Family Planning Program. Family planning and family planning-related services are available to all women of childbearing age who are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid, CHIP, or Medicare, and who have a family income at or below 200 percent of the FPL. Family planning services and supplies described in section 1905(a)(4)(c) and are limited to those services and supplies whose primary purpose is family planning and are provided in a family planning setting. Family planning services and supplies are reimbursable at the 90 percent matching rate, including:
a. Approved methods of contraception;
b. Sexually transmitted infection (STI)/ sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing, pap smears, and pelvic exams in conjunction with the family planning method of choice;
Family Planning Program. Identify all significant program developments/issues/problems that have occurred in the current quarter, including the required data and information under Section VII, including enrollment data requested that is not represented in the formatted tables. • Beneficiaries Enrolled • Programmatic Update • Reasons for disenrollment/discharge from program • Status of Registry • For the quarter ending March 30 each year, attach a copy of the annual report completed in accordance with Appendix A of the approved ICS waiver.
Family Planning Program. 1. The Contract is amended to add funds in the amount of $87,472.57 for unpaid Fee-for-Service claims for state fiscal year 2023 under the Family Planning Program component of the Contract.
2. The amended not-to-exceed amount for the Family Planning Program component of the Contract for state fiscal year 2023 is, therefore, increased to $428,227.91.
Family Planning Program. Identify all significant program developments/issues/problems that have occurred in the current quarter, including the required data and information under Section VII, including enrollment data requested that is not represented in the formatted tables. • Beneficiaries Enrolled • Programmatic Update • Reasons for disenrollment/discharge from program • Enrollment Activities and/or Backlog • Benefit Expansion Status • Status of Registry • For the quarter ending March 30 each year, attach a copy of the annual report completed in accordance with Appendix A of the approved LAH waiver. Identify all current activities, by program and or Demonstration population. Include items such as status, and impact to date as well as short and long-term challenges, successes and goals.