therefore, these terms should not be confused with the terms detected in this particular document during comparison with the domain definition. The <annotations> sub-element of <profileDesc> is used for storing links to other documents relevant to this basic version. After the exporting phase, there is only one <annotation> which points to the original HTML document. The <body> element contains the content of the document segmented in paragraphs. Besides the normalized text, each paragraph element <p> is enriched with attributes providing more information about the process outcome. Specifically, (<p>) elements in the XML files may contain the following attributes:
1. crawlinfo with possible values:
a. boilerplate, meaning that the paragraph has been considered boilerplate by the Cleaner module (see subsection 2.1.3) as shown in the following example: <p id="p1" crawlinfo="boilerplate">Home</p> <p id="p2" crawlinfo="boilerplate">Partners</p> <p id="p3" crawlinfo="boilerplate">Main Menu</p> <p id="p4" crawlinfo="boilerplate">Home</p> <p id="p5" crawlinfo="boiler...
Exporter. The Exporter stores the parsed XML, including additional content. The storage is temporary, just enough to ensure the XML is available when the external Repository requests updates. The XML is then distributed onto whichever repository, search engine or database, that the end client is requesting from. The only component of Step 6 is the Exporter. • The Exporter stores the XML temporarily in an FTP server for repositories to come and fetch the latest data file of the XML captured by the spider. When the file is exported each data file is expected to be deleted. Any data file older than 24 hours on the FTP-server are deleted. The steps and the components of the spider are presented in The BlogForever spider component forms part of the pre-ingest activity leading to the creation of the submission information package as prescribed by the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) model. The integration of the weblog spider into the OAIS model is illustrated in Figure 4. .
Exporter a resident of one of the States of the Contracting Parties who is a party to a foreign-trade agreement (transaction) that supplies goods to a resident of the State of the other Contracting Party.
Exporter. Exporter means an exporter located, and required under this part to maintain records regarding exportations of a good, in the United States, Canada or Mexico.