Other Allowances The District shall pay to each teacher appointed by the District to the following positions, the Allowance respectively set forth opposite each such position, namely: (a) Supervisor 25,820 (b) Consultant 12,301 (c) Coordinating teacher 4,179
Meal Allowances Employees assigned to be in travel status between the employee's temporary or permanent work station and a field assignment shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of meals including a reasonable gratuity. Employees must meet the following conditions to be eligible for meal reimbursement:
Shift Allowances (a) An Employee whilst on afternoon or night shift must be paid for such shift 15% more than the Employee’s ordinary rate. (b) An Employee who works on an afternoon or night shift which does not continue for at least five successive afternoons or nights must be paid for such shift at time and a half for the first two hours thereof and double time thereafter. (c) An Employee who: (i) during a period of engagement on shift, works night shift only; (ii) remains on night shift for a longer period than four consecutive weeks; or (iii) works on a night shift which does not rotate or alternate with another shift or with day work so as to give the Employee at least one third of their working time off night shift in each shift cycle; must, during such engagement, period or cycle, be paid 30% more than their ordinary rate for all time worked during ordinary working hours on such night shift.
Vehicle Allowance Vehicle allowances for all distances travelled on Employer business shall be paid to employees required to use their own vehicles in the performance of their duties. Ownership of a vehicle shall not be a condition of employment. Vehicle allowance shall be thirty-seven cents (37¢) per kilometre.
Motor Vehicle Allowance 5.1.1 Employees required by their employer to use their own vehicles for school business shall be paid an allowance of $0.62 per kilometre.
Over-Allowance Amount The amount that is equal to the difference between (i) the amount of the Cost Proposal and (ii) the amount of the TI Allowance (less any portion thereof already disbursed by Landlord, or in the process of being disbursed by Landlord, on or before the Cost Proposal Delivery Date that is not otherwise included within the Cost Proposal) shall be referred to herein as the "Over-Allowance Amount." Tenant shall pay to Landlord (a) one-half (1/2) of such Over-Allowance Amount no later than ten (10) days after the Cost Proposal Delivery Date and (b) the other one-half (1/2) of such Over-Allowance Amount within ten (10) days after Landlord gives Tenant written notice that the construction of the Tenant Improvements is completed. The Over-Allowance Amount shall be disbursed by Landlord prior to the disbursement of any then remaining portion of the TI Allowance, and such disbursement shall be pursuant to the same procedure as the TI Allowance. In the event that after the Cost Proposal Delivery Date, any revisions, changes, or substitutions shall be made to the Construction Drawings or the Tenant Improvements, any additional costs which arise in connection with such revisions, changes or substitutions shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord as an addition to the Over-Allowance Amount as follows: (1) one-half (1/2) of such additional amount within five (5) days after Landlord's invoice therefor and (2) the remaining one-half (1/2) of such additional amount within five (5) days following Tenant's receipt of Landlord's written notice that the work to which the change order applies is complete. In addition, upon Landlord's determination of the actual costs incurred by or on behalf of Landlord for the TI Allowance Items, Tenant shall pay Landlord the amount, if any, by which such actual costs exceed the sum of the TI Allowance and the Over-Allowance Amount within fifteen (15) days after being billed therefor, or Landlord may, at its election, require that Tenant deposit with Landlord the full amount of such excess prior to Landlord's delivery of the Expansion Space to Tenant. No portion of the TI Allowance shall be used to pay Tenant or Tenant's agents, contractors or employees, unless and until Landlord's contractors and any other persons and entities employed by or under contract with Landlord have been paid in full.
- Separation Allowances (a) Where an employee resigns within 30 days after receiving notice of layoff pursuant to article 9.08(a)(ii) that his or her position will be eliminated, he or she shall be entitled to a separation allowance of two (2) weeks' salary for each year of continuous service to a maximum of twelve (12) weeks' pay, and, on production of receipts from an approved educational program, within twelve (12) months of resignation, may be reimbursed for tuition fees up to a maximum of three thousand ($3,000) dollars. (b) Where an employee resigns later than 30 days after receiving notice pursuant to Article 9.08(a)(ii) that his or her position will be eliminated, he or she shall be entitled to a separation allowance of four (4) weeks' salary, and, on production of receipts from an approved educational program, within twelve (12) months of resignation, may be reimbursed for tuition fees up to a maximum of one thousand two hundred and fifty ($1,250) dollars."
Interest Subsidy and Special Allowance Payments and Rebate Fees The Seller shall be entitled to all Interest Subsidy Payments and Special Allowance Payments on each Additional Loan or Substituted Loan accruing up to but not including the related Subsequent Cutoff Date and shall be responsible for the payment of any rebate fees applicable to such Purchased Loans subject to the related Xxxx of Sale accruing up to but not including the related Subsequent Cutoff Date. The Purchaser and the Eligible Lender Trustee on behalf of the Purchaser shall be entitled to all Special Allowance Payments and Interest Subsidy Payments accruing from the related Subsequent Cutoff Date with respect to the Additional Loans or Substituted Loans, and shall be responsible for the payment of any rebate fees applicable to the Additional Loans accruing from the date of the related Subsequent Cutoff Date.
Special Allowances In charge Allowances (a) A registered nurse in charge during the day, evening or night of a hospital having a daily average of occupied beds of less than 100 shall be paid, in addition to her or his appropriate salary, whilst so in charge, the sum set out in Item 1 of Table 2 Allowances, at Appendix 1, per shift. (b) A registered nurse in charge of a shift in a xxxx or unit during the day, evening or night in the absence of the Nursing/Midwifery Unit Manager shall be paid, in addition to her or his appropriate salary whilst so in charge the sum set out in Item 2 of Table 2, per shift. This subclause shall only apply where the registered nurse is in charge of one or more other nurses in the xxxx or unit in question. (c) A registered nurse who is designated to be in-charge of a xxxx or unit when the Nursing/Midwifery Unit Manager is not rostered for duty and who is also designated to be in-charge of a hospital with less than 100 beds during the day, evening or night on the same shift shall be paid an allowance per shift of the sum set out in Item 3 of Table 2. This subclause shall only apply where the registered nurse is in charge of one or more other nurses in the xxxx or unit in question. (d) This subclause shall not apply to registered nurses holding classified positions of a higher grade than of a registered nurse. On call (a) An Employee required by his or her Employer to be on call otherwise than as provided in (ii)(b) and (ii)(c) hereof shall be paid the sum as set in Item 4 of Table 2 for each hour or part thereof with a minimum payment of eight hours at that rate. (b) An Employee required to be on call on rostered days off shall be paid the sum as set in Item 5 of Table 2 for each hour or part thereof with a minimum payment of eight hours at that rate. (c) The parties recognise the importance of Employees being afforded the opportunity to take a meal break, noting however that where an Employee is required and authorised by the Employer to remain on call during a meal break, such Employee shall be paid an allowance as set out in Item No 6 of Table 2. (d) Where an Employee on call leaves the hospital and is recalled to duty, the Employee shall be reimbursed all reasonable fares and expenses actually incurred provided that where an Employee uses a motor car in these circumstances the allowance payable shall be the rate set out in Item 13 of table
PAY AND ALLOWANCES 5.1 REGULAR RATE OF PAY: The regular rate of pay for each position shall be in accordance with the rates established for each class as provided for in Appendix B, which is attached thereto and by reference incorporated as a part of this Agreement.