FINAL PROJECT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION. Upon completion of the Project, the Grantee shall provide for a final inspection and shall certify that the Project has been completed in accordance with this Agreement, any final plans and specifications submitted to the State Water Board, and any amendments or modifications thereto. If the Project involved the planning, investigation, evaluation, design, or other work requiring interpretation and proper application of engineering, or other professionals, the final inspection and certification shall be conducted by a California Registered Civil Engineer or other appropriate California registered professional. The results of the final inspection and certification shall be provided to the Grant Manager.
FINAL PROJECT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION. Upon completion of the Project, the Recipient must provide for a final inspection and must certify that the Project has been completed in accordance with this Agreement, any final plans and specifications submitted to the State Water Board, and any amendments or modifications thereto. If the Project involves the planning, investigation, evaluation, design, or other work requiring interpretation and proper application of engineering, or other professionals, the final inspection and certification must be conducted by a California Registered Civil Engineer or other appropriate California registered professional. The results of the final inspection and certification must be submitted to the Project Manager. EXHIBIT B – FUNDING AMOUNTS
FINAL PROJECT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION. Upon completion of the Project, the Grantee shall provide for a final inspection and shall certify that the Project has been completed in accordance with the Agreement. Any final plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Division of Boating and Waterways, and any amendments or modification thereto. If the Project involved the planning, investigation, evaluation, design, or other work requiring interpretation and proper application of engineering, or other professionals, the final inspection and certification shall be conducted by a California Registered Civil Engineer or other appropriate California registered professional. The results of the final inspection and certification shall be provided to the Grant Administrator. The Grantee agrees to expeditiously provide, during work on the Project and throughout the terms of this Agreement, such reports, data, information, and certifications that may be reasonably required by the Division of Boating and Waterways.