STATEWIDE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM If the maximum amount payable to Contractor under this Contract is $100,000 or greater, either on the Effective Date or at any time thereafter, this section shall apply. Contractor agrees to be governed by and comply with the provisions of §§00-000-000, 00-000-000, 00-000-000, and 00- 000-000, C.R.S. regarding the monitoring of vendor performance and the reporting of contract information in the State’s contract management system (“Contract Management System” or “CMS”). Contractor’s performance shall be subject to evaluation and review in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract, Colorado statutes governing CMS, and State Fiscal Rules and State Controller policies.
Construction Management Plan Contractor shall prepare and furnish to the Owner a thorough and complete plan for the management of the Project from issuance of the Proceed Order through the issuance of the Design Professional's Certificate of Material Completion. Such plan shall include, without limitation, an estimate of the manpower requirements for each trade and the anticipated availability of such manpower, a schedule prepared using the critical path method that will amplify and support the schedule required in Article 2.1.5 below, and the Submittal Schedule as required in Article 2.2.3. The Contractor shall include in his plan the names and resumés of the Project Superintendent, Project Manager and the person in charge of Safety.
Project Manager, County The County shall appoint a Project Manager to act as liaison between the County and the Subrecipient during the term of this Contract. The County’s Project Manager shall coordinate the activities of the County staff assigned to work with the Subrecipient.
Project Management Plan Developer is responsible for all quality assurance and quality control activities necessary to manage the Work, including the Utility Adjustment Work. Developer shall undertake all aspects of quality assurance and quality control for the Project and Work in accordance with the approved Project Management Plan and
Administration and Risk Management Employees of Federated Advisory Services Company provide support to portfolio managers and other employees of affiliated advisers. Such services may include development of risk management programs, production of portfolio and compliance reports for clients and/or fund Boards, coordination of client portfolios and related fixed income trade execution implementation and administration, completion of required broker and custody documentation, development and documentation of operational procedures, coordination of proxy voting activities, on-site support of hardware and software, etc.”
Program Management 1.1.01 Implement and operate an Immunization Program as a Responsible Entity 1.1.02 Identify at least one individual to act as the program contact in the following areas: 1. Immunization Program Manager;
Agreement Administration SBBC has delegated authority to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee to take any actions necessary to implement and administer this Agreement.
Transportation Management Tenant shall fully comply with all present or future programs intended to manage parking, transportation or traffic in and around the Building, and in connection therewith, Tenant shall take responsible action for the transportation planning and management of all employees located at the Premises by working directly with Landlord, any governmental transportation management organization or any other transportation-related committees or entities.
Access Management The Engineer shall coordinate and evaluate access management within the project limits in accordance with the latest State Access Management Manual or as directed by the State.
Virus Management DST shall maintain a malware protection program designed to deter malware infections, detect the presence of malware within DST environment.